Dear Greenwich Roundup, Scott Brown's historic upset victory last night in Massachusetts sent shockwaves around the country that will be felt for months to come. His remarkable come-from-behind win in which he overcame a 30-point deficit is an encouraging sign for conservatives determined to send a fiscal conservative to Washington instead of another liberal, career politician to replace Chris Dodd. According to pollster Tony Fabrizio, who conducted exit polling, 48% of voters said health care was the single issue driving their vote; 46% of voters wanted to 'send a message to Washington' with their vote. Massachusetts already has its own version of Obamacare, and voters did not want to see that program replicated at the federal level. It's important to note that former Congressman Rob Simmons not only supports the Massachusetts health care plan, but also believed as recently as October of last year that the government option backed by Washington liberals should be 'on the table.' According to a 2006 report in The Day of New London: "Simmons has said every American has a 'moral obligation to buy health insurance' and "He supports a program proposed in Massachusetts that would require anyone who pays taxes either to pay for his or her own health insurance or be covered by an employer." (The Day, 10/29/2006) As recently as October of last year, Simmons refused to take a stand against the public option; instead, he said repeatedly that the public option should be "on the table." It wasn't until Sen. Lieberman came out against the public option, that Simmons flip-flopped on the issue -- just as he has on other liberal policies like card check, cap-and-trade, raising the federal debt ceiling and runaway deficit spending. Washington is a mess, and voters are turning to fiscal conservatives to get the country back on track. It's important that Connecticut's Republicans choose their next Senate nominee wisely. Too much is at stake, and this is no time to nominate a career politician who was one of the most unreliable voices for conservatives in Congress. Linda has been opposed to the public option from the beginning because she has a principled opposition to government-run health care. She will bring fiscally conservative, common sense principles to Washington at a time when people across Connecticut and the country are desperately seeking a new direction. As Linda said last night, "Scott Brown is only the beginning. The people are just getting warmed up." Sincerely,
 Ed Patru Communications Director Linda For Senate 2010
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