Hall of Fame calls for veteran nominations
The deadline for nominating veterans with distinguished records of public service to the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame, Class of 2008, is Monday, June 30.
Gov. M. Jodi Rell created the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame in 2005 through Executive Order No. 5 to recognize the post-military achievements of outstanding veterans from the state, living or deceased, and to spotlight their contributions to others including through the fields of education, public safety, volunteer service, elected office, youth activities and other areas of public service.
Veterans who served in all military conflicts are eligible for nomination, including World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan and Iraq....
...Among the requirements to be eligible for the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame, the nominee must have been born in Connecticut or have resided here for at least five years; the nominee must meet the definition of a “veteran” under the Connecticut General Statutes 27-103; and the nominee must have received an honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces.Nomination packets must not exceed five 8-by-11 pages and must be received by June 30 at the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs, 287 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Nominations received after June 30 will be considered for the following year’s class.
For more information, including a nominating packet, call 721-5818 or visit================================================
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