Kennedy family nephew Michael Skakel is escorted by court officers out of Norwalk Superior Court in Norwalk, Connecticut after being sentenced to 20 years to life in prison, August 29, 2002, for the 1975 murder of his teenage neighbor Martha Moxley.
Skakel's Lawyers Make Bid To Reverse His Murder Conviction
Hartford CourantMichael Skakel's lawyers continued their efforts to reverse his conviction in the Martha Moxley murder Thursday before the state Supreme Court, attacking issues ranging from the
Greenwich police investigation of the crime to the legal judgment of Skakel's trial judge.
The appellate team, Hubert J. Santos and Hope C. Seeley, was trying to overturn the trial court's decision in 2007 denying Skakel a new trial. The lawyers argued that the trial judge erroneously rejected their claims that they had learned of new evidence and of improperly concealed old evidence that implicates other suspects in the 1975 murder.....
....*The post-conviction disclosure by Gitano "Tony" Bryant, a frequent teenage visitor to Greenwich at the time of Moxley's death, that two of his friends implicated themselves in the bludgeoning.
*Whether Skakel should be allowed to present to a jury his contention that the prosecution's chief investigator on the case might have been biased because of a secret "pact" that he had with an author who wrote a book about the case.
•Skakel should be able to make a case to a jury that the prosecution failed to disclose investigative reports that might implicate other suspects in the Moxley killing.
In particular, the justices asked about efforts by detectives from the Greenwich Police Department to develop information that could have been used to corroborate Bryant's post-conviction assertion to a defense investigator.
Bryant said that his two teenage friends were in Moxley's neighborhood the night of the murder, that they were drinking and smoking marijuana and that they discussed going "caveman" on a girl."It's hard for me to believe," Justice Richard Palmer said, "
that the Greenwich Police Department could have been that slothful in determining who was in the neighborhood at that time.
It's possible."Santos replied, "
It's no secret that over the years, one of the great criticisms of the Greenwich Police Department is the sloppiness with which it handled this case. That's because they didn't handle homicides.".....
Greenwich Chamber President Mary Ann Morrison Leaves Town Residents Holding The Bag
Hardworking School Children Get Screwed By Greenwich Business Group That Refuses To Stand Behind It's Promotion
The Greenwich Chamber Of Con-merce sold $25,000 worth of the checks last year to town residents from its office.
Cold Hearted Mary Ann refuses to accepts the responsibility of promoting Greenwich Dollars.
In the past, hypocritical - publicity hound Morrison has eagerly opined about businesses that have not met their obligations
Greenwich Time
The Greenwich Chamber of Commerce told local merchants earlier this month to stop accepting Greenwich Dollar gift certificates....
...More than 100 stores and restaurants accepted Greenwich Dollars as part of a chamber promotion launched in 2002 to encourage people to shop and dine locally. The gift checks were heavily promoted around the holiday season....
....Greenwich resident Jill Kinear said she and her 14-year-old daughter Karrin went to Wish List on Greenwich Avenue over the weekend, and when Karrin tried to use $75 in Greenwich Dollars to buy clothes, the manager told her they were no longer accepted.....
...Karrin Kinear, a Greenwich High School freshman, had won the gift certificates last year in an essay contest.....
....Ashley Kane, Wish List's manager, said the store gets, on average, five people each month who redeem Greenwich Dollars. Customers have been disappointed when told they are worthless.....
Greenwich was the only chamber of commerce that sold the bad currency.
Lisa Roy, the interim director of the South Kingstown Chamber of Commerce in Rhode Island, said the chamber sold $7,000 in CertifiChecks gift certificates between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and has decided to allow businesses to redeem the popular checks with the chamber.
Treasury chief sheds light on reform plans
Business Day
“We’re at a turning point,”
Michael Darda, chief economist at MKM Partners LP in Greenwich, Connecticut, said in an interview with Bloomberg Radio. ...
Yale Is an Unlikely Host and Participant in NCAA Hockey Tournament
New York Times
As the team’s lone Connecticut natives, Backman, of Greenwich, and Arcobello, of Milford, said they were excited to play in front of an extended audience of ...
Bears Are Wary as Bull Returns
Wall Street Journal
Stocks continued their rally Thursday, pushing the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 21% from its recent bottom -- a new bull market by a common Wall Street definition.
To many skeptical investors, it seems to be a Cinderella bull market, however: one that will turn out to be an illusion when the clock strikes midnight.
For the moment, the rally looks powerful, a great relief to those investors who are hoping the worst pain is over......
Doug Cliggott, chief investment officer at Dover Investment Management in Greenwich, Conn., bought ETFs in an effort to profit from the upturn. But he, too, has begun selling those short-term investments, worried the rally could be peaking. In the longer term, he fears stocks could have farther to fall.
He tries to predict future market moves by looking at things that have been advance indicators of past bull markets, such as growth in corporate profit margins and in available credit. "
Even though we believe in the viability of a little rally here, we believe we are still firmly entrenched in a bear market because profit margins are in free fall," Mr. Cliggott says.
COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Boldt named captain of Dartmouth ice hockey
Greenwich TimeThe Greenwich resident and Taft graduate was selected captain by the coaching staff and his teammates for next season. Boldt, a steady defenseman, ...
Top dogs remain in denial over public anger
Financial TimesIt has been a good week for US plutocrats and technocrats. The Andrew Cuomo-prompted give-back of the bulk of the $165m in AIG bonuses appeased the angry, anti-bankster mob....
....This week was just a lull in the storm: the nation's widespread and deeply felt anger at financial capitalists and capitalism remains the new and dominant fact of the country's political life. So far, neither Washington nor Wall Street seem to have fully grasped this political sea-change, or figured how to deal with it.....
...is that elite and mass opinion in the US are sharply and dangerously divided, a cleavage he sees as deep as the more frequently discussed partisan split. From the perspective of the nation's elite - not just the Greenwich, Connecticut, fund manager, but also the Stanford professor and the DC think-tanker.....
.... As a result, fairness and yes, even equality, have become more important to ordinary people than at any time since the Great Depression. Like all political revolutions, the privileged class is finding it hard adapting to this shift. But ignorance is dangerous: in the days after the Bolshevik revolution, Russia's bourgeoisie didn't think much had happened, either, and stock prices held steady on the Petrograd exchange.
The Greenwich Time
School year to end earlier, except for Hamilton Ave.
Greenwich Time
... June 19, district officials and
school administrators have yet to decide when to schedule graduation ceremonies at Greenwich High School. ...
Local mom embraces advocacy role
Wilton VillagerShe also, for a time, owned her own business in Greenwich, Donna Inc, for clients who needed computer or accounting work, and she was the secretary of the ...
Selectmen adopt green standards for town buildings
Greenwich Time
By Neil Vigdor
Looking to put the "green" in Greenwich, the Board of Selectmen approved a new set of environmental standards Thursday governing the ...
John Bowman, a Byram Nieghborhood Association (BNA) member says he has been pushing unsuccessfully for BNA President Michael Bocchino to have the neighborhood group reconsider the project.
"He has so far refused to put it on the agenda," Bowman said "That's the reason for this protest. I believe they don't want it on the agenda because they're afraid it will be voted down."
Pocket parks spark Byram protest
Greenwich Time
An upcoming town project to create a pocket park on South Water Street in Byram is dividing the neighborhood, with supporters saying it will beautify a neglected area of the riverfront and critics questioning its cost and effect on parking.
"The people who support this don't live here and don't work here," said Joe Catalano, a third-generation owner of J. Catalano and Sons, a car-and-boat repair business that borders the park site.
The approximately one-tenth-acre site will have a pedestrian walkway, landscaping, benches and a floating dock on the Byram River. A century-old easement over a strip of the property gives public access to the waterfront. The site is one of two pocket parks slated for the neighborhood....
....A protest is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the site, part of which is used for municipal parking at South Water and Church streets.
Catalano said the project would lead to the elimination of parking spaces his customers and neighborhood residents heavily rely on. At the same time,
he expressed concerns about safety, saying that the pocket park will likely attract teenagers at night.....
....Byram resident Chris Antonik echoed those remarks.
"It's a waste of our money," Antonik said.
During a visit to the site Wednesday, Antonik pointed out that a house across the street from the future park is owned by Stephen Walko, chairman of the Board of Estimate and Taxation, which appropriated money for the project as part of a large package of capital improvements.....
....Mary Ann Morrison, president and chief executive officer of the Greenwich Chamber of Commerce, said the business organization has some misgivings about the plan, however.
Our concern is about the loss of valuable parking in a business community that is already struggling to have adequate parking for its employees and customers," Morrison said.
We can get those A.I.G. bonuses back, we can keep Bernard Madoff in jail, we can have Jim Cramer twisting in the wind. But none of that will help us fight the toxic waste product of America capitalism - greed.....
....Greed, like drugs and terrorism and poverty and other concepts on which we have declared war, will always be with us. The Madoffs and the A.I.G.s and the Jim Cramer's are just the bottom of the pit. Greed cannot be wiped out. Like any pathology, it can only be understood, treated, managed. And that, of course, will take money.
But we don't have any money, you say. That's why, when we get those A.I.G. bonuses back, President Obama should use them to fund another A.I.G., the American Institute for Greedism. This new A.I.G. could start with a line item budget..
#1. $20 million to fund "Greedland." Located in Greenwich, Connecticut, this greed theme park will allow the average American to experience the emptiness in the lifestyles of the rich and ravenous. E-ticket rides will allow "the little people" to sip champagne in a mega-mansion, go on spending sprees at Nieman Marcus, drive a Lamborghini, and pack our kids off to private school - forever. "Greedland" will also include such rides as "Pirates of the Dow," "Hedge Fund Hijinx," and the eerily lifelike "Great Moments With Mr. Trump."......
Hedge Registration Part of Geithner Overhaul
Hedge Fund NetFairfield Greenwich Group, a fund-of-fund with $14 billion under management, lost half its asset base investing with Madoff, while hedge fund manager Ezra ...
Sticker shock
Greenwich TimeBy Neil Vigdor
A town-issued beach card could come in more handy than a MetroCard on weekends this summer
for those taking the train from Greenwich to New York ...
High school notebook
Connecticut Post
Greenwich High and Greenwich Academy are hosting a sailing invitational Saturday at 10 am at the Greenwich Boat and Yacht Club on ...
Boys swimming :BMAC is 10th in Class M
Redding PilotGreenwich took first place with 486.5 points to Fairfield Prep’s 458. South-West Conference champ Pomperaug was third overall with 385.5. ...
Fire promotions raise questions
Greenwich TimeThe recent slate of promotions in the town Fire Department surely rankle other town employees and taxpayers. With good reason. The naming of six new lieutenants and two new deputy fire marshals follows layoffs in other town departments that were made to square the town's books in this time of financial turmoil.....
There currently are eight fire stations covering the town of Greenwich, including one in Banksville. According to department information, there were already 17 fire lieutenants in the department prior to the promotions. And while there was only one deputy fire marshal, there already were three inspectors in the Fire Marshal's Division.
That is in addition to a chief, assistant chief, four deputy chiefs and one deputy chief/fire marshal.....
Dr. Seayong Kang bought a four-bedroom, two-bath at 503 N.W. 195th St. in Shoreline from Richard C. Naten for $562,500 on Feb. 20.....
... Born and raised in Korea, he received his M.D. from the Korea University College of Medicine in Seoul. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Greenwich Hospital/Yale University in Connecticut.
There were 248 sales in
Shoreline in 2008, with a median sales price of $339,950.
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GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.