Friday, May 1, 2009
05/01/09 Greenwich Tennis Roundup
The Greenwich Department of Parks and Recreation will hold registration for summer tennis classes beginning April 1. Lessons are available for children ages 4-and-up through adults. Summer clinics begin June 8. Contact the Recreation Office at 618-7649 or visit for more information.
Greenwich tennis courts are open for play. Greenwich residents must have a valid card to play on any of the 36 town courts. The cards cost $27 ($45 for guests. To receive a tennis card application, contact the Department of Parks and Recreation at 622-3788.
Information on clinics and reserving courts is available at
Please send your sporting events to
05/01/09 How Did The Greenwich "King Of The AP Reports" Time Miss An AP Report About A Jobless Greenwich Man
Connecticut Post
And in Greenwich, home to hedge fund billionaires, it's David Rabin, who lost his $100,000 job last October as a senior vice president for a small financial services firm. He spends part of his morning in his basement, job hunting.
In better times, Rabin would be preparing for his annual spring golfing trip with three buddies at his condo in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Instead, the 48-year-old Rabin, wearing jeans, a blue hockey sweat shirt and white sneakers, is poring over and other online job boards. He sends out 10 resumes a day, but has had few nibbles in six months.
A day earlier, he learned he didn't get a job recruiting members for a gym. That hurt.
"I didn't sleep a freakin' wink," he said. "If I don't fit that job, what the hell am I going to do?"
Rabin's wife, Lauren, has a marketing job. And he receives $476 weekly unemployment -- about a quarter of his former salary -- that runs out in July. Both checks keep them afloat.
Rabin copes by keeping busy. He and Lauren compile a daily list of chores. Each time he completes one, he checks off a box.
Today's list: Drive his 19-year-old son to school. Search online for cheaper auto and home insurance. (No luck there.) Look for work; his target area has expanded to Buffalo, N.Y., Ohio and Florida -- any city where he has friends or relatives. Walk the dog. Buy flip flops for his Florida-bound wife. Work out at the YMCA. Paint the basement.
"You have no idea how humbling all this is," he said. "It's extremely humbling. I'm ready to go to Stop & Shop and start bagging groceries."
"I've been in this situation before and I wasn't nearly as frightened," he said. "This is the Great Recession we're in." ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
Re: Greenwich Diva get top link from Huffington Post
Pretty cool! Nice job!
05/01/09 Greenwich Soccer Roundup: This Just In ....
Re: Greenwich Diva get top link from Huffington Post
I hope God continues to bless her.
Re: Greenwich Diva get top link from Huffington Post
She is excellent was just a matter of a little time before she hit the limelights...Marian
Sent from my iPhone
Re: Greenwich Diva get top link from Huffington Post
Pretty exciting!
05/01/09 GREENWICH BLOG BREAKING RECORDS: Greenwich Diva gets top link from Huffington Post
05/01/09 Reception for Tony Mullen

Per the release we sent out earlier this week on Tony Mullen as the 2009
National Teacher of the Year:
You are invited to join us for a Reception/Press Conference honoring Tony
Mullen on:
Monday, May 4, 2009
4:00 PM
Arch School at Milbank
180 East Elm Street
Please let me know if you are planning to attend.
Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail:
Fax: 203-869-8003
Dear Kim.
I am sorry that I can't attend.
I have a previous engagement at that time.
Nor do I have someone to represent Greenwich Roundup at the event.
However, Please keep Greenwich Roundup on your invitation list.
Greenwich Roundup
05/01/09 Free Community Information guide

Greenwich Post
The Greenwich Answer Book is where you can check out how many people live in town, take the pulse of real estate sales, see how well Greenwich High School seniors did on the SATs, check on beach passes, and find a place to take a hike. If your Sunday morning snooze is interrupted, you can also find out about the noise ordinance.
For newcomers and old-timers alike, the Greenwich Answer Book is a valuable resource, whether you are thinking of moving here or thinking of going to the transfer station and can’t remember when it’s open. ...
1 Animals - Greenwich Answer Book
2 Business - Greenwich Answer Book
3 Children & Teens – Greenwich Answer Book
4 Clubs - Greenwich Answer Book
5 Demographics - Greenwich Answer Book
6 Emergencies - Greenwich Answer Book
7 Entertainment - Greenwich Answer Book
8 Government - Greenwich Answer Book
9 Health - Greenwich Answer Book
10 History - Greenwich Answer Book
11 Media - Greenwich Answer Book
12 Property Issues - Greenwich Answer Book
13 Public Services - Greenwich Answer Book
14 Recreation - Greenwich Answer Book
15 Religious Organizations - Greenwich Answer Book
16 Schools - Greenwich Answer Book
17 Senior Citizens - Greenwich Answer Book
18 Shopping - Greenwich Answer Book
19 Town Officials - Greenwich Answer Book
20 Transportation - Greenwich Answer Book
21 Utilities - Greenwich Answer Book
22 Web sites - Greenwich Answer Book
By Eliot Schickler
Even though the results didn't show it Tuesday, the Staples High boys tennis team is closing the gap with Greenwich High. ...
05/01/09 GREENWICH BLOG BREAKING RECORDS: Greenwich Diva gets top link from Huffington Post

National Media Reads And Cites Greenwich Blog Regularly
The Greenwich Time Wishes It Got
9,000 Visitors In 120 Minutes
Ever since Greenwich Diva started blogging about Senator Stevens, CNN, Huffington Post, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, ABC and other big name "reliable" media have been coming to her blog (These organizations constantly show up on her web traffic reports). It takes greenwichRoundup four or five days just to get the traffic Greenwich Diva got in just two hours. Look right under around the web.
Greenwich bloggers please send your web traffic reports to |
Houston Business Journal
First Reserve Corp., with offices in Houston, Greenwich, Conn., and the UK, closed the fund in April. The amount committed to First Reserve Fund XII tops ...
Houston Chronicle
In January a major EPL investor and noteholder — Wexford Capital LLC, based in Greenwich, Conn. — called for a shake-up, including the firing of all top ...
Greenwich Financial is leading a lawsuit against Bank of America-owned Countrywide Financial, asserting that the mortgage company will shift $8.4 billion in ...
On a relative basis, the report was "a major 'green shoot'," said Stephen Stanley, economist at RBS Securities in Greenwich, Connecticut, employing the ...
Norwalk Advocate
Carlo Leone-D-Stamford said he was pleased the board decided to arrange at least one hearing near enough for Greenwich, Stamford, and Norwalk residents, ...
Stamford Plus Magazine
By Greenwich Chamber of Commerce
In today's challenging economic environment, now, more than ever, is the time for businesses to promote their products and ...
Connecticut Post
He is a paralegal at Paloma Partners, Greenwich, and in September will begin pursuit of a master's degree in Middle East studies and international economics ...
05/01/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog And Rss Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
House Bill 3385 Passed: New Day for the AMBER Alert Program - From "Today is a new day for the AMBER Alert program which has been under public scrutiny for not protecting children that go will...
For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
Price Cuts - getting there - Heard of a sale today up the line: seller paid $3.6, had it on the market for two years and sold it today for $1.6. We haven’t quite reached that point her...
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Good Publicity - Perrot's blog was the receipient of a 2009 Connecticut Library Association Publicity Award for Best Blog. Thanks to all of our staff contributors and our ...
Ask the Doctor: Medical Health Articles
How to Understand Nail Fungus and Other Risk Factors - Nail fungus is something most people know very little about. We may see a few different advertisements or commercials about nail fungus treatment and ...
The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva
Nazita Aminpour is suing Chase bank for telling her husband, David Shamash, about her secret account - A wife, who hid $800,000 of her own money in a New York City bank, is suing the bank for telling her husband about the money. Nazita Aminpour, a dentist from...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Emailed Web Article - RSS Feed
Greenwich High School girls lacrosse team downs Daniel Hand - GREENWICH -- When the Greenwich High School girls lacrosse team has all facets of its game clicking it's one of the toughest teams in the state to beat......
Zez Says: Greenwich Time / Stamford Advocate Columnist Jerry Zezima
"Out of Shape and Into Yoga" - By Jerry Zezima The Stamford Advocate As a dedicated couch potato who would eat potatoes on the couch if my wife would let me, I firmly believe that .....
The Daily Spurgeon
The Reward Of The Righteous - Too many Christians look for a present reward for their labors, and if they meet with success, they begin doting upon it as though they had received their...
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Be Your Own Executive Coach - "How many sessions would it take?" That's what the unemployed and soon-to-be unemployed ask me during the complimentary consultation I provide in my coaching...
Former Greenwich Resident Rosie O'Donnell"s RBlog
AskRo - Catherine writes: Obama says he is against torture, but we know he will do it secretly if lives depend on it. If people die, his presidency is toast and he...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Viewed Web Article - RSS Feed
Drug companies abuse power by quashing evidence linking vaccines to autism - It's day 30 of Autism Awareness Month, which means 2,160 new cases of autism were added this month -- one every 20 minutes. At a cost of $3 million per child...
Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Alexander’s Feast, George Friderich Handel - Alexander’s Feast, George Friderich Handel St Barnabas Church 954 Lake Avenue Friday, May 1, 2009 8:00 p.m. Alexander’s Feast, George Friderich Handel ...
The Blonde Excuse
Oklahoma City National Memorial - The second full day of our storm chasing trip was fairly uneventful weather-wise as well, so that morning we all hopped in the chase van and headed into the ...
Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at
A camera that knows who it's photographing - I know a little bit about complex pattern recognition, and it's not easy or straightforward. So my jaw dropped a bit when I read David Pogue's footnoteson ...
Rock Star Diary
Let's expose a scam - So I've been a little bored lately so I decided I would mess with some con-artists to entertain myself. Just to see how far I can take them and expose how ...
Cos Cob Blogger Iggy Makarevich At High Strangeness
Swine Flu Was Cultured In A Laboratory - On Friday, NPR reported that the deadly swine flu combines genetic material from pigs, birds and humans in a way researchers have not seen before, thus leadi...
Vivapop Community Events RSS Feed
Model Ts to Mustangs, May 2nd - Carriage House Stamford, CT 203.322.1646 General Interest Carriage House Presents Model Ts to Mustangs May 2 (Rain date May 3) 11 am to 3 pm ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/01/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Information On Greenwich
Hi, Are there other media outlets in Greenwich? Thanks so much for your time,
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to |
05/01/09 PRESS RELEASE: Donations Needed to Help Kids in Appalachia Kentucky
Please send your comments and press releases to
R.A.M.P. 187 Sound Beach Avenue Old Greenwich CT 06870 |
05/01/09 Press Release: Just Books' May Events
Just Books 28 Arcadia Road Old Greenwich CT 06870 |
05/01/09 PRESS RELEASE: Hazardous waste disposal day
No commercial loads will be permitted. Acceptable materials include pesticides, oil-based paints, solvents, kerosene, pool chemicals, mothballs, drain cleaners and other toxic materials. Latex paint and motor oil will not be accepted.
For a complete list of what is accepted or for other information, visit or call Public Works at 869-6910 or Environmental Health at 622-7838.
05/01/09 TAKE COVER: Hurricane Betty Is Headed For Waterbury

Waterbury Republican American
TORRINGTON — School officials confirmed Thursday that Greenwich School Superintendent Betty J. Sternberg is the fourth candidate seeking the interim superintendent's post here.
05/01/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: This just In.....
The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:
Capitalism in Wonderland Monthly Review - Herndon,VA,USA Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Doomsday Book (Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, 1970), 32-33. After the memo was leaked Summers claimed that he was being ... |
Greenwich woman struck by car in Norwalk Greenwich Time NORWALK -- A 47-year-old Greenwich woman suffered a broken hip after being struck by a car on Van Buren Avenue in Norwalk late Wednesday night. ... |
Soggy weekend ahead Connecticut Post In Stamford, the high tide will be at 5:39 pm In Greenwich, the high tide will be at 5:37 pm Today: Showers likely, then occasional showers and possibly a ... |
The Latest Greenwich Blog Posts:
Today's Top 5/Predictions/Score updates LAX with JOE by jlombardi Greenwich 10, Brien McMahon 4. Darien 9, Trumbull 3. Wilton 10, New Canaan 6. Pleasantville 8, Ardsley 4. Be sure to weigh in with your predictions and check back for score updates. Reach Joe Lombardi at ...LAX with JOE - |
MyDD :: A Long Island Politician...And His Husband by DTOzone Today, they married in Greenwich, Connecticut, across the Long Island Sound from Cooper's constituency. Thanks to a decree by Governor Paterson in May, 2008, Cooper's Connecticut marriage will be recognized in the state of New York ...MyDD - |
cpn: Economic Update - Sublease, Shadow Space Vex Office Owners by Adam "Shadow space is definitely a reality that landlords will be forced to address in many major commercial real estate markets," Kenneth Boyle, managing partner at Greenwich, Conn.-based Hanover Real Estate Partners, told CPN. ...cpn - - References |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/01/09 The Raw Greenwich Overnight News Feed (Continuously Updated Throughout The Early Morning Hours) - 7 minutes ago
... “One thing the stress tests will do is herald a fundamental shift in approach toward the financial system,” said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Greenwich, Connecticut.. ...
The Private School Pinch
And in places like Greenwich, Conn., and Rockville, Md., public-school districts are reporting a sudden uptick in students transferring in from the privates ...
United Rentals to shut down 39 branches
By Lee Howard United Rentals, a Greenwich-based company that leases construction and industrial equipment, announced Thursday that it will close 39 branches ...
G-Force: World's fastest street-legal race car
Kirby, bald, rotund and with the joyful enthusiasm of a kid with a new toy, recently showed me around the Maxximus outside a restaurant in Greenwich, Conn. ...
Madoff Feeder Fund Fires Back at Massachusetts Regulators
... provided plenty of grist for investors who filed an amended complaint against Fairfield Greenwich Group, the notorious $7 billion Madoff feeder fund. ...
Detecting Trouble
Athletic Business
Summary: Shootings at high school and rec center basketball games reignite the debate about using metal detectors on spectators.
Shootings at three high school and youth basketball games earlier this year caused some administrators and facility operators to take up the age-old debate over whether metal detectors should be used on spectators.....
... in the parking lot outside of Brien mcmahon High School as dozens of people left a game in which the home team boys lost to Greenwich High in a blowout. ...
King sticks it to Black Knights
Norwalk Advocate
They play against all those great teams like Greenwich, Wilton, Darien, New Canaan and Westhill, where as we play in the (Fairchester Athletic Association). ...
Boys, Girls Lacrosse roundups
Stamford Advocate
Greenwich 11, Daniel Hand 2: Taylor Kralovenec had four goals while Taylor Stafford and Sarah Kramer each scored twice to propel Greenwich past Daniel Hand ...
Set for success: Danbury volleyball on the rise
Danbury News Times
The Hatters have won two straight and four of their last five after topping rival Ridgefield 3-1 on Monday and cruising past Greenwich 3-0 on Wednesday. ...
Long Island legislator marries partner in Conn.
Jon Cooper and Robert Cooper were wed in a park Thursday in Old Greenwich, Conn. The 54-year-old Majority Leader of the Suffolk County Legislature called ...
Fairfield Greenwich claims distortion in Madoff case
Danbury News Times
By David Glovin Fairfield Greenwich Group, the hedge fund that lost $7 billion invested with Bernard Madoff, accused a Massachusetts regulator of factual ...
House passes credit card bill
Connecticut Post
Jim Himes, D-Greenwich, was able to discuss the significance of the bill and what kind of balance it strikes in trying to regulate but not crush an industry ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/01/09 Greenwich Publicity Pro Jenifer Howard Opens Up A New PR Shop

Norwalk Advocate
"We all know each other," said Deborah Burns, PR Synergy's managing principal. The five formed a consortium a few years ago to discuss best practices and ideas, but decided to formalize the relationship to take advantage of each other's strengths.
PR Synergy is a holding company for the five firms the founders run independently. Burns owns Burns Communications of Fairfield, with expertise in wealth management and branding; Victor Emmanuel runs VJE Consultants of Port Chester, N.Y., specializing in business-to-business marketing and crisis management; Nancy Moon of Fairfield owns Moon Public Relations, focusing on sports marketing and green initiatives; Jenifer Howard, owner of Greenwich-based J. Howard Public Relations, concentrates on food, beverage and arts and music promotions; and Kelley Connors, of KC Healthcare Communications of Norwalk, focuses on health care public relations.
Although all are full-service firms, Emmanuel said the new partnership allows him and his colleagues to offer experience in specific areas to existing and new clients. That strategy can help them keep clients and win new ones, he said.
"They might as well hang together, they're hanging alone," Jack O'Dwyer, public relations industry watchdog, said about the new firm.....
"Clients can work with PR Synergy Plus members one-on-one, as a small team, or when projects demand, as a scaled up full-service agency," she said "We will work on a project for a retainer fee basis. Our minimum monthly retainer fee is between $5,000 to $7,500 per month for a basic PR program and minimum six-month contract. As far as account structure, whomever brings in the business will direct the business and determine which PR Synergy Plus team members are the best fit to meet client's specific needs."......
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
In photos: Greenwich Parkway School holds its first-ever mixed-grade musical — 'Annie Jr.' - Torrington Register Citizen - In photos: Greenwich Parkway School holds its first-ever mixed-grade musical — 'Annie Jr.' Torrington Register Citizen1 day ago
"The Fab Floor" - By Jerry Zezima You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...4 days ago
February Made Me Shiver - The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is hanging on by a thread The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't written. I don...4 weeks ago
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight - We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1 milli...2 years ago
Upcoming Event: Virtual Discussion with Phillip Goodrich and May Wuthrich on their audiobook - *Upcoming Event:* * Virtual Discussion with author Phillip Goodrich **and audiobook producer and director May Wuthrich on their Audiobook Original,* *Som...3 years ago
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress - What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is every...3 years ago
Capitol Update: Vaccine Distribution, Restaurant Relief, and New Laws for 2021 - Please see below for an update regarding vaccine distribution efforts in Connecticut, a summary of House Republican proposals to assist bars and restaurant...4 years ago
Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town - Greenwich, CT Patch - Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town Greenwich, CT Patch4 years ago
David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 - Greenwich Time - David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 Greenwich Time5 years ago
September 11 Memorial/Remembrance Services in Greenwich - Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thousands. It is hard to believe so much time ha...5 years ago
Current Conditions : 24.8F, Mostly Cloudy - 5:02 PM EST Mar. 6 - Temperature: 24.8°F | Humidity: 23% | Pressure: 30.14in (Rising) | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: WNW | Wind Speed: 0mph6 years ago
TOWN OF GREENWICH SHOULD DENY HIGBIE A PLATFORM - Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist, and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our southe...6 years ago
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] - AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] Darcy Wheeler 4.4.2017 AMP, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open source project that a...7 years ago
Or the other way around - Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor and u...8 years ago
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
Fairfield Greenwich Securities Class Action Settlement - Visit at for the full st...9 years ago
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online - *CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar sediki...9 years ago
Presentation to NW Florida State College Center Life Long Learning on The Episcopal Church - Recently, I was honored to be invited to present a program and classroom discussion on the basics of the Anglican Church to the Comparative Religions Class...10 years ago
I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad! - He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb, and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...10 years ago
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements - The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with Fairfield Gr...10 years ago
Trucks on the Merritt - Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a bill pro...11 years ago
Michael Mason Midwives MISA - The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM (Representative Town Mee...11 years ago
Questionable play-calling dooms Greenwich football team - How cool is it that I was able to watch the Greenwich-Staples game live on my laptop? If you missed it you may rewind and view the entire game on MSG Varsi...12 years ago
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder - STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the state Supre...12 years ago
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake - Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already stretching...13 years ago
Transitioning Into Fall - Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that summer is ...13 years ago
Redistricting - OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting rolle...13 years ago
Meet the Rev. Halley Low! - The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of Divinity, Magna...13 years ago
Reverse Mortgages - If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is important t...14 years ago
Different vision of America? No argument here. - In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never have ...15 years ago
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team - Yesterday at it was announced that I've joined the FCC's National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin and his t...15 years ago
Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg - [image: Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg] Date: May 13, 2009, 5:10 AM Number of Comments on Photo:0...15 years ago
05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports - *This Just In ....* *Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit* Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman *Two years after five Greenwich police ...15 years ago
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago