The Blonde Excuse
Happy New Year - Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I haven't been around, but as you know from my last entry, I've been really sick. Now that I'm back to my usual self and keepi...
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
THE VILLAGE VOICE - Icon Nat Hentoff laid off - Liberal icon Nat Hentoff has been laid off at THE VILLAGE VOICE. His writing was a brand within the THE VILLAGE VOICE bigger branding for provocative, edgy ...
Greenwich Diva
Barkley: All I Really Wanted Was Oral Sex - I guess there is a lot more to the initial reports!!! From TMZ This may be the very best police report of 2008. When Charles Barkley was busted in Arizona ...
Cos Cob Blogger Iggy Makarevich At High Strangeness
Happy New Year! - I wish you all a very special New Year, a year in which all our dreams come true.
Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams - The Sports Voice Of Greenwich
Hello 2009 - So that's that. Thrilling, wasn't it? Boring. I used to think Guy Lombardo was lame, but pick your poison - Carson Daly or Ryan Seacrest? I'll wait. No ...
Rock Star Diary
Happy New Year 2009 - Happy New Year! Love, Baby Madonna Brooklyn's Finest...
UPDATE: Here he is being sentenced to three years in January 1996. Did he do the time? We’ll keep looking.
UPDATE II: To my amazement, he seems to have been hit with time, even though he fought his conviction all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. He reported to prison in February 1996 and was still there when he permanently lost his appeal, as we lawyers like to say.
Druck doesn’t sound like a nice man. Besides being a crooked lawyer, the horse he electrocuted with Tommy Burns was his own daughter’s.
This Palm Beach newspaper says George served 18 months of his 33 - month sentence. And gave between $10,000-$25,000 to the ACLU to help in their fight to give Florida felons the vote. No doubt he was shocked to learn of his urban brothers’ disenfranchisement.
I have been advising buyers to focus on new construction because builders are so financially vulnerable, but this is a good reminder that not all builders are in bad shape and won’t accept 80% offers......
Congratulations are due to the anonymous realtor who posted the following on December 17, when the BL&T investment in Pitt was announced:....
I have great faith in Greenwich Bank & Trust and I trust them to keep my piddling earnings safe but back when I hunted stockbrokers my colleagues and I cheered when banks went into the brokerage business. We were sure that they’d prove incompetent at suggesting wise investments and our subsequent paydays courtesy of arbitration panels proved us right. Never ever trust a bank’s retail “investment advisor’, is my advice. Certainly, don’t count on Westport National Bank to safeguard your money.....