How Did Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson Get An Exclusive Story From The Greenwich Public School System?

The principal of Hamilton Avenue School is leaving at the end of the first week of this school year to begin a central office job in another Connecticut district, school officials announced
Damaris Rau, who has been principal of the Chickahominy school for the past five years and oversaw its arduous transition into a new building this past spring, will finish her tenure there on Sept. 4 before starting her new job on Sept. 8.
Schools officials did not immediately release the name of the district where Rau is headed, saying they were waiting for that district to make a formal announcement.
Nancy Carbone, the recently retired principal of Julian Curtiss School, has agreed to take over as interim principal of Hamilton Avenue School.......
Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson Regurgitates The Following From The Board Of Education Press Release.......
"Rau is an outstanding instructional leader who worked tirelessly for and with the Hamilton Avenue School community over the past five years."
This Is More One Sided Reporting From Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson, because no single family homeowners or Hamilton Avenue activist parents are quoted in the article.
There is no mention of how the children of Hamilton Avenue school suffered under Rau's watch.
Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson only quotes Greenwich deputy school superintendent Ellen Flanagan.
When is Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson Going To Learn That There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story
There is a reason that Rau is leaving and it's called crappy test scores in 2008 and 2009, but Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson wont tell you this.
Did you notice that Damaris Rau and Greenwich School Officials are hiding where she is going to. Could it be that Rau is trying to hide her recent failed record from her new employers?
Read More Of Gustafson's Biased News Report »
Please Also See:
News Talk AM 1490 WGCH - Greenwich Connecticut
Hamilton Avenue School Principal Dr. Damaris Rau Leaving For Undisclosed Position In Undisclosed Connecticut School District ...
When Greenwich Roundup Types
The Greenwich Time Listens
Greenwich Time Cub Reporter
Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson
Refiles His Biased Hamilton Avenue School Story
Hamilton Avenue principal to leave
(Version 2)
Neither Rau nor school officials on Wednesday would release the name of the district where she's headed.....
....Rau's departure now comes at a transition period, as the school community gets settled in its new building and educators there are working to restore earlier academic gains eroded in spring 2008.....
....Nancy Carbone, the recently retired principal of Julian Curtiss School, has agreed to take over as interim principal of Hamilton Avenue School until the position can be filled, officials said. The goal is have somebody permanent by Dec. 31.
"We are fortunate that a principal of Nancy's caliber, with experience in Greenwich, is willing and able to help us through the transition period," Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund said in a statement Wednesday. .....
.....Carbone, is the former principal of Julian Curtiss School, who retired in June after nearly 18 years managing the school. Under Carbone's watch, Julian Curtiss made enough progress on state tests last school year to be removed from the state's list of under-performing schools. That progress came a year after the school was cited by the state for failing to make adequate yearly progress under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.....
...She used bully tactics to meet her personal goals and when finally exposed, completely checked out on everyone.
Having been there when she began at Ham Ave, and yes, being active at the school, her methods went from stellar and inclusive to underhanded, exclusive and abusive.....
Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson has now filed two reports about Hamilton Avenue School Principal Damaris Rau's sudden departure during the first week of school and yet he only talks to and quotes Greenwich Board of Education employees.
No Hamilton Avenue School parents are quoted.
The single family homeowners of Greenwich who have had to pay for her poor performance over the last two years are not quoted by Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson.
If you want to hear what the parents and taxpayers think you have to go to the local Internet message boards, because Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson only talks to Greenwich school employees.
.....Dr. Rau "checked out" on Hamilton Avenue School a couple of years ago. No love loss here. HAS deserves better......
....Did she ruffle some feathers (especially among the "old guard")? Heck yeah....
....Rau was out for Rau and no one else. Whatever made HER look good.....
....She didn't ruffle feathers, she bullied the staff, use the kids for her own personal gain and tried to strong arm the administration. If she had her way, your school would have moved in April last year not February.....
.....Maybe now the Anti-bullying program will actually make a difference since the biggest bully is leaving!.....
.....She checked out when she lost the support of the majority of the parents....
......Good luck and good-bye. Oh, good luck to her new district, too.....
....Staff, and children will have to work twice as hard to make up for the ground loss under Rau over the last two years".....
.....Rau was a dictator and a flash in the pan with the test scores. She didn't want to leave the modular building because she could keep her EYES on the whole school. It was no secret that she wanted out. All you had to do was observe what she did and said (or not!) and it was obvious. We will be FAR better off as a school without her.....
....Don't you worry about our children. We, the parents and the wonderful staff at HAS, will make sure our children succeed. However, we will make sure they succeed by ENJOYING the process, not being afraid of it. We won't be the ones telling them that receiving a 2nd place award isn't good enough when they were the ONLY Greenwich school in the running, ever, like Rau did.
It will be wonderful to see them (students AND staff) smiling again and not being afraid to laugh for fear of bringing down the "Wrath of Rau" upon their heads.
It will be a benefit to have the parents united by a common goal as opposed to divided by a selfish woman who only wanted the accolades......
....Greenwich has lost "Another Wise Latina Woman"....
....When your teachers, parents and students are either afraid of you or dislike you, then there is a problem, wise latina woman or not. I lost all respect for her when she didn't want to move out of the modular building in February. Her letter to our community was a complete disgrace and selfish.....
You just can't trust Cub Reporter Colin "BOE Brown Nose" Gustafson's articles on the Greenwich Board Of Education
Here Is Another example of how the Greenwich Time fails to properly cover the news in town....
08/01/09 - 08/11/09 Blogger Chris Fountain discovers that Greenwich Time Reporter Niel Vidgor lacks the journalistic balls to report the truth
If You Want To Know What Is Really Going On In Greenwich,
You Have To Read The Blogs.
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