Wouldn't have been nice if Twenty-two Eastern Middle School students, five teachers and Principal Ralph Mayo delivered over a thousand books to the under privileged children at Hamilton Avenue School
These Greenwich Public School children, who have suffered so much, would have loved to get four books of their choice, with additional books for Hamilton Avenue teachers?
Didn't the Hamilton Avenue School children loose a week of school, because of screw ups by failed school Aministrators?
Please Read:
Focus on education
Eastern Middle School students recently conducted a Read For Change project, a read-a-thon to raise money to buy books for children at Timothy Dwight Elementary school in New Haven. Through their fundraising and the generosity of Scholastic publishing's discount program, Eastern's students raised enough money to buy for every student at Dwight four books of their choice, with additional books for teachers and the school's media center. Twenty-two Eastern Middle School students, five teachers and Principal Ralph Mayo then visited Dwight where they spent a morning reading to the children and helping them choose their books.
Please Read The Full Greenwich Time StoryIt is time for the Greenwich Public Schools to start trying to fix what has happened to the innocent little children at Hamilton Avenue School.
Maybe, these Failed Greenwich School Administrators should start a program where Junior And Seniors High School students can meet their 50 hours of community service requirement by helping Hamilton Avenue Students catch up over the summer.
What was Eastern School Principal Ralph Mayo thinking as he hauled over a thousand books up to New Haven?
Maybe the Timothy Dwight students will read their new school books in the school's recent new addition.
Please read:
Architectural Record Building Types Study | Timothy Dwight ...
Formal name of Project:
Timothy Dwight Elementary School Addition
New Haven
Gross square footage:
9,300 sq. ft.
Total construction cost:
$2.7 million
City of New Haven, New Haven Board of Education
54 Meadow Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Michael Haverland Architect/Yale Urban Design Workshop
60 East 9th Street, Suite 612
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 212-780-9188
Fax: 212-780-9357
Maybe the poor little displaced Hamilton Avenue School children didn't need the books, because they are more "resilient" than the Timothy Dwight Elementary school students in New Haven.
This Administrator gets a grade of C for Clueless.