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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

08/10/10 Meet Dan Debicella


Greenwich Roundup,

The AP just called the Republican primary in the Fourth District for state senator Dan Debicella. With Debicella winning less than 2/3rds of the vote, it's clear that local Republicans were deeply divided on who could best stand with John Boehner and Congressional Republicans in leading the nation back to the policies of the Bush years. You remember, back when Big Oil, insurance companies and Wall Street could expect huge tax breaks and a blind eye instead of thoughtful regulation?

And today's low voter turnout suggests a whole lot of people don't know what Debicella stands for. Granted, after seeing him call himself a moderate, I'm not certain he does either. But I figured you all should know a few things about the career politician looking to take on Jim in the general election:

RADICAL: Dan Debicella has repeatedly sided with insurance companies over the people of Connecticut, voting against nearly all senators to deny coverage for prosthetics, hearing aids for children, and treatments to help cancer patients find bone marrow donors. You might want to read that sentence again, because I didn't believe it when I found out either. But it's true - In 2007, Debicella was one of four senators to side with insurance companies against deaf children. In 2008, he was one of two votes against requiring coverage of bone marrow treatments designed to expand the National Bone Marrow Registry that helps match cancer patients with donors. In 2009, he had the chance to side with the people over the special interests - but he voted no again.

RECKLESS: Dan Debicella has the worst environmental record of any Connecticut state senator in the past decade, according to Connecticut's League of Conservation Voters. Southwest Connecticut knows we have to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by supporting alternative energy development, which will lead to green collar jobs to fuel our economic recovery. Southwest Connecticut also treasures the Long Island Sound and all the natural wonders that surround us. We can't afford Dan Debicella, a state senator who is too far out on the wrong side of environmental issues.

WRONG: Dan Debicella voted to deny emergency contraception to victims of rape, then downplayed the importance of his vote. The facts speak for themselves: In 2007, Dan Debicella was one of three senators to vote against a bill requiring all Connecticut hospitals to offer emergency contraception to rape victims. It's one thing to vote against this measure, but look at how he defended his position: when his 2008 opponent called him out on his vote, Dan Debicella said, "On the rape bill, all I did was vote against a bill allowing morning-after contraception to be issued to victims." That attitude is just wrong, and we can't let it go to Washington.

I'm not even going to get into Dan Debicella's troubling history of making the rules fit his version of reality; his opponents during the primary discussed that pretty thoroughly already. Suffice it to say we now face a stark and clear choice to represent us in Washington this fall: either reckless, radical and wrong Dan Debicella, a career politican who just goes too far, or Jim Himes, who's proven himself a strong independent leader in the Southwest Connecticut tradition, worked hard to help fix the economy and help small businesses create jobs, and stood up for middle class families.

I'm going to work hard the next 84 days to keep Jim Himes serving us. I hope you'll join me - we can't afford the alternative.

On to victory,

Mark Henson
Campaign Manager


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

08/10/10 BREAKING NEWS: Tom Foley Wins GOP Governor Nomination

Forget About The Greenwich Time

If you want to know what is going on in Greenwich, you have to read the out of town newspapers .....

COURANT/FOX CT ALERT: Tom Foley Wins GOP Governor Nomination

Reoppublican Tom Foley won the GOP gubernatorial nomination Tuesday night.

Read more at Courant.com

08/10/10 Greenwich Millionaires Wasting Money As Children Starve Around The World - Ned Lamont Stuffs 26 Million Dollars Down CT Political Rat Hole

You Can Learn A Lot From Need Lamont's Second
Failed Multi-Million Dollar Ego Campaign

Fiscally Irresponsible:

This Is Why We Should Get Rid Of
Tax Cuts For The Super Wealthy
In America

News Reports About How
Greenwich Millionaire Ned Lamont
Wasted 26 Million In Three Years

"In a country that prides itself on equality of opportunity, it's becoming anything but that as the gap between the super-rich and the middle class is widening." - Billionaire Warren Buffett

New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s


Lamont Loses Connecticut Primary for Governor
New York Times
... defeating Ned Lamont, a multimillionaire businessman who tried ...

New York Times
Ned Lamont falls in Conn. gubernatorial primary
The Hill (blog)
By Shane D'Aprile - Lamont fell short is his bid for the Democratic nomination for governor Tuesday. Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy bested
Live-blogging primary night
No nod for
Ned Lamont. 9:34pm ET: Bennet suffered a rash of bad press after a New York Times article last Thursday painting a finance deal that he designed ...
Connecticut Voters Make Selections
Wall Street Journal
In the Democratic primary for governor, businessman
Ned Lamont had led former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy, but the race narrowed in recent polls. ...
Down with debit cards
Hartford Courant (blog)
By Helen Ubiñas Kimberly Byrd and other
Ned Lamont gubernatorial campaign workers were none to happy ...
Malloy, Wyman win Dem's governor nom
Meriden Record-Journal
Democrats Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman have won that party's nomination for governor and lieutenant governor, prevailing over
Ned Lamont and Mary Messina ...
Wyman wins Democratic primary for Conn lt gov
Hartford Courant
Wyman is the running mate of former Stamford Dan Malloy, who defeated
Ned Lamont for his party's nomination. Wyman, who lives in Tolland, has served as the ...
Primaries set the stage for fierce general election races
Ct Post
Ex-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, who claimed a comeback victory over
Ned Lamont Tuesday night, hopes to end that drought. In the US Senate, ...
Oz Griebel, frank until the end
... Democratic would-be governor, Dan Malloy, who hopes to complete a steady resurgence in public polls with a victory over rival Ned Lamont later tonight. ...
Sound Off for Aug. 10
Torrington Register Citizen
I am voting for
Ned Lamont in the primary and here's why. Several years ago I ran a book store, second hand books and magazines, and he came in and ...
Weston final numbers: Malloy, Lembo, Wyman and Merrill win
The Hour
In the running to become the gubernatorial nominee, Malloy garnered 272 votes compared with 217 votes for
Ned Lamont. Comptroller hopeful Lembo trumped ...
A confident Foley awaits returns in Rocky Hill
Earlier in the day, Foley voted in Greenwich and bumped into Democratic candidate for governor
Ned Lamont. He stopped by the polls in New Canaan and Oxford ...
Light Turnout So Far as Darienites Head to the Polls
... and Simsbury's Oz Griebel are squaring off for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, while Greenwich's Ned Lamont and Stamford's Dan Malloy are doing ...
Caligiuri Leading So Far in Fifth District GOP Primary
Litchfield County Times
In the race for governor, former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy was leading well-financed Greenwich businessman
Ned Lamont, and on the Republican side, ...
Liveblogging the Apotheosis Of St. Michele Bachmann Of Minnesota (and Other ...
Wonkette (satire) (blog)
In Connecticut, Linda McMahon is rasslin' her way to the Republican Senate nomination while
Ned Lamont is quickly becoming a sore-loserman for the ...
Sound Campaigning
New Haven Independent
... at the Ellsworth Street firehouse polling station said they were pulling votes for two candidates, Rodriguez and gubernatorial candidate Ned Lamont.
Martha Dean Photo: File Photo / The News-Times File Photo
Ct Post
Ned Lamont, Democratic candidate for governor, speaks with the media at Greenwich High School after voting ...
Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday
Daily Kos
The race I'm watchin' today is the Connecticut governor's primary,
where m'buddy Ned Lamont has a real good chance of being the Dem contender. ...

Fiscally Irresponsible:

This Is Why We Should Get Rid Of
Tax Cuts For The Super Wealthy
In America

Blogging Away As Greenwich Millionaire
Ned Lamont Wastes 26 Million In Three Years

There's a lot of press about the gap between rich and poor. It generally seems to be presented as a bad thing. Why is that? If the rich people earned (or inherited) their money honestly, where's the harm? I would think that a society without rich people would be in real trouble because it means no one is rising. Is the idea that the rich took the money from the poor? I can't see how that would hold today.

In the past few decades, there’s evidence that the gap in the United States is widening.

The issue isn’t whether money is a potent incentive for keeping us all busy trying to buy or build a bigger house or inventing the next cool electronic device. The question is whether the playing field is level. Equality of opportunity isn’t just a matter of fairness. No society can expect to thrive if it doesn’t fully tap the talent and ability of its entire workforce — including those who happen to be born poor.

Of the 600-plus U.S. newspapers in the Nexis database, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (3/9/10) was the only one to publish a news report on the study. Tim Grant’s front-page piece made connections with the local situation, and pointed out that “upper-income black women [were] five times more likely to have received a high-cost mortgage than upper-income white men.” A few days later, NPR Weekend Edition (3/13/10) broadcast an insightful interview with Julianne Malveaux discussing the report. (In alternative media, some of the more prominent coverage came from Latoya Peterson at the blog Racialicious3/11–24/10—and Democracy Now!’s interview with study author Mariko Lin Chang—3/12/10.)

Post-Gazette (3/16/10) followed up Grant’s article with an editorial (also published in the co-owned Toledo Blade, 3/12/10) saying the report “should keep every American up at night.” Unfortunately, the rest of the corporate media don’t seem to have lost the slightest bit of sleep over it.

In fact, the majority of the corporate media coverage came from the several small papers that published syndicated columnist Bonnie Erbe (
Scripps Howard, 3/17/10),.....


Dan Malloy DEFEATS Ned Lamont In Connecticut Democratic Primary ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
HARTFORD, Conn. — Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy has defeated businessman
Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for Connecticut governor, overcoming a better-known and better-funded opponent in the final weeks of the campaign.
The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/raw_feed_index.rdf
Ned Lamont: Democrats Will Come Together After Primary - Rick ...
By Rick Green
Ned Lamont said Tuesday that whatever the voters decide, Democrats will come together druing the fall campaign. Lamont and Malloy have tearing into each other during the Democratic primary campaign, with increasingly nasty ads and ...
Local News feed - http://blogs.courant.com/local_news/
Ned Lamont Loses Connecticut Democratic Primary for Governor, AP ...
By Andy Salcedo
Ned Lamont Loses Connecticut Democratic Primary for Governor, AP Reports. Posted by Andy Salcedo on 2010/08/10 · Leave a Comment. ThisJustIn. In a surprising upset, Dan Malloy, a former mayor of. Stamford, Connecticut's fourth-largest ...
Asnycnow Radio - http://asnycnowradio.wordpress.com/
Foley and Lamont stop at GHS - Election 2010 - Connecticut News
By Debra Friedman
Ned Lamont, a democratic candidate for governor, appeared shortly after, around 8 a.m., to cast his ballot in the race. He was greeted by a dozen supporters holding signs and several media outlets. On his way in Foley asked, "Ned, ...
Election 2010 - http://blog.ctnews.com/election2010/
Malloy Beats Lamont In CT-GOV Dem Primary | TPMDC
By Eric Kleefeld
Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy has won the Democratic nomination for governor of Connecticut, defeating 2006 Senate nominee and one-time Netroots hero
Ned Lamont.
TPMDC - http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/06/obama-holds-presser-with-medvedev----says-us-will-not-miss-a-beat-in-afghanistan.php
Lamont Concedes In CT-Gov | Talking Points Memo
By David Kurtz
Ned Lamont's comeback attempt falls short in the Democratic primary for governor in Connecticut. Joe Lieberman's chief tormentor has conceded to fellow Dem Dan Malloy, according to WFSB-TV. More here. ...
Talking Points Memo - http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/
My Left Nutmeg:: Police called to Lamont house over harrassing ...
By saramerica
Several Greenwich police officers were dispatched to the home of Democratic gubernatorial candidate
Ned Lamont Monday morning after police said he received a series of "harassing" phone calls. Lt. Kraig Gray, spokesman for the police ...
My Left Nutmeg - Front Page - http://www.myleftnutmeg.com/
NY Times - When
Ned Lamont waged an insurgent antiwar campaign in 2006 against Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, he electrified Hollywood celebrities, rattled the Democratic establishment, melted bloggers and was nicknamed "the darling of ...
UNDERNEWS - http://prorevnews.blogspot.com/
Connecticut Bob: Lamont concedes to Malloy
By CT Bob
Lamont concedes to Malloy. posted by CT Bob. Via http://twitter.com/ctelections10. The phone call was just made,
Ned Lamont congratulated Dan Malloy for winning the Democratic primary. posted by CT Bob at 9:31 PM ...
Connecticut Bob - http://ctbob.blogspot.com/
By Walt Spader
Ned Lamont's "volunteers" in Hartford are angry because they learned they were getting paid in store-brand debit cards instead of cash? Who was offering cash to "volunteers" or debit cards? If they are employees, they should be paid out ...
North Haven Democrat - http://northhavendem.blogspot.com/
Lamont Campaign Gathering In Bridgeport For The Results - Capitol ...
... Nancy Wyman (30) · Ned Lamont (145) · Office of State Ethics (4) · Oz Griebel (76) · Peter Schiff (114) · Phil Giordano (1) · Quinnipiac Poll (64) · Ralph Nader (21) · Republican National Convention (27) · Richard Blumenthal (238) ...
Capitol Watch - http://blogs.courant.com/capitol_watch/
Malloy wins Democratic primary for Conn. governor | The Daily ...
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy has defeated businessman
Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for Connecticut governor, overcoming a.
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... - http://dailycaller.com/
Georgia Republicans Splitting Primary Vote - Politics News Story ...
By ksbw
Among the Democrats, former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy held a double-digit advantage over
Ned Lamont, a businessman making his second try for statewide office. Lamont won a Senate primary four years ago, upsetting Sen. ...
- http://ulocal.ksbw.com/service/displayHomePageExperience.kickAction?page=Homepage&as=65101
84 Days to Decide: Voters in 4 States Head to Polls to Decide Hard ...
By www.bytrade.com
Ned Lamont is facing off Tuesday against former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy in the Democratic primary. The latest Quinnipiac University poll released Monday showed Lamont leading by 3 points -- within the margin of error. ...
www.bytrade.com - http://lindazengyuanqun.typepad.com/blog/
August 10 Primary Elections Test Political Establishment | What's ...
By HuffingtonPost
Democrats seeking a ticket to the fall campaign were former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy and
Ned Lamont, a businessman making his second try for statewide office. Lamont won a Senate primary four years ago, upsetting Sen. ...
What's hot right now.... - http://hotpoliticians.com/
Primary Day with Simmons: As grass roots as it gets - Political ...
By Brian Lockhart
Talking at one point with a handful or reporters about the close Democratic primary for governor between Greenwich businessman/millionaire
Ned Lamont and former Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Simmons said: "Lamont's got the money, ...
Political Capitol - http://blog.ctnews.com/politicalcapitol/
Tuesday Open Thread : Delaware Liberal
By Unstable Isotope
In the Democratic gubernatorial primary, almost-Senator
Ned Lamont takes on Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy. The last poll had this as a toss-up with Lamont with a small lead (45-42). On the Republican side there's a 3-way race between Tom ...
Delaware Liberal - http://www.delawareliberal.net/
Who has the most at stake tonight?
By Reporting
Lieberman went on to defeat
Ned Lamont in the general election, running as an independent and vanquishing the Greenwich cable television executive by 10 percentage points. Lamont is back this year, again spending heavily on an outsider ...
On Line Tribune | Front Page - http://on-line-tribune-front-page.blogspot.com/
Election Results Open Thread 8-10-10 | Blue Wave News
By Elise
CO – Governor – Hickenlooper is uncontested, but Dan Maes and Scott McInnis are in a very tight race at the moment. Senate – Michael Bennet is up with 59% of precincts counted. CT – Governor – Dan Malloy beat
Ned Lamont ...
Blue Wave News - http://bluewavenews.com/

Wealth provides another dimension of well-being. Two people who have the same income may not be as well off if one person has more wealth. If one person owns his home, for example, and the other person doesn't, then he is better off.

Wealth-strictly financial savings-provides security to individuals in the event of sickness, job loss or marital separation. Assets provide a kind of safety blanket that people can rely on in case their income gets interrupted.

Wealth is also more directly related to political power. People who have large amounts of wealth can make political contributions. In some cases, they can use that money to run for office themselves, like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

There has been an increase in wealth inequality over the last few decades.

Prior to that, there was a protracted period when wealth inequality fell in this country, going back almost to 1929. So you have this fairly continuous downward trend from 1929, which of course was the peak of the stock market before it crashed, until just about the mid-1970s. Since then, things have really turned around, and the level of wealth inequality today is almost double what it was in the mid-1970s.

The top 5 percent own more than half of all wealth.

In 1998, they owned 59 percent of all wealth. Or to put it another way, the top 5 percent had more wealth than the remaining 95 percent of the population, collectively.

The top 20 percent owns over 80 percent of all wealth. In 1998, it owned 83 percent of all wealth.

This is a very concentrated distribution.

Where does that leave the bottom tiers?

Wolff: The bottom 20 percent basically have zero wealth. They either have no assets, or their debt equals or exceeds their assets. The bottom 20 percent has typically accumulated no savings.

How does the U.S. wealth profile compare to other countries?

We are much more unequal than any other advanced industrial country.

Perhaps our closest rival in terms of inequality is Great Britain. But where the top percent in this country own 38 percent of all wealth, in Great Britain it is more like 22 or 23 percent.

What is remarkable is that this was not always the case. Up until the early 1970s, the U.S. actually had lower wealth inequality than Great Britain, and even than a country like Sweden. But things have really turned around over the last 25 or 30 years. In fact, a lot of countries have experienced lessening wealth inequality over time. The U.S. is atypical in that inequality has risen so sharply over the last 25 or 30 years.

Apart from the absolute level of wealth of people at the bottom of the spectrum, why should inequality itself be a matter of concern?

There are two rationales. The first is basically a moral or ethical position. A lot of people think it is morally bad for there to be wide gaps, wide disparities in well being in a society.

If that is not convincing to a person, the second reason is that inequality is actually harmful to the well-being of a society. There is now a lot of evidence, based on cross-national comparisons of inequality and economic growth, that more unequal societies actually have lower rates of economic growth. The divisiveness that comes out of large disparities in income and wealth, is actually reflected in poorer economic performance of a country.

Typically when countries are more equal, educational achievement and benefits are more equally distributed in the country. In a country like the United States, there are still huge disparities in resources going to education, so quality of schooling and schooling performance are unequal. If you have a society with large concentrations of poor families, average school achievement is usually a lot lower than where you have a much more homogenous middle class population, as you find in most Western European countries. So schooling suffers in this country, and, as a result, you get a labor force that is less well educated on average than in a country like the Netherlands, Germany or even France. So the high level of inequality results in less human capital being developed in this country, which ultimately affects economic performance.

To what extent is inequality addressed through tax policy?

One reason we have such high levels of inequality, compared to other advanced industrial countries, is because of our tax and, I would add, our social expenditure system. We have much lower taxes than almost every Western European country. And we have a less progressive tax system than almost every Western European country. As a result, the rich in this country manage to retain a much higher share of their income than they do in other countries, and this enables them to accumulate a much higher amount of wealth than the rich in other countries.

Certainly our tax system has helped to stimulate the rise of inequality in this country.

We have a much lower level of income support for poor families than do Western European countries or Canada. Social policy in Europe, Canada and Japan does a lot more to reduce economic disparities created by the marketplace than we do in this country. We have much higher poverty rates than do other advanced industrialized countries.



Ned Lamont for Governor of Connecticut - News - Recent News ...
This summer, I have had the privilege to travel around the state of Connecticut with my college roommate, whose father,
Ned Lamont, is running for governor. ...
CT GOV: Ned Lamont Loses To Malloy - Hotline On Call
Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy (D) easily defeated
Ned Lamont (D) in tonight's Democratic gubernatorial primary despite being dramatically outspent by the ...
Ned Lamont | Elections
In that race, former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy has managed to gain slightly on
Ned Lamont and is now only three points behind him. Quinnipiac [...] ...
[World Wide News Flash] Ned Lamont
Latest articles and news about
Ned Lamont. Stay updated with information about Ned Lamont. Everything you want to know about Ned Lamont.
Lamont Offers Closer; New Haven A Battleground | New Haven Independent
a hoarse
Ned Lamont made his final argument to voters on the same block where he opened his Democratic campaign for governor: in the...
Ned Lamont - Metropolis - WSJ
Tag Results for
Ned Lamont. 1 - 1 of 1. Aug 10, 2010 ... Comment. « Previously in Ned Lamont; Next in Ned Lamont ». Search Metropolis ...
Ned Lamont: August 2010 | TPMDC
A new Quinnipiac survey of the race shows
Ned Lamont edging Dan Malloy 45%-42% - - a statistical tie, given the poll's ±4.6-point margin of error. ...
Lamont Concedes In CT-Gov - Ned Lamont Gossip
Lamont Concedes In CT-Gov -
Ned Lamont's comeback attempt falls short in the Democratic Primary for Governor in Connecticut. Joe Lieberman's chief tormentor ...
Ned Lamont Forum on Jobs | DeliberateCT
Ned Lamont Forum on Jobs. Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 14:46. Start: 08/04/2010 7:30 pm. End: 08/04/2010 8:30 pm ...
Politics - WSJ.com: Ned Lamont Moves to Center in Hartford ...
These days, the left barely recognizes
Ned Lamont, who is gearing up for the ... Ned Lamont-Dan Malloy Race for Connecticut Governor Nod Too Close to Call ...
Lamont, Malloy look for voters away from the polls - Ned Lamont ...
Lamont, Malloy look for voters away from the polls - The biggest challenge today for
Ned Lamont and Dan Malloy wasn't winning over voters.


Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Matthew 19:23-24 (New International Version)

23Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Mark 10:24-25 (New International Version)

24The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:24-25 (New International Version)

24Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! 25Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."


For of those to whom much is given,much is required.

- President John F. Kennedy



07/19/10 Reader Submitted Comments: Greenwich Resident Ned Lamont Is Hopelessly Inexperienced And Naive Just Like His Great Grand-Father Thomas Lamont

.....The Lamont"s Have Been Naively Screwing Up America For Years

Nativity In Politics Is Very Dangerous

Mr. Lamont, who is the great grandson of Thomas J, Lamont -
a partner of the banking and finance firm J P Morgan And Company.

In 1920, Thomas Lamont undertook a semiofficial mission to Japan to protect American financial issues in Asia. He however did not aggressively challenge Japanese efforts to build a sphere of influence in Manchuria.

In 1926, Thomas Lamont, self-described as "something like a missionary" for Italian facism, secured a $100 million loan for Benito Mussolini..

Then There Was The Lamont's Biggest Failure

On Black Thurday in 1929, Thomas Lamont was the acting head of J.P. Morgan & Co. He tried to inject confidence back into the stock market through massive purchases of blue chip stocks.

The Lamont's prospered during the Great Depression while working and middle class Connecticut residents suffered greatly.

But There Are Even More Historical Naive Lamont Screw Ups

Thomas Lamont was an influential member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and one of the most important agents for the Morgan investments abroad. He was an unofficial mentor to the Herbert Hoover administrations, and informed both the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan.

The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was an attempt following World War I to collect war reparations debt from Germany. When after five years the plan proved to be unsuccessful, the new and improved Young Plan was adopted in 1929 to replace it.

The Young Plan was a program for settlement of German reparations debts after World War I The Young Plan was presented by the committee headed by Owen D. Young. After the Dawes Plan was put into operation and it became apparent that Germany could not meet the huge annual payments, especially over an indefinite period of time.

The Young Plan was opposed by parts of the political spectrum in Germany. Conservative groups had been most outspoken in opposition to reparations and seized on opposition to the Young Plan as an issue. A coalition was formed of various conservative groups. One of the groups that joined this coalition was Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists German Workers Party (NAZI), a group which had previously been dismissed as an extremist fringe by the more mainstream conservative parties.

Thomas Lamont's naive Young Plan was was a major factor in bringing Hitler and the Nazis into power and bringing about World War II......


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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