Monday, September 21, 2009
09/22/09 PRESS RELEASE: You're Invited! WOW! Walk on Water Benefit 2009 Oct 2-4
09/21/09 Reader Submitted Comments: There Are Health Code Violations In The Greenwich Public Schools
There are unacceptable conditions in the public school districts' cafeterias.
These major food- safety violations could lead to food-borne illnesses.
Some of the most serious violations include such things as serving meats or poultry at unsafe temperatures or dented cans in the schools' pantries, a botulism risk.
Some of the minor violations include things like mold-like substances, grease accumulations and rodent droppings. Most of the town's public schools have other minor violations such as missing soap, dripping refrigerators, dirty equipment and general disrepair.
Another problem is flies, dead roaches and rodent droppings in kitchens, The district should get a new pest-control contractor, and make sure extermination is done weekly.
There is also rusted equipment, a lack of three-bay sinks for washing, rinsing and sanitizing, messy garbage storage, missing sneeze guards, and dirty refrigerator door gaskets.
Something must be done immediately about the major food-safety violations related to the storage of prepared foods at unsafe temperatures.
Please Do Not Publish My Name Or Identify Me In Any Way
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 The Twits On Twitter Are Once Again Tweeting About Greenwich
Greenwich, CT
alexis_here : Spotted: THE DIVA Diana Ross using a shopping cart to hold one sushi pack at @wholefoods in greenwich http://myloc.me/ICPX
canaiden : Stepping Stones Conservation Quest maze on energy conservation visits Audubon Greenwich: Join the quest to learn.. http://bit.ly/TwQT2
stamfordplus : Stepping Stones Conservation Quest maze on energy conservation visits Audubon Greenwich: Join the quest to learn.. http://bit.ly/TwQT2
greenwichpost : #Greenwich High volleyball looks to make noise despite losses. #fciac http://bit.ly/BP61T
missmotorcade : Egg whites again... #prbc (@ Village Bagels in Greenwich) http://bit.ly/30MZgr
jcoffin1 : Greenwich, CT, 4000' above mouth of Mianus River, 7:50 PM, light in sky had a lampshade effect like a spotlight in fog. It slowly faded out.
cheapgreenwich : You’ve Had the Baby. Now What? FREE Greenwich Hospital Class for New Parents, Sept. 22nd, 7-8pm http://tinyurl.com/m83ulb
LindaForSenate : John Raben and the rest of the Greenwich RTC put together a great clambake today! Couldn't have asked for better weather.
fire_chicky : @NickDidelot unfortunately that sign is also a bullseye. On the bright side its greenwich, no one has guns :o)
mzkeirabaybii : @MR_GOD_GIFTS not greenwich village I'm talkin about the town in connecticut
NickDidelot : Feeling very out of place in the Greenwich Av starbucks. I think there's a "From Stamford" sign on my back
Arbella52899 : Taking a couple of weeks off before Greenwich Cup, Gearbuster and Manhasset.
Stamford_News : The Dish: A-Rod, Hudson at Polpo; Mary Tyler Moore at Saks - Greenwich Time: http://bit.ly/2ofUQ0
Please send your comments, news tips, press releases and Tweets To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed (Updated)
Guilty Pleasures and Off The Beaten Path - Music, as we all know, is very personal. Those who don't like music can't appreciate what music can do to the soul. We can develop such an attachment to ...
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
"Extremeley difficult decision," Pratt & Whitney shouldn't have said in new era of economic survival - Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies, will go down in corporate public relations history as handling the closing of two Connecticut facilities ...
The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva
Actor Adonis Losada arrested for possession of child pornography - Spanish actor, Adonis Losada was arrested in Miami today for possessing child pornography, Florida police confirmed. The 45-year-old actor, who was a ...
Today's Greenwich Time Letters To The Editor
Letters from our readers - Nonpartisan debate format To the editor: In reading your article, "Tesei declines Lavery debate" (Greenwich Time, Sept. 18), I can understand why he declined...
2 hours ago
"Greenwich, Conn" - Google News
WR Berkley Expands Presence in Domestic Energy Sector - Trading Markets (press release) - *WR Berkley Expands Presence in Domestic Energy Sector* *Trading Markets (press release)* *GREENWICH, Conn*., Sep 21, 2009 (AM Best via COMTEX) .....
For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
Bargain on Sawmill? - This house sold new in 2006 for $6 million and was put back up for sale last year for $5.995. It sold today for $4.525. That’s only about a 25% hit which ...
Greenwich Citizen News Feed
Flotilla volunteers protect local waters - Greenwich Citizen - *Flotilla volunteers protect local waters* *Greenwich Citizen* If you enjoy boating and public service, there's a new, little-known opportunity in town to ...
Ask the Doctor: Medical Health Articles
Cholesterol Reduction Medical Diet - The state of the human body when more than the necessary amount of cholesterol circulates in the blood is known as high cholesterol. Cholesterol is an ...
Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at isen.blog
Making Network Neutrality Sustainable, Revisited - Today FCC Chairman Genichowski announced that the FCC's Network Neutrality Proceeding is entering the rule-making stage. This is a historic milestone, wort...
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Book Recommendation: Stitches - *Stitches: A Memoir, *by David Small 741.5973 SMALL Award-winning children's book illustrator David Small ...
The Blonde Excuse
Let's Try This Again... - Maybe I'm just being nit-picky about my photos, but I think the slideshow distorted the quality. Here's a link to my set on Flickr: People Photographing ...
The Daily Spurgeon
God is working everywhere - A blind world this, which always talks about “natural laws,” and “the effects of natural causes,” but forgets that laws cannot operate of themselves, and...
Topix - Greenwich News RSS Feed
Greenwich Y rakes in $50K in two days with Web video - The Greenwich Family YMCA has found the key to better fortune in fundraising: YouTube.
Hartford Courant's Greenwich RSS Feed
Police: 2 Conn. jewelry store thefts may be linked - Police in Connecticut say they're investigating whether three men charged in a Norwalk jewelry store heist also stole $500,000 in valuables from a Greenwich...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Emailed Web Article - RSS Feed
Greenwich native serving in Scots Guards to speak at NYC gala - Neil Gow has the distinction of being the third generation in his family to serve in the Scots Guards, a regiment of the British Army that traces its ...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Viewed Web Article - RSS Feed
Video - Thousands turn out for annual hawk watch - Clear blue skies and perfect wind patterns made for ideal hawk-watching weather this weekend at Greenwich Audubon, where thousands of wildlife enthusiast...
Greenwich Gossip By "The Scribe Of Greenwich" Bill Clark
French Organ Symphonies - Saturday night saw one of the best organ recitals ever to be heard in Greenwich, and that's saying quite a lot when you factor in the many stunning perform...
EDDIE "Greenwich Native" ROSS
Wish You Were Here - Jaithan and I are in D.C. for a few days meeting lots of fantastic new friends! First, Michele with My Notting Hill hosted a beautiful party at her home on......
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: The Trujillo Brothers
Its funny I live in the Dominican Republic And Leonard
Trujillo was never a bad kid I know him since a kid ,
his uncle the other guy, those guys are Murderes,
in Colombia people work for the cartel of meddellin,
out there.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
)9/21/09 Greenwich Board Of Education Media Alert: Tony Mullen to Speak at Greenwich High School
'Local Shaper of the Year' by Ms. Eleanor Ritch's Shapers classes at
Greenwich High School.
You are invited to attend:
A Conversation with Mr. Mullen
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
9:56AM - 10:39AM
10:44AM - 11:27AM
Greenwich High School
Media Center, Meeting Room 2
""Shapers" is an interdisciplinary humanities course (at Greenwich High
School) in which students explore how human beings have shaped their
individual experiences in ways that have had a significant impact on
For their first assignment this year students were asked to nominate, in
writing, great Shapers of the World throughout all of world history. In
addition, they were asked to nominate a local, modern Shaper of the World,
someone who has made a positive impact on the world.
Shapers teacher, Eleanor Ritch said, "I wanted students to nominate a
person who is shaping and improving our world today. Many students
nominated Anthony Mullen due to the fact that he received the 2009
National Teacher of the Year award from President Barack Obama. The
students voted overwhelmingly for Anthony over other local figures from
the CT/NYC area, including some rather famous politicians, musicians,
authors, doctors and medical professionals, artists, and community service
leaders. I was quite impressed by how much the students respect a fellow
Quotes from student papers:
Ben Langford, nominated Anthony Mullen because he was impressed with how
Anthony has "managed to build connections with hard to reach students."
Taylor Dawson nominated Mr. Mullen because, "As a teacher he is shaping
the minds of our future here in Greenwich. Now as Teacher of the Year he
is able to go from making a difference for just a few students to
influencing students and teachers across the nation."
Katie Beale nominated Anthony Mullen because, "he believes every student
has his or her own back-story, and the teacher's job is to help them
'write a happy ending' and 'radically transform fractured lives.'"
Hans Christian Thalheim nominated him because he was "selected as Teacher
of the Year and was also a teacher at Arch School in Greenwich. He deals
with academically challenged students, and I am sure he has seen his share
of tough cases as a former NYPD homicide detective."
James Utton nominated Anthony Mullen because, "his selfless acts inspire
me to give of myself in any way possible to teens who are struggling in
high school."
Please let me know if you will be attending.
Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail: kim_eves@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Fax: 203-869-8003
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Afternoon Edition
Stepping Stones Conservation Quest maze on energy conservation ... Connectcut Plus We are grateful to Audubon Greenwich for its support as one of the museum's community partners and hosting this maze." The local presenting sponsors include ... |
One in five Greenwich RTM members fail to meet attendance requirements Greenwich Time .....Chait is not seeking re-election to the RTM, which has 230 seats total. For this analysis, members that resigned, died in office or ... |
Norwalk police snare trio attempting to burglarize jewelry store Connecticut Post By John Nickerson NORWALK -- Just two days after a major nighttime jewelry store burglary in Greenwich, city police say they arrested three California men ... See all stories on this topic |
Video - Thousands turn out for annual hawk watch Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman Clear blue skies and perfect wind patterns made for ideal hawk-watching weather this weekend at Greenwich Audubon, where thousands of ... |
Greenwich Hawk Watch Festival « Under Clear Skies By underclearskies ..... Too tired to post anything about the event right now but thought I'd stick up this digiscoped picture of some weird Gyr/Saker/whatever cross falcon that was part of ... Under Clear Skies - http://underclearskies.wordpress.com/ |
Crushers Football at GHS – Our Greenwich By johnferrisrobben Crushers Football at GHS. Sep 21st, 2009. by johnferrisrobben. Two humbles in one play at the Crusher/Banc Seniors Football Game today at GHS. Posted in: Sports. Tagged: Crushers · Football · Greenwich. ← Young Field Parking Changes ... Our Greenwich - http://ourgreenwich.com/ |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 MEDIA ALERT: Officer of the Month Photo
(See attached file: Welsh, Johnson.jpg)
Lieutenant Daniel Allen
Greenwich Police Department
Public Information Officer
11Bruce Place
Greenwich, CT 06830
Tel. 203-618-8819
Fax 203-618-8852
09/21/09 Greenwich Police Department Press Release: Officer of the Month
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 MEDIA ALERT: Corrected Dates for Early Release
Please note corrected dates for 2009-10 Early Release Days attached
(changed 2009 to 2010 for the January, April and May dates)
Sorry for any confusion.
Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail: kim_eves@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Fax: 203-869-8003
Community Organizations Support District Improvement Efforts by Planning Special After
School Activities for Early Release Days
and the Board of Education approved, the addition of five early release days for the 2009-10 school year to be
used for teacher collaboration time. “Research clearly provides a strong rationale for providing staff with regular
collaboration time that allows them to engage in data analysis and instructional planning that meets the needs of
all learners.
Data Teams at the District, School, Grade and Program levels. Data Teams are groups of staff members –
whether at the District, School or Grade/Program level – that meet regularly on a continuous improvement
cycle. They are charged with reviewing student achievement data, establishing goals, and developing and
implementing targeted instructional strategies and results indicators. Data Teams are a research-based strategy
for improving instruction with demonstrated success. Noted educational researchers, Richard DuFour and
Robert Marzano, have concluded that “there is abundant evidence that organizing people into teams in which
they work together to achieve common goals is a powerful structure for promoting accountability and improving
student achievement (2009).”
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sidney Freund noted, “The staff is looking forward to having this dedicated
block of time to concentrate on planning for improvement – Teachers do have regular collaboration time each
week during the school day, however, they are short blocks of time. Teachers also have contractual time that
extends slightly beyond the school day, however this is generally devoted to time with students for extra-help
and/or as advisors to clubs, service organizations and to music and athletic programs. The five collaboration
days are designed to connect to Wednesday afternoon faculty meetings, providing an extended block of time for
more in-depth or prolonged discussions and training opportunities. We know that this may cause an
inconvenience for some families, and we are working with local community organizations to provide options for
afterschool activities and childcare. We also know that, based on scientific research, time devoted to
collaborative work yields improvement in achievement and we appreciate the support from our school families
in providing this opportunity for our teachers – and ultimately, for our students.”
The early release days are included on the school calendar and were distributed to all families via the August
Packets and on the District and School Web Sites. In addition, families have been informed of these additional
early release days via public meetings, local media coverage, letters home, and/or other venues executed by
building leaders.
The five early release* Collaboration Wednesdays are as follows:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
* Students will be release two-hours earlier than regular dismissal times.
Local Community Organizations Support Improving Student Achievement:
Local community organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Club and the YMCA have generously agreed to
support the District’s efforts to provide this critical time for teachers by offering after school programs for each
of the five “Collaboration Wednesdays.” Families may choose to register* for a program at one of the many
participating community organizations. Community organizations are working to provide themed programs for
early release Wednesdays that may include The Environment, the Olympics and the Arts. The Board of
Education, and the staff of the Greenwich Public Schools would like to acknowledge the cooperation and
support of our community organizations in partnering with us to provide this opportunity for teachers to
collaborate in service of improved achievement for all students.
*Transportation and program fees are the responsibility of each family.
09/21/09 Greenwich Police Department Press Release: Officer of the Month
See the attached Officer of the Month.
(See attached file: JohnsonNardiWelsh Break in)
Lieutenant Daniel Allen
Greenwich Police Department
Public Information Officer
11Bruce Place
Greenwich, CT 06830
Tel. 203-618-8819
Fax 203-618-8852
Officer of the Month
The Greenwich Police Department has selected Police Officers Carl Johnson,
Matthew Nardi and Sean Welsh as its recipients of the Officer of the Month Award
for July 2009.
On Monday, July 6 2009 at approximately 10:16 A.M., members of the Uniformed
Services Division were detailed to 65 Cambridge Drive on a report of a suspicious
vehicle, a BMW, parked in the driveway.
An initial inquiry of the vehicle’s registration revealed that the plates belonged on a
Chrysler type vehicle.
The officers subsequently conducted an in depth investigation that resulted in two(2)
subjects being identified and a number of items being discovered in the vehicle that
had been reported stolen from other vehicles within the Town of Greenwich
sometime during the evening hours of July 4 and morning hours of July 5, 2009.
The officers’ training as well as their investigative and interview skills led to the
arrest of two suspects responsible for eleven (11) motor vehicle break-ins in the
central area of town and the recovery of property valued in excess of $1000.00.
Congratulations to Officers Carl Johnson, Matthew Nardi and Sean Welsh on a job
well done.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/21/09 Greenwich Post Breaking News
09/21/09 PRESS RELEASE: Just Books' Author Events Sept 21-30
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for $16.9M - Mansion Global - Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for $16.9M Mansion Global14 hours ago
"The Fab Floor" - By Jerry Zezima You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...2 days ago
February Made Me Shiver - The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is hanging on by a thread The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't written. I don...3 weeks ago
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight - We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1 milli...2 years ago
Upcoming Event: Virtual Discussion with Phillip Goodrich and May Wuthrich on their audiobook - *Upcoming Event:* * Virtual Discussion with author Phillip Goodrich **and audiobook producer and director May Wuthrich on their Audiobook Original,* *Som...3 years ago
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress - What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is every...3 years ago
Capitol Update: Vaccine Distribution, Restaurant Relief, and New Laws for 2021 - Please see below for an update regarding vaccine distribution efforts in Connecticut, a summary of House Republican proposals to assist bars and restaurant...4 years ago
Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town - Greenwich, CT Patch - Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town Greenwich, CT Patch4 years ago
David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 - Greenwich Time - David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 Greenwich Time5 years ago
September 11 Memorial/Remembrance Services in Greenwich - Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thousands. It is hard to believe so much time ha...5 years ago
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TOWN OF GREENWICH SHOULD DENY HIGBIE A PLATFORM - Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist, and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our southe...6 years ago
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Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
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I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
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New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago