Blogs About Greenwich Or Blogs
Written By People Who Live Or Work In Greenwich
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Dems soar this last night of the DNC - There was Ike decendant Susan Eisenhower's saying she's now registered as an Independent. There were also real people like delegate Barney Smith who declared...
The Blonde Excuse
What I'm Up To - Sorry I haven't been around lately, but I still need to get my computer up and running again. Right now, Brent is visiting for a few days so I won't have tim...
Greenwich Diva
McCain says to Americans: you can’t do the job - McCain offers $50.00 an hr to anyone who would pick lettuce, not because he wants to help the economy, but as a dare. Yes, my fellow Americans, Senator Jo...
5 hours ago
Rock Star Diary
Goodbye Tim party at M Shangai's Den - The Brothers/Brothers threw a send-off bash for one of their very own, Tim, on Friday night in M Shangai's Den. Darren: Tim in a " I leaf NY" T-shirt that Da...
Exit 55
No...I Haven't Forgotten About Football - With all the talk of doing Renegades baseball (speaking of which, I did the Oneonta roadtrip, and still have a few more games to call), I'm sure a few of ...
The Daily Spurgeon
God will honor faith - [image: evening sunshine] Dear friends, those believers who have learned most to live by faith, possess the richest part of the land of promise. Other beli...
Tribune Company's Greenwich News Feed
Water bottler wins approval for pipeline in Mich. - A water bottling company has won state approval to finish a well and pipeline in Osceola County. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality said Thur...
Greenwich News
Founder to Leave Eagle Hill in '09 - Eagle Hill School's founding headmaster, Dr. Mark Griffin, will leave the $50,000-a-year tuition school for the learning disabled at the end or June, com...
Greenwich Forum
At Glenville, more frustration - Greenwich Time - 9 Comments, last updated on Thursday Aug 28 by Board of Ed Meeting
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
LiveMocha.com: Free Online Language Learning Community - Since Rosetta Stone is no longer offering its service to libraries, we thought we'd share another neat language learning site that we found: Livemocha.com ...
Greenwich Roundup
08/27/08 GREENWICH ROUNDUP READER RESPONDS: Greenwich School's Test Scores - See how the Greenwich School's rank against the other schools in the state on standardized test's at www.schooldigger.com and post the results on The Green...
Greenwich Library Today's Events
Baby Lapsit Registration - *When:* Thursday August 28th, 2008 - All Day Open enrollment begins August 18 for Baby Lapsit for infants up to 12 months with a caregiver. Five-week Fall ...
Nice one, Bill - There were times during the primary season where I thought Bill Clinton was losing his marbles. But the guy was right on tonight. Great speech, delivered w...
These Blogs Are Temporarily AWOL or MIA:
For What It's Worth
- Gone Fishing Back Friday - please check in then. Thanks!
2 days ago
Greenwich Gossip
The Yellowwich Time Can't Speak English - Today's headline in the local rag, AKA *Yellowwich Time*, shows us all just how pathetic they really are: *Cops relish in Golder verdict* So there you hav...
6 days ago
The Greenwich Blog
Double Exposure: Aerial Photographs of Glaciers Then and Now. July 12, 2008 - October 26, 2008 - An exhibition of paired large-format photographs of mountains and glaciers, recorded in the early to mid-1900s and again from 2005 to 2007, that document t...
1 month ago
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