You Don't Spit In The Wind. You Don't Pull The Mask Off The Ole Long Ranger And You Don't Mess Around With Donna Ortoli's Children.
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Would you like change with that?
Via Politics in the Zeros
Doug Henwood, economist and editor of Left Business Observer, on Obama.
Big capital would have no problem with an Obama presidency. Top hedge fund honcho Paul Tudor Jones threw a fundraiser for him at his Greenwich house last spring, “The whole of Greenwich is backing Obama,” one source said of the posh headquarters of the hedge fund industry. They like him because they’re socially liberal, up to a point, and probably eager for a little less war, and think he’s the man to do their work. They’re also confident he wouldn’t undertake any renovations to the distribution of wealth.
I’ve long thought Obama had serious support from somewhere deep within the power elite. This illuminates at least one major section of such support, and among the Greenwich hedge fund players exist many billionaires. That they think we need less war is a good thing, that they expect Obama to be docile on financial matters is not so good.
Enough critique; the dialectic demands something constructive to induce some forward motion. There’s no doubt that Obamalust does embody some phantasmic longing for a better world—more peaceful, egalitarian, and humane. He’ll deliver little of that—but there’s evidence of some admirable popular desires behind the crush. And they will inevitably be disappointed.
As this newsletter has argued for years, there’s great political potential in popular disillusionment with Democrats. The phenomenon was first diagnosed by Garry Wills in Nixon Agonistes. As Wills explained it, throughout the 1950s, left-liberals intellectuals thought that the national malaise was the fault of Eisenhower, and a Democrat would cure it. Well, they got JFK and everything still pretty much sucked, which is what gave rise to the rebellions of the 1960s (and all that excess that Obama wants to junk any remnant of). You could argue that the movements of the 1990s that culminated in Seattle were a minor rerun of this. The sense of malaise and alienation is probably stronger now than it was 50 years ago, and includes a lot more of the working class, whom Stanley Greenberg’s focus groups find to be really pissed off about the cost of living and the way the rich are lording it over the rest of us.
Never did the possibility of disappointment offer so much hope. That’s not what the candidate means by that word, but history can be a great ironist.
Which, if you think about it, is a good reason to be for Obama. Were McCain or Clinton to get elected, no one would expect much change. But if Obama becomes president - and I think he will - the inevitable letdown from hoped-for change to what he actually delivers will be significant. But the progressive forces set into motion by his election won’t easily be put back in the bottle. And that could lead to real change.
Having said that, Obama seems to be to be the least warlike of the candidates, and that’s a good thing too.
Market set to pause after rally; Bernanke on tap
Via Earth Times
Via Austin Business Journal
... them the ideal strategic partner for us as we continue our rapid growth." Catterton Partners, which is based in Greenwich, Conn., invested in numerous companies, including Build-a-Bear, P.F. Chang's China Bistro, Odwalla and Kettle Foods .With Kissel, those conspirators could be any number of business partners or other close associates, Fuhrman said....
...Someone who knew that Kissel was staying at the home and that the movers were coming the next day could be reasonably assured that the moving crew would find Kissel's body, allowing them to establish a plausible account for their own whereabouts during that time period, Fuhrman said.
"The body needs to be found so certain people who put things in motion can account for the time before the body is discovered," Fuhrman said. "The suspect always knows the time the murder occurred so an investigator can start (focusing on)the time they are most adamant about where they are."
Fuhrman said that the fact that Kissel's body was left at the murder scene also undercuts any speculative theory that he was killed by an organized crime associate who feared Kissel would provide incriminating information to authorities about them....
Via Fairfield Weekly
Songwriter's Den, Thataway Café,
409 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich.
8:30 p.m.
(203) 622-0947
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Via Fairfield Citizen-News
With two men in custody for a conspiracy to murder Andrew Kissel, police and prosecutors will now try to coax the real estate developer's former driver and another suspect to see if they identify other conspirators in a wider plot, former Los Angeles police detective Mark Fuhrman said. Full Story The discovery of six beheaded chickens in the parking lot of a Mason Street bank two weeks ago concerns a new legislative task force considering tougher penalties on animal abuse and cruelty. Full Story For a day, Hamilton Avenue School Principal Damaris Rau put aside the problems her school has faced with the closing of its modular building and the dispersal of students to other schools across the district. Full Story HARTFORD -- Despite opposition from lower Fairfield County Republicans and their colleagues, a proposal to create a state earned-income tax credit for the working poor yesterday passed the legislature's Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee. Full Story Just over half the property owners who appealed their tax assessments this year have received reductions from the town, for a total of $30 million. ================================= Please send comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com Fact Of The DayFact of the Day - a new fascinating fact every day of the year. |
“We have sharply reduced the risk and balance sheet of the portfolio”
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