First My Comments:
Why do we get sucked into the trap of materialism?
I mean,
- My sons have iPods - they are not the newest ones.
- I have a cell phone - not an iPhone
- I have a laptop - not an intel chip macbook
- My wife has a car - not a Cooper Mini
- My family has a place to live - not a mansion
- I have a TV - not a 52″ plasma screen with surround sound
Why is what we have never enough?
Why do we get so weighed down with the burden of feeling like we have to have bigger, better, faster?
I love the quote by Immanuel Kant
“Give a man everything he wants and at that moment everything is not everything”
1 Timothy 6:6-11 (New International Version)
6But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs
These pasages talk about “Godliness with contentment is great gain”
Maybe the great gain is that we get our life back.
We no longer are owned by the things that we have striven for for so long.
This lady wants to build this temple to materialism in a town where school children do not have their own school building. The Town should require Olga to build a school, before granting approval for this monument of Extreme Spending and Gross Materialism.
Mansion size draws opposition: Greenwich Time
Full Story: Greenwich Time
Please See Today's Post:
04/16/08 - Why In The Hell Dose Olga Need 26 Toilets In Her House? Does She Have Bladder Control Problems?
If Leona Was Know As "The Queen Of Mean", Then Will Olga Be Known As "The Queen Of Commodes"?
Here Are The Other Comments:
eagle says:
whaaaaaaa whaaaa just jealous
Zones says:
Good grief. Let the person build his home. Look at this way, the bigger the home, the more taxes Greenwich gets to pay for roads, schools and teacher salaries!
Ariel says:
Greenwich has always been THE town that illustrates how too much money is corrosive to an individual's and the community spirit and also the environment (that poor folks share too). I wouldn't be surprised if neighbors stat complaining about wild Dionysian parties in those "Turkish baths" a year from now.
Frank says:
Why so many toilets? sounds like they have bowel problems, I guess its all the stress from having too much money.
Ex-Greenwich Native
From Saranac, NY says
When I was a child growing up in Greenwich, "the vulgar rich" were scorned upon. "Old" money had taste and class. It's sad to see that what drove me and my family from the place of my ancestors has only gotten worse. Is there any concern for the carbon footprint a behemoth house like this makes? Any concern for anyone else but themselves and their vulgar lives? Shame. The obliviousness of this kind of wealth is surely a sign that the collapse is nearing. Viva la revolution!
Anonymous says
What makes this mansion more offensive In Greenwich than in Malibu, Monte Carlo, East Hampton, or Manhattan? The tacit understanding that wealth could be fleeting or not really earned, the unwashed are not far away, and that being rich has its downfalls appears not to sober the arrogant and purely selfish materialism that enables soul-less gluttony encouraged in Greenwich--which those who shopped at Woolworths used to intermix with those who shopped at Saks. The crash that ended Gatsby carelessness in the 1920's seems no threat to those who might have done corrupt things to attain enough bucks to burp such an environment-trashing monster onto Greenwich's once nature-driven contours. The rich who stay in this town and take up space so out of proportion to a presence any human should have deserve each other.
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