banned years ago but not yet removed from all sources.
PCBs at levels greater than 50 ppm “present an unreasonable risk of injury to health” and “must be removed.
ARE PCBs IN MILLBROOK TOO? -- "You haven't tested the groundwater yet? That's shocking," exclaimed one woman in the audience
Officials: Health not at risk from toxic soil at GHS
Lisa Chamoff, Greenwich Time Staff Writer
Greenwich High School open house draws more than 60: Residents air concerns on soil contamination, groundwater more »
...People are in danger only if they are in direct contact with the substances -- touching, eating OR INHALING IT -- FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME, Rusnak said...
...Chris Koelle, a licensed environmental professional from New Haven-based Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc., gave an overview of the environmental testing that has been done, with approximately 400 soil samples collected.
Koelle explained that the short-term goals include developing plans to open each of the fields and evaluating the potential environmental impacts on the $29 million music instruction space and auditorium project, known as MISA ...
...One big question that remains unanswered is how the soil contamination affects groundwater. There is also worry among neighbors that contaminated WATER COULD RUN FROM A STREAM ON THE HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY INTO THE NEARBY MILBROOK COMMUNITY....
After the forum, one resident, Jim Carroll, said he was concerned about his daughter's exposure to the soil -- she plays field hockey for GHS -- and the danger to groundwater.
"I'm not really quite convinced that people in the surrounding area are not affected by any toxic runoff that originates from this site," said Carroll, 54, who lives in western Greenwich. "I'd like to have somebody test."
Greenwich High School PTA Co-President Laura Erickson, who helped organize the forum, said she thinks the district needs to do a better job of addressing the concerns of surrounding residents.
One outspoken neighbor, Bill Effros, did not attend the forum.
Read more:
Unbelievable Levels Of Mismanagement From Very Highly Compensated Greenwich Public School Administarors ....
Traffic, parking woes plague first day of school at Greenwich High
David Hennessey, Greenwich Time Staff Writer
Some Greenwich High School seniors had to take taxi cabs and walk through a... more »
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