Blogger Bill Clarke At Greenwich Gossip Likes To Call The Greenwich Time The Yellowich Time. However, We Think A Better Name For The Greenwich Time Might Be The Green Slime, Because Some Members Of Greenwich Society Get To Avoid Newspaper Scrutiny.
HEADLINES:Football Payers Stage Four Attacks On The Home Of Coach Tarantino And His Wife Who Are Greenwich School Faculty Members
Cos Cob Family Worries That They Will Continue Being Targeted By Wealthy Juvenile Delinquents Who Play On A Winning Football Team
Angry Coach Chases Car Containing Football Captains Riscica & DeVico and other Riverside Players At High Speeds From Cos Cob To The New York Boarder.
Greenwich Football Coach Forced To Resign Because He Chased Spoiled Football Brats, And Endangered Lives On The Residential Streets Of Greenwich?
Rank Has Privilege: Football Vandals Get Slap On The Wrist And Will Not Miss A Game On Greenwich High School's Winning TeamQUOTE:"In our community: The way an athlete acts in our community is very important. As an athlete, she/he shall respect the rights of others and represent our team, our school and the Town of Greenwich with dignity". - GHS code of conduct handbookNOW PLEASE READ NEIL VIGOR'S "SO CALLED" NEWS STORY AND SEE IF THE GREENWICH TIME DELIVERS ALL THE FACTS:More penalties for GHS players By Neil VigdorStaff WriterArticle Launched: 07/28/2008 01:00:00 AMCalling it a "black eye" for the program," Greenwich High School Headmaster Al Capasso said yesterday that several Cardinals football players arrested and charged with throwing eggs at an assistant coach's house have received stiff punishment by GHS for their misconduct.
Capasso declined to elaborate on the specific form of punishment, but said it was in addition to the athletic sanctions handed down by the team.
"It certainly does not put the program in a good light," Capasso said. "However, the program involves 100 students and it's extremely unfortunate that these students chose to do this."
According to a police report, five youths were arrested July 6 and charged with third-degree criminal mischief and third-degree conspiracy to commit criminal mischief for egging the vehicles parked at the home of Phil Tarantino on Bible Street in Cos Cob on several different occasions. The names of the youths were withheld because they are under 18.
The incident, reported by Tarantino to police, led to the resignation of the wide receivers coach from the perennial powerhouse Cardinals.
No one answered the door at Tarantino's home yesterday. Tarantino, who remains a physical education teacher at Western Middle School and an assistant GHS baseball coach, has declined to comment on the situation.
On the Cos Cob street where he lives, Tarantino's neighbors condemned the incident.
"I feel sorry for them," said Eliana Manriquez, who lives next door to Tarantino and his ife. "It's about time to be strong with these kids. For them, it's a joke. These kids have no brains."
Chuck Perta, who also lives next door, said the couple are good neighbors.
"They're lovely people," Perta said.
Neither of the next door neighbors said they heard or saw anything when the incident took place.
Tarantino reported the license plate number of the vehicle driven by the teens, police said. The teens were scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford July 16.
Messages seeking comment were left yesterday for both of the team's current co-captains, who were not involved in the incident.
Capasso said it was rare for the school to mete out punishment for misconduct that occurs while students are away on summer vacation.
"That very rarely happens, but I do feel this is justified because it was an attack on a faculty member," Capasso said. "I treated this as if it was done to any teacher, not necessarily a coach."
The headmaster also sought to dispel rumors, circulating in town and on the Internet, that the players were simply required to run laps for their roles in the incident.
"I'm upset that people would assume that because they are football players we look the other way," Capasso said. "We purposely are careful not to apply a double-standard."
Capasso, who characterized the motive for the incident as a "prank," would not say whether any of the players will miss any games because of the incident.
In the history of the GHS football program, the Cardinals have won a league-best 12 Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference titles to go along with their state-best seven CIAC Class LL championships.
Rich Albonizio, the head football coach, has said that those arrested have lost some privileges because of the incident.
Why does the Niel Vigdor always give Alan Capasso and the Greenwich School System a free ride?
All of this happened July 6th and after nearly a month ago and Neil Vigdor And The Greenwich Time still can't deliver the full story?
What happened to the "honor code" go to the Greenwich High School website and read the Cardinal Rules for the school, and the Athletic Code of Conduct. The boys have been arrested, there are consequences that are REQUIRED by the code(s) of conduct, and they should be enforced.
No teacher or anyother family should have to worry about being a repeated target for vandals.
These star football players are a disgrace to the school and the community.
Please read Niel Vidgor's previous so-called news articles and see if you learn anything of attacks on the homes of faculty members or high speed chases through the streets of Greenwich......
More penalties for GHS players
By Neil Vigdor
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 07/28/2008 01:00:00 AM
Calling it a "black eye" for the program," Greenwich High School Headmaster Al Capasso said yesterday that several Cardinals football players arrested and charged with throwing eggs at an assistant coach's house have received stiff punishment by GHS for their misconduct.
Capasso declined to elaborate on the specific form of punishment, but said it was in addition to the athletic sanctions handed down by the team.
"It certainly does not put the program in a good light," Capasso said. "However, the program involves 100 students and it's extremely unfortunate that these students chose to do this."
According to a police report, five youths were arrested July 6 and charged with third-degree criminal mischief and third-degree conspiracy to commit criminal mischief for egging the vehicles parked at the home of Phil Tarantino on Bible Street in Cos Cob on several different occasions. The names of the youths were withheld because they are under 18.
The incident, reported by Tarantino to police, led to the resignation of the wide receivers coach from the perennial powerhouse Cardinals.
No one answered the door at Tarantino's home yesterday. Tarantino, who remains a physical education teacher at Western Middle School and an assistant GHS baseball coach, has declined to comment on the situation.
On the Cos Cob street where he lives, Tarantino's neighbors condemned the incident.
"I feel sorry for them," said Eliana Manriquez, who lives next door to Tarantino and his wife. "It's about time to be strong with these kids. For them, it's a joke. These kids have no brains."
Chuck Perta, who also lives next door, said the couple are good neighbors....
GHS assistant football coach resigns after players vandalize his car
By Neil Vigdor
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 07/26/2008 01:00:00 AM
A Greenwich High School assistant football coach has quit after several of his players were arrested for throwing eggs at his cars, athletic officials said.
Phil Tarantino, who worked as a receivers' coach for the perennial powerhouse Cardinals, has resigned from the team, said Gus Lindine, the school's athletic director.
"He has decided to step down," Lindine said yesterday.
Lindine confirmed that "several football team members were involved in the situation" but declined to elaborate, referring questions about the matter to Tarantino.
Messages seeking comment from Tarantino, who lives on Bible Street in Cos Cob, were left yesterday and Thursday at his home.
According to a police report, five youths were arrested July 6 and charged with third-degree criminal mischief and third-degree conspiracy to commit criminal mischief for egging the vehicles parked at Tarantino's home on several different occasions. The names of the youths were withheld because they are under 18.
The homeowner reported the license plate number of the vehicle driven by the teens, police said. The teens were scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford July 16.
GHS Head Coach Rich Albonizio shared few details about the matter yesterday.
"I would like this to just die," Albonizio said. "There was an incident and it was over with."
Albonizio did reveal that player privileges had been taken away from those arrested, however.
"The kids have been hurt enough and coach Tarantino has chosen his path," Albonizio said.....
| Assistant GHS coach quits
Neil Vigdor Article Launched: 07/25/2008 08:08:10 PM
A Greenwich High School assistant football coach has quit after several of his players were arrested for throwing eggs at his cars, athletic officials said. Phil Tarantino, who worked as a receivers' coach for the perennial powerhouse Cardinals, has resigned from the team, said Gus Lindine, the school's athletic director. "He has decided to step down," Lindine said Friday. Lindine confirmed that "several football team members were involved in the situation" but declined to elaborate, referring questions about the matter to Tarantino. Messages seeking comment from Tarantino, who lives on Bible Street in Cos Cob, were left Friday and Thursday at his home.
Does Neil Vidgor ever tell us about a vigilante assistant coach who decided to risk the lives of juvinile delenquent players in a high-speed chase from Cos Cob to the New York border?
Instead of investigating what really happened Neil Vidgor basically regurgitates the same incomplete so called news story over and over.
We Sort Of Know WHO Was Involved In The Muktiple Incidents.
But do we know WHAT happened?
Some Riverside parents say that Coach Tarantino chased the football playing vandals for an hour and nearly ran them off the road, and was after them all the way into New York.
What these Greenwich High School Captains did was wrong, but are parents comfortable with a Western Middle School teacher in your school system who behaves in this manner?
Why didn't Coach Taantino just report the star football players to the Greenwich Police Department?
Was the football coach Tarantino affraid that the Greenwich Police Department would not be willing to investigate the star Football players from Riverside?
What if the kids got into a fatal car accident, who would be blamed then?
Hey Niel, Did this teacher chased these young vandals, and endangered their lives?
If these kids were killed in a car accident that night, Greenwich Time reporter Niel Vidgor would we be writing a totally different news story about the angry coach or the juvinile delenquent football players from Riverside?
No matter what these out of control kids did, Tarantino had complete neglect for their safety and he should be further disciplined actions as well.
The spoiled brats that did it not once not twice but four nights in a row and to top it off they were captains that represented Greenwich High School.
Why doesn't Neil Vidgor report about HOW Greenwich High School football is coming to a decline now with this incident and another incident that involved a Greenwich football players and a theft at a Stamford gym.
The Greenwich High School football program used to impose the HIGHEST standards of excellence, not just on the field, but off as well.
Now it seems that Headmaster Alan Capasso is teaching the kids that we will sweep their offenses under the rug rather than risk potentially lose a football game or two?
Headmaster Alan Capasso has delivered yet another embarrassment for the Town of Greenwich.
What was the sense of the headmasters statement if he is not going to elaborate what the punishment was or is?
Many parents and students and teachers are questioning if there was or is one to begin with.
Does Headmaster Capasso realize what his precious little football players did was a crime?
Headmaster Capasso should teach these boys that this is not the way adults act when they don't like or agree with someone!
The vandals should be kicked off the football team for a season.
There appears to be two sets of standards at GHS.
GHS football is clearly above the conduct code, for whatever the reason and this situation brings it to light. What kind of precedent are we setting?
Alan Capasso and the Greenwich High School Board Of Education should make sure they are comfortable with their decision to allow GHS Football to rise above the rules.
The ramifications will surely effect the schools athletics, its programs and ultimately, its reputation.
Look out graduates a Greenwich High School degree is worth less than it was just 10 years ago.
Maybe Greenwich Time Reporter should be asking Alan Capasso, "What would have happened if the school itself was egged?"
Would it be OK to egg the science or reading teacher's house and not be suspended?
Would it be OK to egg Alan Capasso's house four times and not be suspended?
Would it be OK to egg a Board of Education members house and not be suspended?
And Everyone wants to know WHY Greenwich
Time reporter Neil Vidgor did not ask WHY?
Yes, WHY weren't these football deliquents tased?
Throwing eggs is much more dangerous than throwing a water balloon.
Just the fact that these kids have not been suspended and are still on the team shows the double standard at Greenwich high School.
A Byram kid throws a water balloon and he gets suspended and receives 50,000 volts and a $50,000 bail.
A gang of Riverside football players repeatedly attack and terrorize a teachers home and they are not suspended from school.
They are not even suspended from the football team.
The Byram Balloon Boy spent the night in jail with a $50,000 bail and the Riverside Egg Throwing Football players slept at home with Mommy and Daddy.
What's up with Headmaster Alan Capasso?
Are the Riverside Football players too rich to be disiplined in the same manner as the poor boy from Byram?
These Five Football players are a disgrace to not only Greenwich football team but to their parents as well.
The parents should teach their children about responsibility and resign from the Greenwich High School Football program.
Coach Tarantino was a man and admited his wrong doing and resigned from the Football team.
The Associated Press Starts To Cover The Story
Greenwich football players punished for egg tosses
Greenwich (AP) -- Several Greenwich High School football players who were arrested for allegedly throwing eggs at an assistant coach's house are now being disciplined by school officials.
School headmaster Al Capasso says the football players have received stiff punishment for their misconduct, but he's not saying what the penalties are. The players were also disciplined by the team.
Police say that five youths were arrested July 6 and charged with criminal mischief for egging vehicles parked at the home of wide receivers coach Phil Tarantino on several occasions.
Officials say Tarantino resigned because of the incidents. Tarantino, who remains a physical education teacher at Western Middle School, has declined to comment.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com