Top: Martin Frankel in 1995
Middle: Frankel home at 889 Lake Avenue
Bottom: Frances Burge's room at the time of her suicide
To the Editor:
While Greenwich Police hide names, Darien Police ignore a registered sex offenders behavior. The reason, the NEW MEN ON THE FORCE WERE UNAWARE and ARE STILL UNAWARE.
The offender was convicted of molesting boy scouts in 1996, and served some short time b/c he is a veteran
While Greenwich Police hide names, Darien Police ignore a registered sex offenders behavior. The reason, the NEW MEN ON THE FORCE WERE UNAWARE and ARE STILL UNAWARE.
The offender was convicted of molesting boy scouts in 1996, and served some short time b/c he is a veteran
(like that means anything?). He lives almost on the corner of the Boston Post Rd on Rings End Rd. He can be seen quite easily because he is about 250Lbs and has a white beard making him resemble Santa Clause. So, any police officer may pass by his sleazy shack 30 times in one shift.
The problem: He lives across the street from St Luke's Church that has a Pre School. His room has a birds eye view of the playground. He is out there in front of his house while the kids are in the fenced in playground.
Around the corner is an elementary school, Hindly. Kids are everywhere!!!!!
How can this piece of human trash live that close to that many children when he is a registered sex offender??????
Ask the police, and they say "I dunno...maybe he's not offending anymore...duh, huh?" I have never heard of a rehabilitated sex offender. The only way to rehabilitate one is to perform a lobotomy....removing anything else just causes elevated, highly specific rage.
Well, how about informing the parents of these 500 kids that some white bearded perv is lurking about? How about making him move ANYWHERE but near kids playing/walking to and from school?
I saw him hitchhiking the other night......and I wanted to swerve and hit the loser. If I had HIT HIM, would my name be a big mystery???? No way. It doesn't work that way here either!!!!!!! My name would be on the front page.
Check the Sex Offender Registry, triple the # that don't even register, and watch your children, please!!!
The Discerning Darien Dig
The problem: He lives across the street from St Luke's Church that has a Pre School. His room has a birds eye view of the playground. He is out there in front of his house while the kids are in the fenced in playground.
Around the corner is an elementary school, Hindly. Kids are everywhere!!!!!
How can this piece of human trash live that close to that many children when he is a registered sex offender??????
Ask the police, and they say "I dunno...maybe he's not offending anymore...duh, huh?" I have never heard of a rehabilitated sex offender. The only way to rehabilitate one is to perform a lobotomy....removing anything else just causes elevated, highly specific rage.
Well, how about informing the parents of these 500 kids that some white bearded perv is lurking about? How about making him move ANYWHERE but near kids playing/walking to and from school?
I saw him hitchhiking the other night......and I wanted to swerve and hit the loser. If I had HIT HIM, would my name be a big mystery???? No way. It doesn't work that way here either!!!!!!! My name would be on the front page.
Check the Sex Offender Registry, triple the # that don't even register, and watch your children, please!!!
The Discerning Darien Dig
Dear Discerning Darien Dig,
I apologize for not keeping Darien Roundup fully updated.
I have been bit busy as my church celebrates it's 25th anniversary.
There have been and continues to be services at 10 AM and 7 PM each day as well as, dinners and special activities for children.
I have even fallen behind at times here at the flagship site Greenwich Roundup
You make a good point about why some names remain a mystery on Darien and Greenwich Police Blotters.
You make a good point about why some names remain a mystery on Darien and Greenwich Police Blotters.
It is a shame that Greenwich is a town where someone with money and or connections can run over and leave a dead body at the side of the road and walk away from the police uncharged for leaving the scene of a death.
This is wrong and is a corruption in the Greenwich Police Department.
This is how Diana Ross made national headlines when her court mandated punishment was turned into a joke by the Greenwich Police Department.
This corrupt police mentality of giving special treatment to wealthy and connected Greenwich Residents has affected police performance on investigations from Moxley to Kissel.
When the Greenwich Police Department was sent to Martin Frankel, aka David Rosse's rented mansions because one of his sex kittens had committed suicide in middle of his 200 Million Dollar Insurance Fraud.
The Greenwich Police Department were oblivious to evidence of sadomasochistic and group sex, as well as, a paranoid guy sitting in a darkened room with TVs stacked to the ceiling on his lucky folding card table.
The Greenwich Police Department over looked unregistered and unauthorized out of town police officers locking down the two mansion compound.
The Greenwich Police over looked the illegally installed 10 foot high security fence that the paranoid Frankel had installed.
The neighbors were convinced that he was running a brothel — with all of the young women living there, coming and going at all hours, but they could not convince the intimidated Greenwich Police Department to investigate Frankel who was loaded with money.
When Frances Burge was was found hanged on the deck of one of the mansions. The death was ruled a suicide by the Greenwich Police Department and nothing happened until....
....a smoke detector went off because Frankel associates were burning documents in the Fire Place. The Greenwich Fire Department showed up and said .... "What the heck is going on in here?
The Greenwich Fire Department was not intimidated by wealth and officially called the building inspector and the Greenwich Police Department. Soon the place was crawling with Federal Investigators as Frankel fled to Europe.
It is just wrong that some "special" mystery people and their offspring get "preferential" treatment from the Greenwich Police Department.
There are two Greenwich Grandparent's who have buried an exceptionally kind and well liked boy, but to this day the Greenwich Police Department won't tell them who was the 20 Year Old Mystery Driver that ran over and left Joey for dead at the side of the road.
Even Though The 20 Year Old Mystery Driver's Name Is A Matter Of Public Record, An Intimidated Police Chief David Ridberg Wants The Family To Hire An Expensive Attorney To Make Him Release The Public Information.
Joey's Grandparents made a big mistake in buying a house in Greenwich. If they had bought in Stamford or any other town in Connecticut.
The 20 Year Old Mystery Driver Would Have Been Charged For Leaving The Scene Of A Death And His Name Would Have Been Released As A Matter Of Public Record.
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10/09/08 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Driver who hit bike rider Or Where is the police report?
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