How News Gets Reported In Greenwich
Greenwich Parents Are Not Going To Pay One Dollar A Day For Poor Newspaper Coverage
Just Look At These Recent Examples Of How The Greenwich Time Covers The Greenwich Board Of Education
02/22/10 Why Isn't Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson Reporting That Stacey Gross Was Named CT Middle School Principal Of The Year!
NAMED CONNECTICUT MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OF THE YEAR! Dr. Stacey Gross has been named the 2010 Connecticut Middle School Principal of the Year by the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS). She will be honored by CAS at an awards ceremony in Portland, CT and at the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) - Principal’s Institute in Washington, D.C. in the Fall of 2010. Her application will also be submitted for consideration in NASSP’s 2011 National Middle School Principal of the Year program.
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sidney A. Freund said, “Stacey Gross is an exemplary Principal - an effective and collaborative leader, a supportive colleague, and above all, a passionate educator committed to ensuring that every student succeeds in school. She really “gets” middle school students. We are delighted that she has been selected by CAS for this well-deserved recognition as the State’s Middle School Principal of the Year – I couldn’t agree more with their wise decision.”
As Principal of Western Middle School, Dr. Gross has led the school in increasing achievement for all students, and in closing gaps in achievement among student sub groups. This year, she guided the staff in an exploration of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, resulting in a staff decision to adopt the program. She has worked with the Western staff to create a comprehensive approach to increasing academic achievement and improving the social-emotional learning experience for all students. This plan resulted in an increase in student engagement and achievement, an increase in participation in extra-curricular activities, and a dramatic reduction in disciplinary issues. She has been instrumental in developing and implementing numerous classes and programs designed to address the specific needs of students; including a collaboratively taught ESL/Reading English class, a “Structured Reading” support class, Peer Mentoring and Mediation programs, a Student Council, and an Advisory program.
In addition to her outstanding contributions to the school, Dr. Gross works at the District level to support improvement efforts as Lead Principal training and advising first, second and third year Principals; as a member of the District Data Team developing the Strategic Improvement Plan for the District; and as a Tri-Chair of the Vision Implementation Team ensuring that the Vision of the Graduate becomes a reality. Under her leadership, Western Middle School has been the recipient of the CAS Exemplary School Climate Award, the Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge Award in 2007 and in 2008, and the Connecticut Challenge to Educational Citizenship Award.
More About Stacy Gross
An educator for 24 years, Dr. Gross joined the Greenwich Public Schools in 1992 as a Special Education teacher, was the first Housemaster for Greenwich High School’s Cantor House from 2003 to 2006, and has been Principal of Western Middle School since 2006. She is also Lead Principal for the District working under the guidance of the Deputy Superintendent to support first, second and third year principals.
As Principal of Western for the last three years, Dr. Gross has implemented a structure for data driven decision-making that has yielded improvement in achievement for students, in both the academic and social-emotional arenas. In addition, Dr. Gross is actively involved in a number of District-wide initiatives and planning committees. She is Tri-Chair for the District's committee for the follow up work on the secondary schools review, making the Vision of the Graduate a reality. She is a member of the District's Data Team, the group charged with developing and implementing the District's Strategic Improvement Plan. Dr. Gross is also a member of the joint School District and Town Health Department's H1N1 flu Task Force.
Dr. Gross is credited with opening the high school’s ‘Fifth House’ in 2003 as its first Housemaster. She was responsible for managing the budget process, recruiting staff, implementing policies, procedures and services, and initiating the Peer Tutoring/Mentoring Program in the new House. She facilitated the introduction of Professional Learning Communities at the high school and was actively involved in numerous school committees, serving as Chair for the Senior Internship Program, the Staff Development Committee, and the School Crisis Team. She participated on the high school’s New Teacher Orientation Committee, the NEASC Steering and Visitation Committees and the Ninth Grade Transition Committee. Additionally, she participated on multiple district-wide committees including the Closing the Achievement Gap Design Team, the Administrative Redesign Team and the International Baccalaureate Committee.
Dr. Gross began her career in education in 1986 as a teacher for the These Our Treasures Preschool in Bronx, N. Y. In 1987, she moved to The Hallen Center for Education in Mamaroneck, N.Y., a comprehensive special education school. From 1989 to 1992, she was a middle school educator for the Southern Westchester Board of Cooperative Services in Rye Brook, N.Y. at the Ardsley Middle School.
Dr. Gross received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1986 with a Major in Psychology, from Fordham University at Lincoln Center, New York City, NY. She received her Master of Science Degree in Special Education in 1989; her Professional Diploma in Administration and Supervision in 1998; and her Doctor of Education/Executive Leadership in 2008 from Fordham University, Graduate School of Education, Tarrytown, New York.
4 Hours Later
The Greenwich Post Is Covering This Education Story.
Where Is The Greenwich Time?
Gross named Middle School Principal of the Year
Written by Hersam Acorn Newspapers Monday, 22 February 2010 15:20
The Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) announced today that Dr. Stacey Gross, principal of Western Middle School, has been named the 2010 Connecticut Middle School Principal of the Year. She will be honored by CAS at an awards ceremony in Portland, Conn., and at the National Association of Secondary School Principals - Principal’s Institute in Washington, D.C. in the fall. Her application will also be submitted for consideration in NASSP’s 2011 National Middle School Principal of the Year program.
An educator for 24 years, Dr. Gross joined the Greenwich Public Schools in 1992 as a special education teacher, was the first Housemaster for Greenwich High School’s Cantor House from 2003 to 2006. She has served as principal of Western Middle School since 2006. She is also lead principal for the district working under the guidance of the deputy superintendent to support first, second and third year principals.....
....Western Middle School has been the recipient of the CAS Exemplary School Climate Award, the Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge Award in 2007 and in 2008, and the Connecticut Challenge to Educational Citizenship Award.
More information about the CAS Principal of the Year Awards Program may be found at .
10 Hours Later
Hearst Newspapers Once Again
Comes In Last Place In Greenwich
Western's Gross named state's top middle school principal
By Colin Gustafson, STAFF WRITER
Published: 09:37 p.m., Monday, February 22, 2010
The leader of an academically struggling middle school has been named the state's top middle school principal this year for her efforts to boost achievement over the past four years.
Western Middle School Principal Stacey Gross has been named the 2010 Connecticut Middle School Principal of the Year by the educational nonprofit group Connecticut Association of Schools, school officials said Monday.
"I am thrilled for her," said Western PTA President Celia Fernandez. "If anyone deserves it, it's Stacey."
The accolade puts Gross in the running for the 2011 National Middle School Principal of the Year award.....
....."Greenwich is a very nice area, but it certainly has its challenges, and many are in that (school)," said Packtor, who also said the panel recognized Gross for her efforts to use "best practices" from other schools......
....Long the lowest performer among these three middle schools, Western has made big gains on state achievement in math, reading and writing since Gross took over in 2006. Attendance has also increased, while behavioral infractions have declined under her watch.....
....If chosen as a finalist for the national middle-school principal award, given by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Gross could receive $2,500 to spend on school programs.
Gross will be honored for the state award at several events this fall.....
The Third Rate Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin " BOE Brown Nose " Gustafson Is Always The Last To Know What Is Going On In The Greenwich Public Schools.
01/24/10 Can Parents Trust Stacy Gross And The Board Of Education To Tell Them The Truth About Mold And Asbestos At WMS
More Information:
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While The Third Rate Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin " BOE Brown Nose " Gustafson Is Playing Catch Up With This Blog And The Greenwich Post....
Greenwich Roundup Is Getting Ready To Report That Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sidney A. Freund Was Not Being Truthful When He Said BOE Facilities Director Anthony Byrne Voluntarily Went On A $30,000 Administrative Leave Vacation.
Greenwich Roundup Is Currently Waiting On The Town Attorney And The Greenwich Board Of Education's Legally Required Written Response To His Second CT FOI Request.
This FOI Request Will Show That Anthony Byrne Did Not Resign Or Request To Go On Administrative Leave Before He Was Shown The Door On January 4th.
The Truth Is, Greenwich Roundup's Sources Were Right When They Said BOE Facilities Director Anthony Byrne Was Placed On Administrative Leave For Misconduct.
Cub Reporter Gustafson Doesn't Have Too Any BOE Sources Except For Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund
Hopefully Things Will Improve At The Greenwich Time
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