The story was actually mostly prurient interests, but it’s pretty interesting anyway, about Greenwich -- Greenwich, Connecticut -- where there are still a lot of the old Gilded Age mansions there. And it turns out that what’s been ...
The Daily Spurgeon Praying on hallowed ground - Lot is called a righteous man; and he was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. He frowned at the men of Sodom, and expostulated with them, a...
Rock Star Diary My year in pictures - Here's my 2008 year in pictures: There you have it! What a year. Hope 2009 is even better! XOXO, Jocelyn...
The Blonde Excuse Moving - So Brent and I are officially moved in! Well, mostly at least. We've spent the last two nights in our awesome new apartment, but are still working on getting...
Scott Freidheim: Former chief administrative officer, Lehman Bros.
Location: Greenwich, CT
Asking price: $13.75 million.
Listing: Sotheby's
Notes: Freidheim and his wife purchased this home a year ago for $12.4 million. Freidheim has since taken a job as executive vice president of operation at Sears ...
Britain’s financial regulator is investigating the involvement of so-called feeder funds in Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50 billion fraud, according to two people with knowledge of the case.
The Financial Services Authority is looking at how U.K. regulated firms were involved in what Madoff allegedly said was a “giant Ponzi scheme,” the people said on condition of anonymity because the subject of the probe isn’t public. The FSA is also reviewing the role of custodian banks, the people said.
Feeder funds took money from investors and placed it with Madoff’s Bernard L. Madoff InvestmentSecurities LLC. The U.K. Serious Fraud Office said last week it’s investigating Madoff’s U.K. operations, which managed his family’s personal funds.
“The FSA’s task is to look after its own backyard but also to help with the Americans’ backyard,” said Tony Woodcock, a regulatory lawyer at London-based Stephenson Harwood. “While the FSA will probably be looking at civil proceedings, ultimately if a U.S. offense has been committed on British soil, there could be an extradition.”
Other European nations have also begun probes into Madoff’s alleged fraud. Paris prosecutors said last week that they were reviewing whether French investors who lost money were victims of a crime. The FSA will be looking into whether fund strategies were deliberately misrepresented, said Woodcock.
‘Investor Protection’
“The FSA is going to be more interested in investor protection and whether compensation should be paid to investors,” said Andrew Shrimpton, a London-based hedge-fund adviser from Kinetic Partners who used to head the FSA’s alternative investment team. “The SFO will be more directly interested in the employees of the Madoff firm in London.”
Stephen Raven, the head of Madoff Securities International Ltd., the London-based proprietary trading firm that invested Madoff’s family money, said in an interview that he “knew nothing” about the alleged crime, and that he is cooperating with the FSA and the SFO.
The investigations are at an early stage and the people with knowledge of them didn’t mention firms by name. The FSA has said it expects companies that it regulates to comprehend the strategy of funds they invest in.
Dan Waters, the FSA’s director of retail policy and conduct risk, said the regulator had started “examining the issues as they relate to us.”
FIM Advisers LLP, a London-based investment firm run by Carlo Grosso and Federico Ceretti, is a consultant to Bermuda- based Kingate Management Ltd., which manages the Kingate funds that invested with Madoff. A call to FIM’s London offices today wasn’t answered.
Fairfield Greenwich Group, Walter Noel’s hedge-fund firmthat had $7.5 billion with Madoff, was sued this week for at least the third time by investors in the U.S. over claims it failed to protect their assets. It has 18 employees in London who are licensed by the FSA, according to the regulator’s Web site.
“Fairfield Greenwich intends to cooperate with all regulatory procedures,” said Thomas Mulligan, a New-York based spokesman for the firm.
The FSA is also looking at whether financial custodians’ duties were breached, the people said. Custodians are typically banks charged with oversight of funds’ cash inflows and payments to investors........
New York-based Fairfield Greenwich Group’s Fairfield Sentry fund, which invested exclusively with Madoff, reported an average annual return of 11 percent ...
.... class action was filed against hedge fund Fairfield Greenwich Group in Manhattan Supreme Court, Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich, 08-603769, with investors ...
Fairfield Greenwich, the investment firm run by Madoff chum Walter Noel, lost $7.5bn in the fraud while womenswear magnate and Madoff mentor Carl Shapiro ...
It has been reported that the Fairfield Greenwich hedge-fund investment group, which was co-founded by Jeffrey Tucker, a New York breeder, lost $7.5 billion ...
This week, Noel's hedge fund, Fairfield Greenwich, was sued for a third time in as many weeks. The plaintiffs in the most recent suit include several ...
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North Mianus School Principal Bonnie Butera is visited by third grader Kara Bittman, who shares her readers response journal with Butera. The readers response effort employed by Butera was key to raising the students CMT scores this year. (Anne W. Semmes / for the Greenwich Citizen)
... response effort employed by Butera was key to raising the students CMT scores this year. Bonnie Butera, 35-year Greenwich educator and four-year principal of North Mianus School, is retiring on July 1. ...
A room full of educators, town leaders and elected officials at Greenwich High School were privy on Wednesday morning to a call to action and accountability by the powerful oratory of Joel Klein, chancellor of ...
It's just a rumor that one needs a Philadelphia lawyer - the BEST, according to legend - to navigate the ins, outs, ups, downs, circles in the 2009 Town of Greenwich Beach Policy adopted recently by the Board ...
... This is the third installment of Dr. John de Csepel's Uganda Diary. The Greenwich-raised and-educated physician is volunteering with the organization, Mission Doctors Association. He had undertaken medical ...
Tony Mullen, 48, special education teacher at ARCH School in Greenwich, is among four finalists for the nation's top teaching honor -National Teacher of the Year.
... to an abrupt end at 15 years old when he broke his leg in an All-Star game against 17-18 year olds. Atkinson, a Greenwich native and former Avon Old Farms prep school hockey star, wouldn't accept the prognosis. He had a vision - going to play ...
Cam Atkinson had the privilege of growing up in Greenwich. Later, he had the further privilege of attending and playing his chosen sport - ice hockey - at Avon Old Farms prep school.
... little bit of pressure can bring out the best in people. Pressure can also make you better. It's no wonder why the Greenwich High boys swim team is chasing its 17th straight Class LL state title. Big Red, the defending FCIAC champion, has also won ...
Greenwich High School senior Christian Parrotta, 17, demonstrates his talent during a solo art exhibit in the school's media center Thursday. (Keelin Daly/Greenwich Time Photo)
Surrounded by onlookers Thursday afternoon inside the Greenwich High School Media Center, Christian Parrotta approached his easel with the furious calm that has become his signature.
Multi-colored, oil pastel ovals filled the black paper canvas until it was nearly covered, and the 17-year-old artist decided he was done.
"He's very uninhibited," said Julie Nixon, Parrotta's drawing teacher for the last two years. "I think it's impressive that he's so focused and so very deliberate in his work."
Christian is autistic. The nearly non-verbal Greenwich High School senior, a lifelong Byram resident, enjoys word and math puzzles, animals, traveling, going to the beach and -- recently --art. Nixon said she recognized Christian's drive last year and began saving his artwork in the hope that he could one day show his pieces, mostly colorful abstract drawings in line and shape, as well as some watercolors.
That day came Thursday, when Christian opened a show of approximately 20 pieces, including two in clay, at Greenwich High School. Both of his parents were in attendance, as wells as his teachers and many classmates.
Christian's mother, Lorraine Parrotta, 52, said she's enjoyed discovering his interest in art. "Art's his main thing," she said, "this year and last. This Christmas we bought him an easel and pastels."
Christian's father, Michael Parrotta, 61, said his son loved being challenged by word and math puzzles, as well as art......
Greenwich gets money on the cheap It could be a deal for the record books. The town issued $72 million in short-term bonds Thursday to pay for construction projects and infrastructure repairs, borrowing the money from Morgan Stanley at the microscopic interest rate of .
Group tracks complaints from Metro-North riders In an annual report released Thursday, a state-appointed watchdog group highlighted overcrowding, looming service cuts and possible fare hikes as major issues for Metro-North Railroad commuters.
M. Jodi Rell announced Saturday that she has appointed Linda McMahon of Greenwich, the WWE’s chief executive officer, to the 11-member Board of Education. ...
Norwalk man survives Hudson River plane crash Norwalk man survives to tell his tale NORWALK -- Jeffrey Kolodjay, 31, a newly married city resident, was among the 155 passengers and crew who survived the US Airways crash-landing in the Hudson River on Thursday afternoon.
Boating column: Cold air, cold water, hot racers Call them crazy, but frostbite sailors just love to get out on the water -- cold water that is. At Indian Harbor Yacht Club, they do it 22 times a winter, 26 if you count special regattas.
Local artisans find the Internet is one of their best tools Crafting a community Before she began making artwork and selling it online, Katie D'Angelo was a big fan of buying handmade goods and supporting the artists who made them.
"It's such a one-on-one experience," she says. "You can really connect with the artist."
These days, the 29-year-old Greenwich resident is experiencing what it is like to see a hobby blossom into a fledging business. About six months ago, she opened an online shop, Duskblue Arts, on Etsy, a Web site for buyers and sellers of handmade products, crafting supplies and vintage items. It is not the only such online marketplace, but it is one of the largest, having steadily grown since it was launched in 2005.
The site has more than 1.75 million members and 3 million items for sale. Since it was launched, sales have increased from $166,000 to an estimated $87 million last year, according to the company. Overall, the fine crafts market is estimated to be a $13.8 billion industry, according to a recent survey......
Outlook shaky at chamber luncheon People often ask him when this recession will be over, said Nicholas Perna, an economic adviser for Webster Bank.
"It all depends on what you mean by when and over," he said Thursday at the Greater Norwalk Chamber of Commerce's 2009 Economic Outlook luncheon at the Continental Manor in Norwalk.
The event, which was sponsored by Webster Bank, was attended by about 175 business owners, bankers and other professionals......
It's like "Alice In Wonderland"! Up is down; left is right.
So who is to blame for the present Gaza situation? There are vocal demonstrators insisting Israel is to blame. Let's look at the situation realistically.
Who broke the cease fire? Hamas. Who uses its mosques and universities as shields?
Hamas. Who fires its rockets from civilian positions? Hamas. Who is ignoring the best interests of its population by persistently breaking the cease fire? Hamas. Who insists Israel has no right to exist? Hamas. Who insists the only "solution" is for Israel to be driven into the sea? Hamas. In fact, who forcefully usurped legitimate authority in Gaza from Palestine's duly elected government? Hamas.
So, then, why so many vociferous demonstrations against Israel and not against Hamas?
Because it is known that Israel at least listens to world opinion. Hamas completely ignores world opinion and its responsibility for its Gaza population.
Palestinian sympathizers: If you really care about Gaza civilians, direct your pleas to (and accusations at) Hamas.
Ric Wolf Greenwich
Dear Ric Wolf,
Being Of Jewish Decent, Like You And Most Of The World ...... I Hate Hamas. They are War Criminals And Terrorists.
Rick I Am Not Israeli. I Am A Levite. My Ancestors Did Not Get Land....
...."because the Lord the God of Israel himself is their possession"
But Rick, I Am Now A Christian
I Converted To Christianity Almost Six Months Ago At Harvest Time Church Up On King Street Here In Greenwich.
Since My Conversion I Have Spent A Great Deal Of Time Reading The Four Gosspels About Jesus.
It was not very pretty, the world into which Jesus was born.
The Palestine of Jesus' day was a world of grinding poverty for the masses, hard labor, punishment. In those states where the penitentiary system has been adopted, convicts who are to be imprisoned, as part of their punishment, are sentenced to perform hard labor.and brutal military occupiers whose preferred method of crowd control was crucifixion for all who dared to rise up and resist.
Nor was the town of Jesus' birth especially peaceful. The Bethlehem into which Jesus was born would soon know the terrifying clank of military steel, the blood-curdling shrieks of children slashed to death by Roman soldiers "just doing their job," and the heart-rending cries of anguished, inconsolable mothers.
Today the picture looks strangely similar. Palestine suffers massive unemployment and poverty. And Bethlehem knows too well the sounds and scenes of war: the menacing drone of helicopter gunships operated by soldiers "just doing their duty"; the horrifying boom of tanks that send shells smashing through ordinary houses, fill children's beds with glass shards, and turn civilians into refugees without homes; the screams of children; the anguish of Palestinian parents incapable of protecting their little ones from the ongoing terror.
This is the land of Jesus Emmanuel--God with us
When Jesus waled in this troubled land he reached out to goyim.
When Jesus was in Palestine he went and comforted those who mourn, claims peacemakers as children of God, and grants inheritance in the kingdom of heaven to those who hunger and thirst for justice.
The Slaughter Of The Innocents:
Palestine And A Just War Theory
In the fifth century, Augustine articulated what we call the Just War Theory, describing the circumstances that could justify the reluctant and limited use of force. And Christians have embraced this doctrine for 1,500 years.
The Just War Theory requires the protection of noncombatants.
But Israel has failed miserably here
Dropping a bomb on an innocent person is murder,
And killing someone "on accident" when it's your fault is murder is some cases. Accidentally run over some little kid cause you didn't see him..... Accident.
Dropping a bomb on a city knowing hundreds of people will die, and most likely be an innocent victim in there...... Murder
While there are a few passages where God sanctions violence for the sake of obtaining land or maintaining a distinctive identity for Israel, this is really a minor theme in the Hebrew Scriptures. By far the greater accent is on the ways the people of God are to welcome the stranger and care for the widow and the poor....
Genesis 9:6 - Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.
Exodus 20:13 - You shall not murder.
Deuteronomy 27:25a - Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person.
Proverbs 6:16-19 - There are six things which the LORD hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood...
According to the Bible, God knew and loved those Innocent Palestinian Mothers and Children before were born in Gaza.
Psalm 139:13-16. For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.
Jeremiah. 1:5. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.
I support Israel's right to defend herself, but I will never support killing of children and their mothers. Over 300 children have died in this military campaign.
The ratio of Palestinians to Israelis killed last year was the most unbalanced ever, at 40:1, up from 30:1 in 2006 and 4:1 from 2000-2005.
The facts are the facts: 1,013 people have died in the conflict which started 19 days ago. More than 300 of the dead are said to be children, 76 are women and more than 4,500 people have been injured, of whom 1,600 are children and 678 are women.
Thirteen Israelis have been killed, including three civilians and one soldier from rockets fired from Gaza and nine soldiers killed in fighting in Gaza
No one wants anyone to die, Israeli or Palestinian, but this ratio is alarming. It is unacceptable to justify such large-scale killings under the pretext of security.
Yehezkel Lein, research director for the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem, expressed his own concerns, "We are worried about the number of Palestinian civilians who continue to be killed."
"B'Tselem has filed a petition before the Israeli Supreme Court requesting that every Palestinian civilian killed by the Israeli Defense Forces be automatically investigated by the state, something which doesn't occur, as Israel defines the current situation as an armed conflict in which 'collateral damage' occurs."
Prior to the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000, every civilian death was automatically investigated by the Jewish state, as the conflict in the Palestinian territories was regarded as a policing matter.
There is no doubt that Israel faces serious security threats, and is entitled and even obligated to do its utmost to protect its population." But too often Israel fails to balance legitimate security needs with protecting innocent Palestinian children.
Most Godless act of all:
killing innocent children
The Bible says, “He who sheds innocent blood, his blood shall be shed.”
It also says, “Anyone who harms these little ones, it is better that a millstone be around their neck.”
There is a big difference in people who call themselves Christians and people who truly are born-again Christians. The Sixth Commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” I guess some people do not include innocent Palestinian Mothers and Children in this.
If you read this blog, you will clearly see that there are a lot of things that I need to learn as A Christian, and how I should react to others. For example, my fellow Christian's at Harvest Time Church are always praying for our town leaders and their families, as they lead us.
They pray that God will help these elected officials and appointees to make the right decisions for everyone and that their families and homes will be protected as they serve us.
I go along with the prayer, but deep down inside I want to get rid of a couple of dozen failed leaders. While this prayer is going on I am thinking Board Of Education and Building Committees. I Don't Want To Pray That These Failed School Officials Will Make Wise Decisions. I Want To Fire Them All And Get New Leaders.
But Pastor Glen And His Associate Pastors Just Want To Encourage Everyone In Our Church To Pray For Our Local Leaders, As Well As Our Leaders On All Levels.
Where I See Incompetent Political Buffoons Screwing Up The Town ........ They See Men Of Goodwill And Want To Pray A Great Blessing For Their Willingness To Serve The Town.
So, I Freely Admit That I Don't Understand Or Yet Practice All Of The Mitzvahs Or Religious Precepts Of Christianity.
But I Do Know That.....
...we should remember Ezekiel 18:20, which prohibits executing a child for the crime of his/her father. This means that even the tragic cases of political terrorism is no justification for killing the innocent child.
The Killing Of Over 300 Innocent Children
In 19 Days Is Demonic
Jesus said of the devil....
“He was a murder from the beginning… When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).
It is no accident that Jesus speaks about Satan’s murders and lies in the same breath. Lies are the wheels that turn every holocaust. to pull of his murders, Satan tells us lies. He is so eloquent, so persuasive in his lies, and we are so gullible, that we fall for his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). He masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), calling right wrong, making us think—as many prochoicers do—that they are taking the moral high ground even as the defend something unspeakably immoral.
If some of the prochoice arguments momentarily cloud and eclipse what you know to be right, realize it is simply because the devil is behind the persuasive rhetoric of the prochoice movement. He is fluent in the language of lies and uses the prevailing assumptions of culture, education, and media to draw us away from God’s thoughts about the killing of innocent children and toward his.
The Devil Is Enjoying Every Minute Of This Isreali / Palestinian Conflict, Because He Orchrastrated It In The Background.
How Else Could A Good Man Like Rick Wolf Sit Comfortable In Greenwich And Watch Innocent Palestinan Children And Mothers Die Daily?
How Else Could A Good Man Like RicK Wolf Turn A Blind Eye To Pain And Deep Suffering Of 1,600 Innocent Children Being Injured In 19 Days?
Why Else Would Rich Wolf Sit At His Desk In Greenwich And Write A Letter To The Editor That Basically Says That It Is Their Own Damn Fault?
What Would Jesus Say And Do About Over 300 Palestinian Children Being Killed In 19 Days?
Satan Would Say, "It Is Their Own Damn Fault They Should Have Got Out Of The Way? Those Children Had An Obligation To Make Hamas Stop Firing Those Rockets"
Maybe We Should Stand Up Against Evil
And Stop Showing Sympathy for the Devil That Urges Us To Support The Killing Of Innocent Little Children.
Mark 10:13-25 (King James Version)
13And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
14But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
15Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
16And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.
17And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
19Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
20And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.
21Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
22And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
23And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!
24And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Do Not Sit At Home Watching 300 Children Get Killed On That Big Flat Screen TV You Got For Christmas,
Don't Foolishly Think That The Creator Of Those Dead Innoccent Palestinian Children Is Happy With What He Sees.
Only The Enemy Of Mankind, And Those He Has Decieved Is Pleased With These Innocent Deaths Of Palestinian Children.
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