Featured Greenwich News Reports
Greenwich academy remembers King by honoring women
Greenwich Post - Greenwich,CT
Voices of students, faculty and staff rang out in song and in speeches as the entire school honored the legacy and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ...
Gwynn Packs a Punch as Greenwich Land Trust Head
Greenwich Citizen - Greenwich,CT
By Anne W. Semmes Virginia Ginny Gwynn, a hiker and skier from town, is enthusiastic about her new role as executive director of the Greenwich Land Trust, ...
GHS Cagers Dump McMahon, Continue Roll
Greenwich Citizen - Greenwich,CT
By Scott Ferrari Surely, no one could have blamed Greenwich High's boys' basketball team had it lost a little focus in Monday night's game against McMahon ...
Man admits aid in Greenwich jewel heist
Connecticut Post - Bridgeport,CT
NEW HAVEN — A Bridgeport man admitted in federal court Thursday that he torched a car as a diversion so a companion could rob a Greenwich jewelry store of ...
Featured Greenwich Blog Posts
Greenwich Library Say Fie Unto Israel Lobby After All (Boy Am I ...
By Philip Weiss
The Greenwich Library has overturned its miserable decision re the If Americans Knew event. The people of Greenwich apparently rose up against the Israel lobby. America is redeemed. I'm feeling some what sheepish about my stemwinder on ...
Mondoweiss - http://www.philipweiss.org/mondoweiss/
Obama Invokes Freedom Riders. Let Them Liberate Greenwich, CT, Library
By Philip Weiss
Greenwich, CT, used to be the heart of the patrician WASP elite. Exit 5, they called it. The Ice Storm by Rick Moody. Now it's mixed, Allah be praised. We changed America. Lately a group called If Americans Knew, which is dedicated to ...
Mondoweiss - http://www.philipweiss.org/mondoweiss/
Greenwich Library in fracas over Mideast lectures
By Blake
Free speech issues and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have come to the Greenwich Library. A group critical of Israel and US media coverage of the Middle East is defying a library ban on lectures by the group. ...
LISNews - Librarian And Information... - http://www.lisnews.org
Please send comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
... out there but it's also very hard to raise capital in this time," said Sandy Gross, whose Pinetum Partners in Greenwich is an executive recruitment firm specializing in high-end financial services. People with capital to invest are instead looking ...
... Fleming scored his second of the night at 14:27 to give the Big Green its final tally. Stejskal and Peter Boldt (Greenwich, Conn.) picked up assists. Dartmouth outshot the Bobcats, 43-to-23 for its fourth 40-plus shot game of the season. The victory ...
Genesee & Wyoming Inc. to Present at Credit Suisse Small & Mid Cap Transportation Conference
... also performs contract coal loading and railcar switching for industrial customers. Corporate headquarters is in Greenwich, Conn. For more information, contact Michael Williams, Director of Corporate Communications, Genesee & Wyoming, 203-629-3722. ...
NZ stocks: Market plumbs new 16-mth low
... are being affected, munis (bonds) are impacted," said Michael Darda, chief economist at MKM Partners LLC in Greenwich, Connecticut. "There's a stench of fear that refuses to break." Here, the benchmark NZSX-50 index fell to a new low for the year of ...
... VAS Construction Inc. sold to Brett T. and Michelle L. Enzor, property at 21 Relihan Road for $2,095,000. GREENWICH (Transactions recorded through January 29.) Suzanne V. Hascoe sold to Suzanne V. and Lloyd Hascoe, property at 84 Field ...
Trash talk Garbage contract nears end
Greenwich must decide whether to continue to send all of its garbage to a trash-to-energy plant in Bridgeport or have it hauled to landfills out of state, the town's public works commissioner told members of a ...
Up-Hill climb St. Luke's forward heading to De Paul
... the seniors, would like to get.' St. Luke's and Hill came close two seasons ago, losing to Brunswick School of Greenwich in the FAA finals. Brunswick (17-9 overall, No. 1 FAA Tourney seed) is once again the main impediment in St. Luke's path, ...
Residents fight homes deemed too small
... block, one group of neighbors is lobbying to keep everything in their neighborhood big. About two dozen central Greenwich residents attended Tuesday night's Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to protest plans to split 1 Swan Terrace into two ...
GHS rugby fundraiser The Greenwich High School Rugby team will be raising money for its trip to Argentina by hosting a Tango Night on Saturday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Knights ...
Group observes Dundee's themes New Lebanon School trying to determine best magnet approach
... the economy is key,' Isabelle said. Sangermano's fifth-graders, like all students at Dundee, are taught the Greenwich Public Schools curriculum with the International Baccalaureate magnet theme as an enhancement. The International Baccalaureate ...
Attention, shoppers: Supermarket hosts its first nuptials
... all the time, so I figured I would come and see the wedding.' 'I see Diana every week,' said Ralph Pastore of Greenwich. 'I wish her all the luck.' Barbara Griffin, a justice of the peace and ShopRite customer, also served as wedding planner. ...
Tags: Wedding
Today in the Arts
Norwalk Advocate
... of Sunday Afternoons Live at First Congregational Church. 4 p.m. $15, $25 per family. 108 Sound Beach Ave., Old Greenwich. Contact John Stansell, music director, at 637-1791, ext. 22 or e-mail drjohn@fccog.org. THEATER 'THE AMEN CORNER' - ...
GHS Cagers Dump McMahon, Continue Roll
Surely, no one could have blamed Greenwich High's boys' basketball team had it lost a little focus in Monday night's game against McMahon of Norwalk.
From left, J.Whelan, Chris Miao, Jack Driscoll and Ally Hay were among five Greenwich age-group water polo players invited to train at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Col.
... Mr. College Coaches Fall Over Themselves to Get Me. Must be pretty cool, right? Maybe. Last Wednesday, three Greenwich High football players made things official when they announced their college intentions. All-Stater Chris Bisanzo, a two-way ...
Ceci, McGuire Snatch 2nd-Place Awards at FCIACs
Top, Greenwich s Dan Maxwell has his opponent eating the mat in a 115-pound match in Saturday s FCIAC Wrestling Championships at New Canaan High.
Flag that Flew Over Iraq Touches Hearts at Town Hall
An American flag that flew over Camp Bucca in Iraq "For the Citizens of the Town of Greenwich, CT" strums hearts in the Town Hall lobby these days.
Peer Players: A Skit with Serious Overtones
Greenwich Citizen
Peer Players founder Barry Halpin plays a father in a skit during the Greenwich Father's Forum last Saturday morning at the Greenwich YMCA.
- Gwynn Packs a Punch as Greenwich Land Trust Head - Greenwich Citizen - Virginia Ginny Gwynn, a hiker and skier from town, is enthusiastic about her new role as executive director of the Greenwich Land Trust, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving land in its natural ...