Tuesday, April 13, 2010
04/13/10 MARK THE DATE: Art On The Avenue is a Spring arts festival held every year in Greenwich
04/13/10 The Greenwich Harbor Channel was last dredged in 1968, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to dredge 250,000 cubic yards
On a very low tide you can feel yourself really pushing through the mud. It's like chocolate pudding,' he said.
It's not only the river bottom that poses a hazard, it is also anything that has been dumped over the side of a boat or somehow made its way into the river, he said.
'If there's any metal there, you can hit that. Two years go I damaged a propeller after it hit some metal -- just a day after I got it back after spending $800 to repitch it,' Nygaard said, referring to a propeller adjustment.
But an official hopes that plans for a multimillion dredging job to remove decades of built-up sediments in the Greenwich Harbor Channel and the Mianus River will pass both funding and environmental hurdles.....
In Byram, the Port Chester Harbor channel is overseen by the Corps of Engineers New York District. It was last dredged in 1990 when 40,000 cubic yards of sediment was scooped from the bottom. There are no plans currently to dredge that channel, said New York District Corps spokesman Chris Gardner.
If funding is approved, Craine hopes dredging can occur in 2013......
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/13/10 PRESS RELEASE: Wexford Capital LP Outsources Fund Administration for All Hedge Funds to SS&C Fund Services
SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.a global provider of financial services software and software-enabled services, today announced that Wexford Capital LP, has outsourced fund administration to SS&C Fund Services, an independent fund administrator.
SS&C was selected as the administrator of record for all four of Wexford's hedge funds in August 2009. The new mandate was a result of Wexford's strategic decision to provide additional transparency into the pricing of their portfolios for their investors. They turned to SS&C to independently review Wexford's internal accounting records and monthly performance results and verify Wexford's monthly reconciliations and investment valuations. SS&C also provides all transfer agency and shareholder services to Wexford's investors. A client since 1994 , Wexford also uses SS&C's portfolio and partnership accounting platform, AdvisorWare(TM), and enterprise reconciliation solution, Recon(TM), for Wexford's in-house accounting processes for their multi-tiered structured funds.
"We are confident that with SS&C as our administrator of record, we will provide a much higher level of transparency into our fund operations," said Jay Maymudes, Wexford Partner and Chief Financial Officer. "As we expand our business, we, once again, chose SS&C because of their proven expertise and success in providing both software solutions and fund administration services for alternative investment firms just like ours."
"We are pleased to be trusted by Wexford as their independent administrator," said Bill Stone, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SS&C Technologies, Inc. "Once the decision was made by Wexford to go with SS&C, we had the administrative services for the first of four funds up and in production within 30 days. We have been in the outsourcing business for more than 15 years and have the expertise to handle the most sophisticated structures and strategies for hedge funds, fund of funds, private equity funds, and managed accounts."
SS&C Fund Services is a leading provider of independent fund administration services for 3,000 funds with US$175 billion in assets under administration and supports multiple structures including Hedge Funds, Fund of Funds, Private Equity Funds, and Managed Account Platforms.
About Wexford Capital
Wexford Capital LP is an SEC registered investment advisor with over $6 billion of assets under management. The firm, which was formed in 1994, manages a series of hedge funds and private equity funds from its Greenwich, CT headquarters. Wexford manages four hedge funds with over $3.5 billion in AUM: the opportunistic/global macro Wexford Spectrum Fund, the multi-strategy credit oriented Wexford Credit Opportunities Fund, the energy, natural resources and industrials focused Wexford Catalyst Fund and the global macro fixed income / FX focused Wexford Global Strategies Fund. Wexford also manages a series of private equity funds and has invested over $3 billion in private equity investments. Wexford prides itself on its independent thinking and opportunistic investment style. While Wexford invests in many different sectors, we have particular expertise in bankruptcy/distressed, energy/natural resources, real estate, technology/telecommunications and transportation. Additional information is available atwww.wexford.com.
About SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.
SS&C delivers investment and financial management software and related services focused exclusively on the financial services industry. By leveraging expertise in common investment business functions, SS&C serves clients in the following market verticals: 1) insurance entities and pension funds, 2) institutional asset management, 3) alternative investment management, 4) treasury, banks and credit unions, 5) municipal finance, 6) real estate property management, 7) commercial lending, and 8) financial markets. Additional information is available at www.ssctech.com.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
08/13/10 First Selectman Peter Tesei’s Waterways Committee Now Wants To Appoint Deputy Harbor Inspectors To Further Harass Greenwich Boaters
04/13/10 Greenwich Resident John Tarantino Will Be Running In His Seond Marathon, Having Participated In One Last Year In San Diego
In the span of two weeks, the 32-year-old town resident learned that his mother's breast cancer had returned and that his father had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Tarantino had already been accepted as part of a team raising money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, while running in Monday's 114th Boston Marathon. The news gave his mission a much deeper meaning.
'I think that it's definitely provided me motivation in terms of running the marathon,' said Tarantino, who works for Bank of America in New York City.
More than 550 runners from around the world are participating in the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge, working toward a goal of raising $4.4 million for the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.
The money goes directly to scientists conducting research in adult oncology, biostatistical science, cancer biology and pediatric oncology"
04/13/10 Hedrick, who grew up in Old Greenwich, has been performing in Connecticut and around New York City since graduating from New York University
Hedrick also has a long association with the Greenwich Arts Council, where he can be heard at Art to the Ave each May. In 2007, he also curated a music series entitled “Jazz Dialogues,” featuring the Afro-Latin pianist Arturo O’Farrill, singer Daryl Sherman, and his own quartet......
04/13/10 FAA joins probe of plane crash in Union Vale; Greenwich pilot remains hospitalized
An investigation is continuing into the Sunday plane crash in the Town of Union Vale near Sky Acres Airport, the second in less than a month.
The pilot, Victor Romley, 70, of Greenwich, Conn., was seriously injured and taken to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, said Dutchess County Sheriff's Office Deputy T.J. Hanlon, the public information officer.
Police said the pilot was in the trauma center at the hospital Monday, but did not have more information on his condition.
Hanlon said the crash happened shortly after takeoff, around 2:53 p.m.
Sheriff's Office Sgt. Michael Dampf said Romley was conscious when responders arrived and was speaking with them.
Hanlon said the Federal Aviation Administration is involved in the investigation. No other information about the plane was released Monday.
04/13/10 Peter Olson Heads First County Office
In his new position, the Darien resident supervises personnel and is responsible for individual and branch sales goals. He accepts and processes mortgage applications, underwrites and approves consumer loans and ensures compliance with bank, federal and state regulations.
Before joining Connecticut Community Bank, Olson, who has a Series 6 and a Series 63 license, was an assistant vice president-client manager for Bank of America-Premier Wealth Management in Greenwich. He also has worked for Greenwich Bank & Trust, which is a division of Connecticut Community Bank N.A., North Fork Bank and Commerce Bank.
Olson has a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/13/10 Spring training for Lyme disease: Five things to know about avoiding Lyme infection
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the United States, and it poses the biggest threat in the spring and summer, says Debbie Siciliano, co-president of Time for Lyme, Inc., a research, education and advocacy group. According to the latest government figures, there are roughly 29,000 confirmed Lyme disease cases in 2008 - and experts agree that there are many, many more that go unreported (or undiagnosed). In fact, some estimate that there are ten times as many cases of Lyme each year.
Spring and summer are dangerous for two reasons, says Dr. Daniel Cameron, immediate past president of ILADS and internal medicine physician specializing in Lyme. As things warm up, the ticks that carry Lyme are busy reproducing and feeding. At the same time, humans are spending more time outside, often in an area that ticks also frequent, doing yard work, playing sports or just lounging around and enjoying the first sunny days of summer. The ticks that transmit Lyme (called Ixodes, also known as black-legged or deer ticks) are tiny, but a bite from an infected tick can leave you with a endless array of problems that ranges from fatigue and flu-like aches and pains to chronic and debilitating joint pain, nervous system malfunctions, and even cardiac complications.
Unfortunately, many people don't know much about Lyme disease, or how to prevent it.
Here are five things that everyone should know about avoiding Lyme:
1. Lyme-carrying Ticks Are Tiny. Ixodes ticks are very, very small, and the biggest adults are less than 1/10 inch long. In fact, unless they're already engorged (full of blood), they're much smaller than the head of a pin and nearly impossible to see, says Dr. Cameron. The ticks can become infected with bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, which live inside the tick and can be transmitted when the tick attaches itself to a host and begins to suck up blood. Once engorged they can become large. This is important to point out because sometimes people see an engorged tick and think it cannot be a deer tick because it's too big.
2. Ticks Are Everywhere. Lyme disease is most common in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes regions. But it's been reported all over the United States, and in 50 countries around the world. Experts think that global climate changes may be working to increase tick populations and help them thrive in Canada and other areas that until now were too cold to support them.
3. Ticks Stick Close to Home. It's been estimated that three-quarters of all Lyme cases were acquired through household activities - gardening, playing or relaxing in the yard, for example, instead of taking a camping trip or hike far from home. Ticks love to hide in plants and shrubs, grasses, and woodpiles, all of which are common in many residential landscapes. They also will catch a ride on your pet dog or cat, meaning you don't have to get anywhere near a deer to pick up a Lyme infected tick.
4. Prevention Is Key. Being diligent in your efforts to avoid ticks is by far the best way to prevent Lyme disease, says WHO. Coat exposed skin with a repellant containing DEET, wear long-sleeve shirts and pants (tuck your pant cuffs into your socks), and be sure to check your skin and hair when you come back inside. Parents are encouraged to ask their physicians for advice on the appropriate amount of DEET for their family. Use DEET or Permethrin (an insecticide that's safe for use on fabrics, not skin) on your clothing.
5. Timing is Everything. Unlike mosquitoes ticks take their time: A tick must grab hold and burrow its mouth parts into your skin before it can begin feeding, a process that usually takes between 10 and 30 minutes. The longer the tick is attached, the greater the chance of transmission of disease.
About Time for Lyme
Time for Lyme is an organization dedicated to eliminating the devastating effects of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illness. Its mission is to prevent the spread of disease, develop definitive diagnostic tools and effective treatments, and to ultimately find a cure for tick-borne illness by supporting research, education, and the acquisition and dissemination of information. In addition, TFL continues to act as an advocate for Lyme disease sufferers and their families through support of legislative reform on the federal, state and local levels. www.timeforlyme.org.
Time for Lyme will present an educational forum titled, "Lyme Disease: Your Body, Your Brain" on Thursday, April 22nd 7:00- 9:00 PM at the Central Middle School, 9 Indian Rock Lane, Greenwich, CT 06830. The forum is presented in cooperation with The Greenwich Department of Health, and Families for Greenwich Hospital and is open to the public at no cost. No reservations are required.
04/13/10 Greenwich Art Lovers Who Attended Shelly Malkin's Reception At The Audubon Society Left Very Impressed With Her Work
Kiernan Hall Nature Art Gallery
African Wildlife Paintings
Exhibit runs from: April 10 - April 30
Shelly Malkin grew up in New York City and attended School. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in art history and a minor in European Cultural Studies. She then taught at the Nightingale-Bamford School in New York. She studied painting at the School of Visual Art and the National Academy of Design in New York City as well as the Silvermine School and the Renaissance Workshop of Dmitri Wright in Connecticut.
Ms. Malkin is an environmentalist and a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council. She is a passionate outdoorswoman and an avid rock climber and skier. The outdoor scenes that she sees often provide her with inspiration for her paintings. She has participated in solo and group art shows and she freelances murals and stage set projects.
Ms. Malkin lives in Greenwich, Connecticut and Aspen, Colorado with her husband, her two sons and their dog.
For a flyer about this art show, click here. To learn more about this artist and view her work, visit: www.shellymalkin.com.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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