Construction work continues at Hamilton Avenue School in Chickahominy.
(Bob Luckey Jr./Greenwich Time photo)
Hamilton Avenue School Building inspection visits find additional problems that need fixing and conditions that don't meet building codes.
Quote: "Everyone is kind at the end of their rope," said Dawn Nethercott, co-president of the Hamilton Avenue School PTA, who declined to speculate on whether the project would be completed on time."It's a cross your heart, pray to the novenas, hold your breath kind of thing,"
Project limps home
By Hoa Nguyen
Greenwich Time Staff Writer
Article Launched: 07/09/2008 02:31:10 AM...The Hamilton Avenue School project, which began in 2005, has encountered many delays, stretching an estimated 18-month completion period to one that has taken three years. While parents recently received assurances that the project would wrap up before the start of next school year, they also have been disappointed in the past by interim deadlines that have been missed.
For instance, officials said the building would be substantially complete in May, which then stretched into June, and now is slated for end of July.
The frequent delays have disheartened school parents, many of whom have stopped attending meetings in which Mazza and other members of a building committee meet with project manager Middletown-based Pinnacle One and contractor Bethel-based Worth Construction to talk about the project.....
...Since June, town building officials have been making biweekly inspection visits to the school. During each visit, building officials focus their attention on one part of the building, examining the work completed in those particular zones to make sure it meets building safety codes.
For instance, on July 1, inspectors looked at the second floor of the west wing, on July 3, it was the first floor of the west wing, yesterday, it was the second floor of the east wing and tomorrow it will be the first floor of the east wing....
Please Read The Full Greenwich Time StoryMeeting Alert:
Glenville and Hamilton Avenue Parents Mark Your Calendars
The Failed Greenwich Board of Education leaders have will conduct a meetings to discuss and reviewing contingency plans in case the project is delayed at 7 p.m. July 22 at Town Hall.
Then the Failed Board of Education leaders will conduct a second meeting to decide what to do, including moving forward with contingency plans in case the unfinished school is delayed once again. This meeting will be held on 7 p.m. July 29 at Greenwich High School.
Please see yesterdays article:
07/08/08 Hamilton Avenue School has passed only one inspection of 18 final inspections - Only Sprinkers In The Garage Get A Thumbs Up - Maybe Frank Mazza Can Set Up Temporary Classroom Partitions In The Garage, Because The Rest Of The School Has No Fire Coverage
Frank Mazza's project delays are impacting Glenville School parents, who hoped to move into the contaminated modular school classrooms in August so that thier school building can undergo mismanaged reconstruction. But, failed school administrators Susan Wallerstein has said that she does not want to start screwing up Glenville school until Frank Mazza finishes the disaster known as Hamilton Avenue School.
Please send your comments and any pictures or reports of town or fire officials cutting any corners at Hamilton Avenue School to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com.
Never again, should Hamilton Avenue children be put at risk.
They have suffered enough!!!