Greenwich Residents Have Always Said That A "Yellowich Time" Endorsement Means Nothing At All And It May Be A Sign Of Disaster.
In Previous Elections Frank Farricker and Lin Lavery both got the endorsement and lost.
Greenwich resident just don't trust the judgement of the numerous Hearst Newspaper Editors who have rolled in and out of town recently.
Tesei, Theis and Marzullo for Board of Selectmen
Greenwich Time is approaching the endorsements for first selectman and selectmen differently this year than we have in the past. Our traditional practice has been to endorse each race separately. But in considering the candidates this year, we decided our endorsements should reflect how the Board of Selectmen is actually elected.
As readers are aware, the first selectman race is a straight-up contest, winner gets the seat. But the two selectmen seats on the board go to the two top vote getters among the two selectmen candidates and the loser of the first selectman race.
It's an odd system. We don't know of another in which a candidate can lose an election but still gain office -- one he or she did not even seek to boot. But, it's the system we have, so, on to the endorsements:
As we said, the first selectman process is straightforward: two candidates, top vote getter wins, and this year that should be First Selectman Peter Tesei.
If he wins, this will be Mr. Tesei's third term in office, making him the first since John Margenot to last more than two terms as Greenwich's first selectman....
...His challenger, Democrat John Blankley, is an intelligent, likable man with an impressive professional background. The management and leadership skills he has developed during that career are the base upon which Mr. Blankley's candidacy is built -- and it is a formidable one.
That said, Mr. Blankley's primary claim during this campaign is that a person with more dynamic leadership skills ....
....If this election goes the way of most, not all, elections in Greenwich, the loser of the first selectman race will wind up on the board as a selectman.
That would be a shame. Not because Mr. Tesei or Mr. Blankley would not make a good selectman. Both would do a fine job. But it is not the job that either man wants. And Greenwich has two men who do want it and who have proven themselves to be very good at it.
Republican David Theis and Democrat Drew Marzullo are each seeking second terms as Greenwich selectmen.
Both appear to want a second term very much. Their contest, however, has been something of an oddity. In debates and in conversation, these two have nothing but good things to say about one another. In fact, it often has seemed like no one ever told them that they actually are running against each other....
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"The Inside Story"
By Jerry Zezima
Every 10 years, my internal clock, which I inadvertently swallowed while
eating Jell-O, reminds me to have a colonoscopy.
1 day ago
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