Friday, November 21, 2008
11/21/08 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed
Greenwich Diva
Malia and Sasha Obama will attend Sidwell Friends School in DC - President-elect Barak and his wife Michelle Obama picked a school for Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7. Both girls will attend the prestigious Sidwell Friends Schoo...
Rock Star Diary
Kittenish -
John Ferris Robben - T-shirt Philosophy Page At Our Greenwich
Drawing Room Sale, Suburban Avenue, Cos Cob - [image: Michael and Kenleigh LaRock are hosting a Sale at the Drawing Room.] Michael and Kenleigh LaRock are hosting a Sale at the Drawing Room.
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
PEOPLE, Angelina, et al. - The truth may never be known - In today's THE NEW YORK TIMES, Brooks Barnes reports that when Angelina contracted with PEOPLE to purchase the exclusive photos of the twins, there was more ...
The Daily Spurgeon
May God send repentance! - True mourning for sin is the work of the Spirit of God. There is no mourning until first the Spirit is poured out. Then men look, and then they mourn. Re...
The Blonde Excuse
Sick - Sorry I've been seriously slacking on The Blonde Excuse lately. Somehow I managed to get the flu not once but twice in one month. Lucky me! I'll be back soon...
Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams
Sugar Rush! (Or I've Come to Long-Overdue Conclusion that I'm a "Family Guy " Fan) - So I'm late to this. It happens. I even jump on a bandwagon before it leaves, or come along much much later. I resisted the "Family Guy" urge for a long ti...
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Job Search Resources - Now more than ever, job seekers need current and relevant information to secure a position. Perrot has résumé books, interview books, books about networkin.
Tribune Company's Greenwich News Feed
When You've Never Had To Hunt For A Job - DEAR JOYCE: I was a manager in a company that was sold in the spring. After a six-month bout of frustrating unemployment, I'd really like to get back to wo...
Greenwich Forum
New York Men Issued Town's First Same-Sex Marriage License - Gr... - 1 Comment, last updated on Friday Nov 21 by tony
The New And Improved "For What It's Worth" (Wordpress Edition)
What’ll we do, oh what will we do? - So your house has been on the market since spring asking $2.6 million and there are no takers. It must be overpriced so do you knock it down: (a) 25%, (b) ...
11/21/08 The Greenwich YMCA Is The Only YMCA In America That Is Going To Court In An Effort To Keep The Crippled Out Of It's Building

1. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff Luis Gonzalez-Bunster, is a natural person who resides at 6 Doubling Road, Greenwich, Connecticut.
2. At all times relevant herein, Defendant Young Men’s Christian Association of Greenwich is a not-for-profit corporation duly formed under the laws of the State of Connecticut with its principal place of business at 50 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830, and doing business as Greenwich Family YMCA (hereinafter referred to “YMCA”).
3. At all times relevant herein, the Town of Greenwich is a municipal corporation having its principal place of business at 101 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830.
4. The YMCA operates a health and fitness facility at 50 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, Connecticut (hereinafter the “Facility”), which is a “place of public accommodation” as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12182, et seq.
5. In or about 1994, Plaintiff sustained an injury which caused him to suffered permanent paralysis in his lower body beginning from his mid-chest region, requiring him to use a wheelchair.
6. Plaintiff’s use of a wheelchair constitutes a “disability” under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12102(2).
7. In or about 2004, the YMCA began renovations to the facility, part of which consisted of renovations of its preexisting building and the construction of a new natatorium wing. The work to the natatorium resulted in the construction of a new pool.
8. On or about 2006, the Town of Greenwich issued a temporary occupational permit to the YMCA that allowed the YMCA to use the facility and allow members and Greenwich residents to use the facility while remaining construction was in progress.
9. A representative of the YMCA informed Plaintiff, through his counsel, that the YMCA intends to install wheelchair ramps when construction is completed, but that construction will not be completed until late 2009 at the earliest.
10. The facility does not have temporary ramps which would allow Plaintiff, and others similarly situated, to use the facility, in violation of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12182, et. seq., the Connecticut Building Code, C.G.S. 29-252, et seq., and local building ordinances.
11. On several occasions, Plaintiff requested the YMCA to construct a temporary ramp to allow him wheelchair access to the facility until construction is completed, but to date, the YMCA has neglected and refused to do so.
12. On several occasions, Plaintiff’s representatives requested counsel for the YMCA to construct such ramp, but counsel for the YMCA informed counsel for Plaintiff that such construction is not possible without first obtaining a building permit from the Defendant Town of Greenwich.
13. The YMCA’s denial of the access of the facility, which is a place of public accommodation, constitutes discrimination against the Plaintiff, and others similarly situated, on the basis of disability under applicable federal, state and local law for which there is no adequate remedy at law.
14. The Defendant Town of Greenwich’s issuance to the YMCA of a temporary certificate of occupancy despite the facility’s lack of wheelchair accessibility is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Connecticut State Building Code and Town of Greenwich building requirements.
15. Plaintiff’s continued denial of the use of the facility causes him irreparable harm because he must have access to the pool to maintain his physical well-being.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff prays for the following relief:
1. The issuance of an immediate temporary mandatory injunction pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12188(a)(2), ordering the YMCA to install a temporary ramp which would allow Plaintiff access to the facility;
2. The issuance of an immediate temporary injunction ordering the Town of Greenwich to immediately authorize the construction of such temporary ramp, or to revoke the temporary certificate of occupancy already issued to the YMCA;
3. The issuance of a permanent injunction ordering that a permanent ramp be constructed to allow access to the YMCA and natatorium that meets all building standards under federal and state law and local building codes;
4. An award of the costs of this action, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sections 12188(a)(a) and 12205; and
5. Such other relief and further legal and equitable relief as may be required.
Frank N. Peluso
Law Offices of Frank N. Peluso, P.C.
1799 Summer Street
Stamford, CT 06905
(203) 348-2000
Firm Juris No. 045981
11/21/08 The Greenwich Media Is Only Telling Half Of The Story About How The YMCA Is Discriminating Against The Crippled

The undersigned, Luis Gonzalez-Bunster, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states:
1. I am of legal majority, have first hand knowledge of the facts contained herein and could competently testify thereto if called as a witness.
2. I currently reside at 6 Doubling Road, Greenwich, Connecticut.
3. I would like to become a member of the Greenwich Family YMCA located at 50 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830.
4. Since 1994, I have been permanently paralyzed from the chest down and have been confined to a wheelchair.
5. In October 2008, I attempted to gain access to the YMCA facility in Greenwich and was unable to enter the building because there are no wheelchair ramps.
6. Water exercise is an essential form of exercise for me. My ability to exercise in other ways is severely limited and water exercise is necessary for me to maintain my physical and emotional well-being.
7. I have made requests of the YMCA for construction of a wheelchair ramp, but have been informed that a temporary ramp is not possible and that a permanent ramp will not be completed until late 2009, at the earliest.
8. The construction of a temporary wheelchair ramp is necessary for me, and others similarly situated, to gain access to the YMCA.
Frank N. Peluso, Esq.
Commissioner of the Superior Court
please send your comments to
11-21-08 Greenwich Time Online News Links - This Is All There Is In The Early Morning.

Ham. Ave nears another key deadline
Staff Writer
Posted: 11/21/2008 02:32:15 AM EST
Time is running short for the Hamilton Avenue School contractor to wrap up work around Thanksgiving, the schedule district officials suggested if students are to return to the renovated school after holiday recess in December.
Board of Ed weighs hearing officer for explusions
By Colin Gustafson
Staff Writer
Posted: 11/21/2008 01:00:00 AM EST
The Board of Education is considering delegating much of its authority on school disciplinary matters to an expulsion "hearing office" that would make final decisions on how to reprimand students.
Was Rookie Greenwich Time Reporter Colin Gustafson The Only One Working Yesterday At The Local Kitty Litter Liner?
E-mail about teen thieves in backcountry Greenwich called bogus
Staff Writer
Posted: 11/21/2008 08:26:23 AM EST
Police say there is no truth to an e-mail circulating around town warning residents that a group of teenagers is robbing houses in the backcountry.
No discrepancy in revised report on vote tally
By Neil Vigdor
Staff Writer
Posted: 11/21/2008 09:55:32 AM EST
Things just don't seem to be going John McCain's way. A day after the former Republican presidential candidate picked up eight votes on Barack Obama's total in Greenwich, the town took those votes away Thursday, according to a revised copy of an audit done by election officials.
Greenwich wine connoisseurs celebrate a new year of Beaujolais
Staff Writer
Posted: 11/21/2008 08:28:15 AM EST
Pop quiz: How many miles long is the Beaujolais region of France, just north of Lyon? Is it A) 16 or B) 28 or C) 34?
When anything happens to a large number of Americans - from being battered by hurricanes to receiving tax rebates - you can be sure a goodly number of individuals will try to take unprincipled advantage.
Culprits in this case have been identified as a growing number of "debt negotiators," whom state officials now propose to regulate. That seems a good idea if the regulations do not completely handcuff legitimate negotiators and deprive Connecticut residents of help they need in resolving credit-card, mortgage or other debts.
The core of the problem, those officials say, is that "negotiators" are not considered "debt adjusters" for purposes of state licensing.
According to Connecticut's attorney general, licensed debt adjusters take control of individuals' income and other assets, as well as debt. The adjuster's goal is to oversee repayment of debts over time. Negotiators, on the other hand, seek to broker agreements for borrowers' debt repayment, leaving the borrowers in control of their assets. As such, negotiators currently are not subject to any state regulation. ...... Blah ..... Blah ...... Blah ...... Blah
I Wonder What The Greenwich Time Editors Think About The Greenwich YMCA Discriminating, The Police Lawsuit Or Whats Happening At Town Hall.
Please send your comments to
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for $16.9M - Mansion Global - Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for $16.9M Mansion Global14 hours ago
"The Fab Floor" - By Jerry Zezima You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...2 days ago
February Made Me Shiver - The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is hanging on by a thread The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't written. I don...3 weeks ago
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight - We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1 milli...2 years ago
Upcoming Event: Virtual Discussion with Phillip Goodrich and May Wuthrich on their audiobook - *Upcoming Event:* * Virtual Discussion with author Phillip Goodrich **and audiobook producer and director May Wuthrich on their Audiobook Original,* *Som...3 years ago
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress - What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is every...3 years ago
Capitol Update: Vaccine Distribution, Restaurant Relief, and New Laws for 2021 - Please see below for an update regarding vaccine distribution efforts in Connecticut, a summary of House Republican proposals to assist bars and restaurant...4 years ago
Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town - Greenwich, CT Patch - Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town Greenwich, CT Patch4 years ago
David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 - Greenwich Time - David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 Greenwich Time5 years ago
September 11 Memorial/Remembrance Services in Greenwich - Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thousands. It is hard to believe so much time ha...5 years ago
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TOWN OF GREENWICH SHOULD DENY HIGBIE A PLATFORM - Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist, and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our southe...6 years ago
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] - AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] Darcy Wheeler 4.4.2017 AMP, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open source project that a...7 years ago
Or the other way around - Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor and u...8 years ago
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
Fairfield Greenwich Securities Class Action Settlement - Visit at for the full st...9 years ago
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online - *CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar sediki...9 years ago
Presentation to NW Florida State College Center Life Long Learning on The Episcopal Church - Recently, I was honored to be invited to present a program and classroom discussion on the basics of the Anglican Church to the Comparative Religions Class...10 years ago
I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad! - He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb, and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...10 years ago
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements - The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with Fairfield Gr...10 years ago
Trucks on the Merritt - Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a bill pro...11 years ago
Michael Mason Midwives MISA - The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM (Representative Town Mee...11 years ago
Questionable play-calling dooms Greenwich football team - How cool is it that I was able to watch the Greenwich-Staples game live on my laptop? If you missed it you may rewind and view the entire game on MSG Varsi...12 years ago
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder - STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the state Supre...12 years ago
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake - Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already stretching...13 years ago
Transitioning Into Fall - Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that summer is ...13 years ago
Redistricting - OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting rolle...13 years ago
Meet the Rev. Halley Low! - The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of Divinity, Magna...13 years ago
Reverse Mortgages - If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is important t...14 years ago
Different vision of America? No argument here. - In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never have ...15 years ago
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team - Yesterday at it was announced that I've joined the FCC's National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin and his t...15 years ago
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05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports - *This Just In ....* *Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit* Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman *Two years after five Greenwich police ...15 years ago
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago