We are now going to have to uproot our children three times.
First dispersed throughout town(Hurry up and get on the bus),
Second into sub-par conditions at the modular buildings (Hamilton Avenue parents loved them so much they refused to go back),
Then after spending years in inadequate conditions we will get our lovely new school.
To add insult to injury, that any parent who wanted to "opt out", no longer has that choice.
The Glenville PTA Co-Presidents will be the ones to blame as our children's test scores drop as much as 30%.
Glenville's test scores are in the basement.
Because of poor PTA leadership every school surpasses Glenville at so many levels.
Now my children are going to have to be moved 3 times, 2 of which are into known bad situations.
This just keeps getting worse!
Our PTA leaders should have fought to put our children into a good situation, not a known bad one.
The education of our Children shouldn't have to suffer for even 1 year!
On top of that, the best option was to delay the Glenville project another year. People can cry all they want that it's taken 10 years.
To be done right, Glenville School needed one more year.
To have one homeless school in town is bad enough.
Two is unacceptable.
The town, it's school board and our PTA leaders has clearly not learned from their mistakes with Hamilton Avenue and now our kids have to suffer for it. It's time to start firing people.
Please see:
07/29/08 We Hate To Say We Told You So, But......
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com