Greenwich oyster beds recovering from disease......
After being closed for more than a decade, the town's oyster beds in Greenwich Cove are ready to open for recreational shellfishing, according to the head of the town's Shellfish Commission.
Seal gets stuck in Greewich's Mill Pond
Strickland Road residents were paid an unexpected visit by a curious creature from the sea Saturday -- a roughly 40-pound seal pup that spent most of the day lounging on a patch of ice in Mill Pond.
Strickland Road residents were paid an unexpected visit by a curious creature from the sea Saturday -- a roughly 40-pound seal pup that spent most of the day lounging on a patch of ice in Mill Pond.
Fee rage
There's one word to describe the fee increases Gov. M. Jodi Rell wants businesses to pay to help balance the state budget, said Stephen Healy, owner of All Seasons Tree Care in Norwalk.
Byram neighborhood nervous about swan
A swan has been wandering around a quiet Byram street for weeks in search of food, nipping at and chasing residents unwilling to feed it.
In town
Red Cross seeks team volunteers The Greenwich Chapter of the American Red Cross, 99 Indian Field Road, seeks volunteers to join its Disaster Action Team, which provides shelter, food, emergency supplies, financial assistance, temporary shelter and mental health services to victims of emergencies and disasters.
Backyard count tracks the flight of birds
By joining a national initiative to count birds, Old Greenwich residents Kirk and Karen Young learned more about the variety of species of birds that live in their backyard.
Contractors feel pinch of slowdown
If the pipes freeze or the electricity goes out, people go to the phones. But these days, the calls for plumbers, electricians and carpenters are hardly coming in for scheduled maintenance or long-term projects.
Focus on education
The American Hockey League's Bridgeport Sound Tigers are hosting a fundraiser, "WinterFest 2009," benefiting the Hamilton Avenue School's PTA to help raise money to keep the school's ice skating program, which is being cut this fall under the 2009-10 education budget.
School calendar
Feb. 16 Presidents Day -- Public schools closed. Feb. 20 Deadline for magnet school applications.
A night at the Pryory
A night at the Pryory On Jan. 15, members of the Greenwich Historical Society's Chairman's Advisory Council and invited guests enjoyed stories of Greenwich history despite the frigid weather at a reception for Sam Pryor III and his new book about his father, "Make It Happen: The Fascinating Life of Sam Pryor Jr.
Workers urged to give up town cars
A number of municipal employees could be forced to surrender their town-owned vehicles, eliminating a controversial perk that has attracted newfound scrutiny during the current budget crisis in Greenwich.
Greenwich police warn of office thefts
A growing number of office thefts have caught the attention of police, who have received numerous reports of missing items from commercial buildings recently.
Himes tells residents stimulus package too small
Newly elected Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., returned to town Saturday to talk politics with his constituents over coffee in one of his first town hall-style events since taking office last month.
Greenwich Celebrities And Multi-millionaires Don't Want The Other Half Of Greenwich Society To Know How Well They Live......
Neighborhood association protests Web site information
Neighborhood association protests Web site information
Dying to know who owns the starter castle down the street? Does it have a squash court? How many bedrooms?
Greenwich Time Editorial
As author Thomas Campbell put it, "victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan."......
Last Year Greenwich Time Editors Joined Criticized Then Police Commissioner Jim Lash And The Town Attorney For Wasting Tax Dollars When The Greenwich Police Department Deviated From Established Procedure And Passed Over Lt. Gary Honulik After He Scored The Highest On The Promotional Exam.
After A Close Split Decision That Went Against Lt. Honulik The Greenwich Time Editors Flip Flop.
A correct ruling on police promotions
Whether the plaintiff, Lt. Gary Honulik, was qualified to be captain or not, townspeople should feel reassured that senior police supervisors can be chosen at least in part on factors such as demonstrated judgment and the ability to lead personnel under them while working closely with those over them.....
Whether the plaintiff, Lt. Gary Honulik, was qualified to be captain or not, townspeople should feel reassured that senior police supervisors can be chosen at least in part on factors such as demonstrated judgment and the ability to lead personnel under them while working closely with those over them.....
...Worse yet would have been the courts deciding that town officials could not now, or perhaps even in the future, consider important factors because some perceived precedent had been established.
The Supreme Court decision was a split one, 3-2, but no matter. Indications are a request for reconsideration would have a slim chance of success. We should just be thankful that the justices ruled that tests do not have to be regarded as the sole gauge of who best can be a leader.
Shame, Shame, Shame On The Flip Flopping Greenwich Time
If Lt. Honulik had won the flip flopping editors of the Green Kitty Litter Liner would have proclaimed that his victory would have been the right decision.
This Is Why Bill Clark Calls The Greenwich Time The "Yellowich Time"
The Greenwich Time Editors Know That What Happened To Lt. Honlulik Was Wrong, But They Changed Their Tune This Week
The Town Of Greenwich should have said from the very beginning, that there would be an added oral interview. But Former Police Commissioner Jim Lash allowed his Police Chief to don't add the interview at the end! After Lt. Honulik Out Scored Lt. Michael Pacewicz.
This was wrong. This was unfair. This was unethical.
Everyone knows this was done for political reasons.
Jim Lash and his police chief did this because they wanted low scoring Micheal "Give Me Extra Retirement Dollars" Pacewicz to be captain.
The town was actually surprised by this. They were expecting a loss and that5's why Pacewicz resigned before the decision. The fact is that 60% of the Supreme court judges were wrong and blind to the injustice that was obvious to anyone with half a brain.
The Greenwich Time Editors Are Trying To Use It's Editorial Power To Help Town Hall Sway Public Opinion By Omission.
This Is The Oldest Trick In The Greenwich Time's Dirty Little Play Book.
The bottom line is and always will be that the rules were changed after the game began. How anyone can defend that is beyond me. Lt. Honlulik Was Robbed Right Before Our Eyes.
The Greenwich Time As Usual fails To Get Independent Legal Analysis And Instead Parrots Town Attorney John Wayne Fox When They Write .......
"The Supreme Court decision was a split one, 3-2, but no matter. Indications are a request for reconsideration would have a slim chance of success."
What Will The Clueless Fox News Wannabes Of Lower Fairfield County Have To Say If Lt. Honlulik And His Attorney decide That There Is A Way To Go To The Federal Courts.
Hearst Newspapers Fails To Understand That The Rules Changed In Midstream And This Is Illegal And Unfair. The Clueless Flip Flopping Editors At The Greenwich Time Fail To Understand That Ends Do Not Always Justify The Means.
The Flip Flopping Green Kitty Litter Liner Fails To Understand That This Case Was About A Dedicated Individual And His Right To Fair Treatment. The Corporately Owned Town Newspaper Is Simply Endorsing The Town's Right To Use Cronyism And Nepotism In It's Promotional Process.
The Greenwich Time Editors Are Basically Saying To Hell With Merit.
There Is Not One Shred Of Evidence That Even Remotely Suggests That Lt. Honlulik Has Ever Failed To Demonstrated The Judgment And The Ability To Lead Police Officers Under His Command. Nor Has Anyone Questioned His Ability To Be Quick And Decisive In A Crisis Or Emergency.
The Town Of Greenwich And Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Should Do The Right Thing And Immediately Promote Lt HonLulik To One Of The Four Open Positions And Pay Him All The Captains Pay He Lost Since 2003.
Why Don't We Take The Extra Unearned Retirement Money That The Town Is Planning On Giving Pacewicz And Give It To Lt. Honlulik.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link below.