"My Greenwich, Not Theirs"
Might Not Like Greenwich Roundup And
Joe Pisani's Reporting That Has A Religious Slant
Mr Greenwich Roundup Editor :
Is this "church going" something you learned from watching the master of religious deceit, Joe Pisani? Joe, THE CENSOR, excuse me while I step out side to go to my daily mass.....and return to look the other way in the cases of public otrocities and cover-up
Wait,....are you Joeseph F. Pisani hiding behind a mask of TRUTH?
"Hold the presses, let's cover up a murder people.....I got some connections, ya know...lets just make this story short and vague, as not to ruffle anyone's feathers....kill the story on the rape, there were no witnesses." "Oh, let me run to get Ashes...be right back people."
His "Our Greenwich" which, by the way, he and his BIG 4 staff members are not residents of. No wonder the site is such a wreck!! His town is not OUR TOWN.
Excuse me, but the pregnant married McDonald's Restaurant worker is WORKING. How many people quit working the minute they conceive? Ummmmm......none!!! I think Pisani's daughter was probably thinking she wished she had a ring on her finger. But she doesn't. Blame your father.
Sarah Littman? What is her obsession with Sarah Palin? C'mon!! Who goes on and on about how someone forms sentences and actually attempts to use a graph to prove a lack of conversational grammar or flow of diction? What could possible motivate a woman w/a family to put so much thought into how poorly SHE THINKS Palin speaks? How about feeding your daughter and stop w/the caffeine!-induced mania!!!!!
Palin has forgotten more than you know, Ms. Littman. At least she doesn't pretend she's a mom, she is one. And her kids get fed.
Who gives a rats ass what these people write about? Who can even find the little web site? I had it sent to me as a joke. It is all self-perpetuated nonsense.....imaginary STAR SITTINGS by what's her dish name.....it's the scum of the news world.
Church is good, news is better. Pray for GOOD NEWS and it will come!!!!!!
Just the facts.
Any questions, my brother :) Joe?
My Greenwich, not theirs!!!!!! Amen :)
Since you have used my signature red text color, I will respond in black.
I have wondered if including mentioning what's currently going on in my little life would bore readers to death.
But, I have felt that mentioning something that I recently or currently was doing might add some background to the story. Frankly, I was worried that spending so much at church this week would kill my web stats, because there would be less posting at Greenwich Roundup.
During this 25th Anniversary Week For Harvest Time Church, in which, I spent a great deal of time at multiple church activities I did post much less and feared that my web stats would sink to nearly nothing.
However, from Wednesday to the web traffic has ranged from 524 visitors in one day to 701 visitors in one day. Sunday was the day with 524 visitors, but Sundays are always my lowest traffic days.
My numbers were a bit off, because I posted less I think I possibly could have improved those numbers by 20 - 25% if I had posted a bit more. Plus other bloggers like Bill Clark and Chris Fountain probably snagged a big chunk of my potential web traffic when they reported about Betty Sternberg's leaving in June.
I was a day late and a dollar short when I reported mostly about what Mr. Clark and Chris Fountain reported the day before.
But, I had a great time at Harvest Time and learned many new things, so i guess the temporary loss in web traffic was worth the experience.
I was afraid that I would possibly offend some in the community by espousing some of my recent shift in spiritual beliefs. However, the posts that mention religion seem are some of the most viewed posts at Greenwich Roundup.
Further, they have evoked quite a bit of email and comments.which I hope to have answered by Tuesday.
While Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani has been a churchman much longer than I have I do think that he has repeatedly made many choices as editor that were morally wrong.
Number one was not publishing the Greenwich Time's Investigative Report On The Martha Moxley report for over a decade. This is I had been editor of the Greenwich Time would not have happened.
Joe Pisani spent 30 years as editor and no one can think of any great reporting that occurred at the Greenwich Time wile he was in charge.
But the local politician's love him, because he never held them accountable.
Further, Joe Pisani was a an that would censor letter to the editor writer Bill Clark for many many years.
Moreover, Joe Pisani would often ignore the plight is persons or families that were afflicted by town employees.
So Basically Joe Pisani's legacy after 30 years at the Greenwich Time is That we live in an unaccountable town, because the Greenwich Time didn't do it's job of pursuing a story to where ever it may lead.
Joe Pisani was not a "Let the chips fall where they may" type of editor
There was a lack of follow up on News Stories.,especially if a dead body was found, when Joe Pisani was Editor Of The Greenwich Time.
Here are two deaths that the Greenwich Time initially reported on and then forgot about untill Greenwich Roundup started highlighting the lack of police progress in the cases.
Overdose cases lead to arrests
In little more than one month, Greenwich police have concluded two extensively investigated drug overdose cases with the arrest of four people who were charged with crimes linked to the tragic deaths.
Legal experts say it is not uncommon to charge people with a crime as the result of a drug overdose investigation, but it is difficult to prove.
"This is not unusual, but it's still a real stretch," said Greenwich-based attorney Mickey Sherman. "If you're just sharing drugs with someone, I don't see a jury convicting anyone.
If you sold the drugs, even then it's a stretch, but the state is in a better position," said Sherman.
Steven Duke, a professor at Yale Law School, also said it is challenging to prosecute charges like these, particularly when dealing with manslaughter.
"It's hard to establish the responsibility of the provider of the drugs to the death unless they show an awareness of the likelihood of the death," said Duke.
Frank Chimblo, Jr., 35, of Greenwich was charged Oct. 3 with second-degree manslaughter and illegal sale of narcotics in connection with the criminal investigation into the death of Kyle Lendenmann. The 17-year-old died in Feb. 2007 as the result of an accidental methadone toxicity, according to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
Catherine Bausch, 28, of Norwalk was also charged with illegal sale of narcotics as a result of the police investigation.
In the 2004 overdose death of John Bria III, Jason Cunningham, 24, of Greenwich and Savanna Jean Lamotte, 23, of New Haven, were charged in September with possession of narcotics in connection with the criminal investigation. These charges did not implicate the suspects in Bria's death. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled Bria's death the result of an accidental cocaine and heroine overdose....
.....According to Fernow, proving a possession of narcotics charge from a four-year old investigation is challenging because often times the case is based on observational evidence.
Matthew Maddox, a Stamford-based attorney representing Cunningham stated at the onset of these charges that he did not believe the state had enough evidence to prove his client was guilty. Maddox said in order to prove a drug felony charge, police are supposed to have physical evidence, which he did not believe is the case in this instance.
His client pleaded not guilty on Sept. 23 and is scheduled to appear back in state Superior Court in Stamford on Oct. 20. Lamotte's attorney told the court she would file for a pre-trial intervention drug education program which would enable the court to dismiss the charges upon her successful completion of the program....
Obviously, if Joe Pisania and the Greenwich Time had kepta spotlight on the investigation the Greenwich Police Department would have been more accountable to the families of the dead youth and to the public in General.
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