Friday, February 27, 2009
02/27/09 Jerry and His Midget-Loving Transsexuals Move to Stamford

02/27/09 Northbound Greenwich Weigh Station Truck Stop Yields Weapons, Hollywood Florida Man Arrested

The State Police Truck Squad began inspecting the vehicle at the northbound Greenwich weigh station Friday morning, when Jeraldo Muniz, 40, of Hollywood, Fla. told officers he was in possession of the weapons.
Muniz was taken to State Police Troop G headquarters in Bridgeport, where he was charged with two counts of Carrying a Weapon in a Motor Vehicle and Carrying a Handgun without a Permit. He is being held on $15,000 bond.
02/27/09:GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS MEETING BRIEF: 2/26/09 Board of Education Meeting

(Meeting Materials are available on the GPS Web Site - Go to District
Calendar: http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=86 - Click on the the
date of the meeting)
Dr. Betty J. Sternberg, Superintendent of
Schools, reported on the:
Hiring of Two Principals, introducing Trish McGuire as the Principal for
Julian Curtiss School and Angela Schmidt as the Principal for North Mianus
School. (News Archives: http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=75)
Opening of Hamilton Avenue School, acknowledging and applauding Tony Byrne
and the school and District staff that worked so hard to accomplish the
move and the opening of the new school. She noted that there was still
much work to be done/provided by the Building Committee/Contractor in
order to acquire a permanent Certificate of Occupancy.
Secondary Schools Review, citing the development of the Vision of a GPS
Graduate and the numerous Discussion Forums that have taken place over the
last two months. (SSRC: http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=6289)
Science Curriculum Review/Panel Discussion, highlighting the engaging
panel discussion with regional scientists on Science Education in the 21st
Century with the community. (PreK-12 Science Review:
http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=31 )
Data Driven Decision-Making focus, citing training in holistic
accountability for Cabinet, administrators and teacher representatives
from each school. Each school has a Data Team in place and the District
Data Team is forming and will be in place next month.
Greenwich Alliance for Education, meeting to plan for aligning resources
and priorities (http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=93)
Western Middle School - WMS Jazz Band led by Karen
Anderson performed.
Dr. Stacey Gross, WMS Principal presented results of a
very successful SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) initiative aimed at
reducing the number of detentions and suspensions using data to identify
needs and develop targeted strategies for improvement.
The Superintendent Search Firm
representatives presented an overview of the Leadership Profile developed
after extensive interviews, focus groups and community forums were
conducted in late December/January. The report is available on the GPS web
site at: http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=6367 .
Chairman of the Board's Search Committee, Steven Anderson reviewed the timeline: The Board
will interview candidates in March with the objective of announcing the
Superintendent prior to an expected start date of July 1, 2009.
Board Chairman Nancy Weissler reported
on the BET Budget Committee's decision to reduce the 2009-10 BOE Operating
Budget by $1million due to the financial situation the Town is facing.
This results in a proposed BOE budget of just under $126 million. The
Board is considering a number of areas (detail attached) to address the $1
million in reductions. These areas under consideration were developed with
and/or generated from administrators throughout the District. The full BET
will hold a Public Hearing on the 2009-10 Budget on March 17 and will take
action on March 19. The proposed budget will then go to the RTM for
approval in May. The Board of Education will continue to deliberate the
possible areas for reductions at their April 2nd work session and will
vote on the specific changes to the Budget in May, after the RTM vote. To
follow the Budget Development Process go to:
Revised 2009-10 Capital Budget - Approved 8-0
PreK-12 World Languages (WL), Step I - Director of Curriculum, Instruction
& Professional Learning Chris Winters introduced Step I of the WL
Curriculum Review and Dr. Myriam (Mimi) Met, recently retired from the
National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. A
nationally and internationally acclaimed educator and consultant in the
field, Dr. Met spent three days in the District visiting K-12 World
Language classrooms, meeting with teachers and administrators, and
reviewing curriculum documents. She praised the District for having an
exemplary staff and program, and offered suggestions to consider for
continuous improvement. Program Coordinators Kristi Lawson and Marcia
Schenker are leading this two-year curriculum review.
E-050 Human Resources - Director of Human Resources Ellen Flanagan
presented. Report will be discussed further at March 12 BOE Work Session.
L-020 Professional Personnel Practices - Ellen Flanagan presented, next
step: action on March 26 Consent Agenda
L-002 Contracts & Agreements - Ellen Flanagan presented, next step: action
on March 26 Consent Agenda.
E-080 Public Involvement in Schools - Kim Eves presented, next step:
action on March 26 Consent Agenda.
E-051 District Administrative Operations - Assistant Superintendent for
Operations Susan Wallerstein presented. Report will be discussed further
at March 12 BOE Work Session.
*A Monitoring Report is an annual report summarizing the District's
compliance with a given Board Policy. Reference the GPS Web Site:
http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=89 for Policies, Procedures
and Monitoring Reports.
Greider proposed, after consultation with Principals, two early release
days in June 2009 for students, in order to provide professional
development time for staff to focus on Strategic Improvement Team (SIT)
planning for the 2009-10 school year. The decision has been deferred until
the March 26 meeting at which time there will be more information on
number of snow days/last day of school for this year both of which could
impact this proposal.
Tuition/Rental Rates - Approved 2009-10 Tuition, Summer School, Preschool,
and Rental Rates, 8-0
Monthly Financial & Staffing Report - Approved 8-0
Transfers $10,000 and Above - Approved 8-0
Policy Revision E-003: Approved 8-0
Monitoring Report E-002 Whole Student Development: Approved 8-0
BOE Meeting Minutes (12/18/08, 1/8/09, 1/22/09, 2/5/09): Approved
w/Revisions 8-0
Reviewed and added discussions on Monitoring Reports E-050 and E-051 in
the March Work Session and on the 2009-10 Budget in the April 2 Work
The next Board of Education meeting is a Work Session on March 12, 2009 at
the Havemeyer Building, 7:00PM
Board meeting agendas are available on the GPS Web Calendar approximately
5 working days prior to the meeting. Meeting materials can be downloaded
from the web site, as available, generally 3-4 days prior to the meeting.
Go to the GPS Web Calendar at:
http://www.greenwichschools.org/page.cfm?p=86 and click on the meeting
Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail: kim_eves@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Fax: 203-869-8003
Let All Members Of Greenwich Society
Learn About And Support Your Group's Good Works
Please send your organization's press releases and meeting minutes to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
02/27/09 PRESS RELEASE: Are there concerns in your district about the writing abilities of your students?
Are there concerns in your district about the writing abilities of your students?
Pearson's WriteToLearn™ is a proven solution for your district.
WriteToLearn includes writing and reading comprehension activities that are appropriate for students in grades 4-12.
To learn more about WriteToLearn please register to attend a free one hour live webinar overview presentation. Select the webinar date and time that best fits your schedule. Click the links below to register.
March 2, 2009
STARTS at 4:00 PM Eastern, 3:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Mountain, 1:00 PM Pacific
To register:
March 17, 2009
STARTS at 3:00 PM Eastern, 2:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Mountain, 12:00 PM Pacific
To register:
March 25, 2009
STARTS at 12:00 PM Eastern, 11:00 AM Central, 10:00 AM Mountain, 9:00 AM Pacific
To register:
To view the presentation you will need a computer with internet access using Microsoft Explorer or Safari on the Macintosh. You will also need a phone line to call into the conference call to hear the presentation. After you have registered you will receive instructions via email on how to log onto the presentation.
WriteToLearn is a complete online tool for building writing skills and developing reading comprehension.
With WriteToLearn, a student can practice essay writing and summarization skills, and their efforts are measured by the state-of-the-art Knowledge Analysis Technologies™ (KAT) engine. The KAT engine is a unique automated assessment technology that evaluates the meaning of text, not just grammatical correctness or spelling. Students receive immediate, specific feedback on their work, and teachers easily assess student efforts individually or as a class.
WriteToLearn Offers Students
An engaging and motivational environment for practicing and refining their reading and summarizing skills. Both an instructional and assessment tool, WriteToLearn is the only writing development product that gives students the immediate, targeted feedback necessary to develop the reading comprehension and writing skills that are critical for academic success. WriteToLearn provides students with visually appealing reporting for staying on track with assignments and monitoring their own progress.
WriteToLearn Allows Teachers To
Adjust scoring to meet the learning goals of a class. View classes, performance and progress on a single screen and drill down to individual student results or see entire student portfolios.
Immediate Evaluation and Feedback
The Knowledge Analysis Technologies (KAT) engine is the core technology behind WriteToLearn. The KAT measures and makes judgments about written language and its content by evaluating the meaning of text through examining whole passages. Automatically evaluates writing as accurately as skilled human graders, agreeing with them more often than they agree with each other.
Watch 4th graders and their dramatic improvement using WriteToLearn:
Please Send Your Community Events And Press Releases To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com |
02/27/09 This Just In .....
The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:
Poky Police Late Yet Again on Ponzis, Thieves Since Feb. 12, the National Futures Association, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Justice Department have all swept in with charges that range from securities fraud to conspiracy to wire fraud against the two firms and the money managers who are principals at both entities: Paul Greenwood and Stephen Walsh. The two men were arrested Feb. 25 and released on bonds of $7 million apiece. Reached by telephone, their lawyers declined to comment on allegations that their clients misappropriated $554 million from investors over the past 13 years. Greenwood and Walsh were high-life money managers who didn’t shy from public view. (If you think you’ve read this story before, it’s because you have.)
Glossy Clippings
Greenwood over the years has been the subject of write-ups in the New York Times, the glossy Bedford Magazine and the Web page of the North Salem Bridle Trails Association, which gushed over Greenwood’s farm, “They call it Grand Central Farm and grand it is.” Bedford fussed over Greenwood’s collection of Steiff teddy bears. “Noah had nothing on us,” Greenwood told the magazine in an article that ran last year, comparing his menagerie to the biblical ark loaded with animals. “At last count, we’ve given shelter to more than 1,350 Steiff toys, and there’s no way our collecting days are over.” Ah, but his money-management days might be. While Greenwood and Walsh were hiding in plain sight, regulators say they also were collecting hundreds of millions ($667 million, to be exact) from investors and then writing checks to themselves -- a total of $293 million to Greenwood and $261 million to Walsh. Disappearing Act You’ll be shocked to know that after the NFA showed up to begin auditing the books at the Greenwich office starting Feb. 5, Greenwood and Walsh made themselves very scarce. They even played little games with their regulator. As described in the NFA’s Feb. 12 “notice of member responsibility,” Greenwood told NFA officials during a phone conversation that he’d get back to them about where some missing money was; e-mailed them to say he’d be in the Greenwich office on Feb. 10; and then had an assistant tell the regulators that he was at a meeting in New York City when they showed up that day. Maybe, though, none of that should be a surprise, because regulators already knew that Westridge wasn’t too keen on having financial cops look at their books. In 1989, a business conduct committee of the NFA issued a complaint against the firm alleging that it had broken the rules “by failing to cooperate with NFA in an NFA audit.” Other allegations included “failing to provide customers with a disclosure document.” Denying the Allegations There are all sorts of violations that financial regulators can allege against firms, but if it isn’t a big, fat, waving red flag when a firm doesn’t want to cooperate with an audit, I don’t know what is In the end, though, Westridge filed an answer in which it denied the allegations, then settled the case for a paltry $5,000 fine and an agreement to get in line with CFTC rules in its disclosure documents. No one at Westridge let that little problem get in the way when it filled out its most recent investment adviser application with the SEC. In a document dated Jan. 29, 2009, Westridge had to answer the question, “Has any self-regulatory organization or commodities exchange ever found you or any advisory affiliate to have been involved in a violation of its rules?” Westridge checked the box that said “No.” Nor did Westridge flag the fact that Walsh, Greenwood & Co., the broker-dealer that Walsh and Greenwood ran from 1979 to 1992, had come into the SEC’s crosshairs in 1987, when the agency said that the firm had failed to maintain minimum net capital requirements; was using customer securities as collateral for bank loans; and was not keeping accurate records. The firm consented to a censure and said it would “comply with undertakings to prevent recurrence of similar violations.’ So many red flags. So few regulators who know how to spot them. What About The Poky Reporters And Editors At That The Green Kitty Litter Liner Totally Missed The Story And Still Have Failed To Report On The Greenwich Ponzi Scheme Arrests....
If You Want To Know Whats Going On In Greenwich You Have To Read The Out Of Town Newspapers Maybe, The Incompetent Hearst Newspaper Editors Will Get The Billion Dollar Greenwich Ponzi Scheme Story Up On The Web Later Today Or Tomorrow But The Greenwich Time Always Misses The Big Ponzi Scheme Stories That Has A Greenwich Connection. If You Search The Greenwich Time Web Site For Walter Noel Of Fairfield Greenwich You Get This Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter And Hearst Newspaper Fairfield County Editor Jim Zebora Are Walking Around The Green Kitty Litter Liner Offices Saying, "Who The Heck Is Bernard Madoff And What Does He Have To Do With Greenwich?" | ||
Greenwich cafe gets visit from feminist icon Greenwich Time ... poet and feminist icon Erica Jong offered herself up to Aphrodite Thursday, during a poetry reading and book signing at Arcadia Cafe in Old Greenwich. ... | ||
Chiropractor pleads not guilty in punching death Stamford Advocate William Lindemann, 47, of 12 Wyckham Hill Lane, Greenwich, and 425 Dockside Drive, Unit 406, Naples, Fla., was released after posting $1 million bond. ... | ||
Greenwich seniors celebrate staying put Greenwich Time By Colleen Flaherty Marylin Chou, right, one of the founders of At Home Greenwich, greets her friend, Bea Emery, during a party at the Second Congregational ... | ||
Mexico's Peso Falls to Record Low on Pared Interest-Rate Bets Bloomberg ... billion to defend the peso," Flavia Cattan-Naslausky, a currency strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital in Greenwich, Connecticut, wrote in a report today. ... | ||
US workers on jobless benefits at record high Reuters India - Mumbai,India The economy is going to continue to contract, probably at least until the middle of the year," said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at RBS Greenwich capital....... | ||
Darien Times - Darien,CT,USA She who popped the winning goal up stairs at the end of a lone effort, racing the puck in from center to put the tight game away 1-0 over top-seed Greenwich ... |
Please send your comments and news tips to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
02/27/09 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich

Former NPR correspondent David Malakoff arrested for child pornography - David Malakoff, former science editor and on air correspondent for National Public Radio, was arrested in D.C. last Tuesday for possession of child porn...
Greenwich Time: Local Sports - RSS Feed
Warde wins FCIAC girls basketball title - FAIRFIELD -- The Stamford girls basketball team is probably relieved that they're playing in the Class LL state tournament, not the Class L division......
The Fox Trot By Nick "The Sly" Fox
Yankees start off hot in Spring Training! - YANKEES 5, RAYS 1 at Tampa, Fla. Thursday, Feb. 26 Rays at the plate: Ben Zobrist logged the Rays' first hit of the afternoon with a fourth-inning single, ...
For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
Good bye, RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland reports largest corporate loss in British history, plans to give British taxpayers parting gift of $466 billion of now-worthless ...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Emailed Web Article - RSS Feed
New turf rules test safety - Before the town could install any new artificial turf athletic fields it would be required to determine if the synthetic surfaces pose any health risks, un...
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
No wonder we are still porkers here in CT - Here in Connecticut our trusty leader Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is looking out for us porkers. The AG nailed Beverage Partnership Worldwide...
Today's Greenwich Time Letters To The Editor
Letters from Readers - Staff cuts questionable - Homemaker program slated for too big a cut To the editor: During recent days, your lead headlines have read "Cuts in homemakers service eyed" and "Homemaker...
The Blonde Excuse
Coming Home - Brent and I are almost home from our road trip out to Illinois! Full update on the way... and I promise it's worth the wait. -Lauren...
Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at isen.blog
F2C at TechDirt - From the "Now I owe Masnick big-time" Department: Mike Masnick, at TechDirt, has written up F2C: Freedom to Connect in glowing terms. He says, . . .
Vivapop Community Events RSS Feed
Great Chefs: March 6th - COMMUNITY CHANNEL Greenwich, CT 203-863-3860 Events World renowned television chef Lidia Bastianich will be honored at the 24th annual Great Chefs ...
EDDIE "Greenwich Native" ROSS
Check out Vogue! - If you haven't had a chance to check out the March issue of Vogue yet, I'm thrilled to announce that we have 3 items (!) from our new store featured in a ...
Rock Star Diary
This and That - Here's a picture of my Dad, Dallas, in a real Hawaiian shirt that I got for him in Kauai. I know my Uncle Stud (Dad's bro) is seething with jealousy. Dallas ...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Viewed Web Article - RSS Feed
Real Estate Transactions 2.27 - DARIEN (Transactions recorded through Jan. 23 Anthony T. Vanech sold to Jean E. Carelli and James A. Graziosa, property at 22 Herman Ave for $1,030,000.....
Frank Trotta's Page At Our Greenwich
Presidential Math - On Tuesday, before a joint session of Congress, President Obama made a “George H. W. Bush: Read My Lips, No New Taxes”-type statement when he said “if your...
Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Friday Night Film Series - Friday Film Series Friends of Greenwich Library Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium February 27, 2009 8:00pm-10:00pm SONG OF SUMMER (1968-British) Directed ...
Greenwich Resident Jerry Dumas Writes And Draws The Comic Strip Sam And Silo, And Is A Greenwich Time Columnist
Updike had special ability to illustrate - Over the years I've met a fair share of poets and writers -- Laurie Lee, Robert Lowell, Norman Mailer, Richard Yates, Brian Moore, Barbara Tuchman, among ...
The Daily Spurgeon
The wind of the Spirit - The various motions of the air remain a mystery to all but the infinite Jehovah. My brethren, the like mystery is observed in the work of the Spirit of ...
Tribune Company's Greenwich News RSS Feed
Cops: Chiropractor punched elderly man, left scene - A chiropractor charged in the fatal assault of an elderly Connecticut man threw one punch that knocked the victim down, then left the scene as the man lay ...
Please send your comments and Greenwich blog links to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
Connecticut could allow hunting on Sunday, which has been outlawed hundreds of years - CT Insider - Connecticut could allow hunting on Sunday, which has been outlawed hundreds of years CT Insider5 hours ago
"The Fab Floor" - By Jerry Zezima You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...5 days ago
February Made Me Shiver - The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is hanging on by a thread The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't written. I don...4 weeks ago
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight - We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1 milli...2 years ago
Upcoming Event: Virtual Discussion with Phillip Goodrich and May Wuthrich on their audiobook - *Upcoming Event:* * Virtual Discussion with author Phillip Goodrich **and audiobook producer and director May Wuthrich on their Audiobook Original,* *Som...3 years ago
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress - What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is every...3 years ago
Capitol Update: Vaccine Distribution, Restaurant Relief, and New Laws for 2021 - Please see below for an update regarding vaccine distribution efforts in Connecticut, a summary of House Republican proposals to assist bars and restaurant...4 years ago
Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town - Greenwich, CT Patch - Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town Greenwich, CT Patch4 years ago
David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 - Greenwich Time - David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 Greenwich Time5 years ago
September 11 Memorial/Remembrance Services in Greenwich - Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thousands. It is hard to believe so much time ha...5 years ago
Current Conditions : 24.8F, Mostly Cloudy - 5:02 PM EST Mar. 6 - Temperature: 24.8°F | Humidity: 23% | Pressure: 30.14in (Rising) | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: WNW | Wind Speed: 0mph6 years ago
TOWN OF GREENWICH SHOULD DENY HIGBIE A PLATFORM - Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist, and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our southe...6 years ago
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] - AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] Darcy Wheeler 4.4.2017 AMP, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open source project that a...7 years ago
Or the other way around - Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor and u...8 years ago
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
Fairfield Greenwich Securities Class Action Settlement - Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Fairfield+Greenwich+Securities+Class+Action+Settlement/11264585.html for the full st...9 years ago
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online - *CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar sediki...9 years ago
Presentation to NW Florida State College Center Life Long Learning on The Episcopal Church - Recently, I was honored to be invited to present a program and classroom discussion on the basics of the Anglican Church to the Comparative Religions Class...10 years ago
I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad! - He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb, and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...10 years ago
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements - The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with Fairfield Gr...10 years ago
Trucks on the Merritt - Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a bill pro...11 years ago
Michael Mason Midwives MISA - The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM (Representative Town Mee...11 years ago
Questionable play-calling dooms Greenwich football team - How cool is it that I was able to watch the Greenwich-Staples game live on my laptop? If you missed it you may rewind and view the entire game on MSG Varsi...12 years ago
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder - STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the state Supre...12 years ago
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake - Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already stretching...13 years ago
Transitioning Into Fall - Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that summer is ...13 years ago
Redistricting - OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting rolle...13 years ago
Meet the Rev. Halley Low! - The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of Divinity, Magna...13 years ago
Reverse Mortgages - If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is important t...14 years ago
Different vision of America? No argument here. - In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never have ...15 years ago
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team - Yesterday at blogband.gov it was announced that I've joined the FCC's National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin and his t...15 years ago
Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg - [image: Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg] Date: May 13, 2009, 5:10 AM Number of Comments on Photo:0...15 years ago
05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports - *This Just In ....* *Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit* Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman *Two years after five Greenwich police ...15 years ago
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago