For up-to-date information on Temple events and activities please visit our website at www.templesholom.com | Weekly News from Temple Sholom | August 6, 2010 |
Temple Services Candle Lighting Times Friday, August 6
7:48 pm
Temple Sholom's Worship Schedule Fri. August 6 6:30 - 7:15 pm Sat. August 7 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Sun. August 8 8:30 am - 9:15 am |
High Holiday Publications
Sisterhood is preparing its two High Holiday publications-a New Years Greeting Card that is mailed to all members, and the Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance. All congregants have been mailed either a blank form or one that contains information from prior years' submissions for editing/updating. Please return your completed form and payment by August 27 to insure inclusion in this year's editions. The monies raised from these two publications are the major source of funding for Sisterhood's many projects and programs. If you need another form, you can download it from the Temple website at www.templesholom.com Contact Debbie Finkelstein at (203)625-3182 or at debbiefink@aol.com with any questions about these publications. | REMINDER
Please send back your High Holiday Forms. If you need new copies to request guest tickets, please contact Olga in the main office (203) 542-7156
| | This Week at Temple Sholom
- Sunday, August 8 - "Art of Prayer" with Cantor Asa
- Wednesday, August 11 - Lunch 'n Learn; Wonderful Wednesday
| This week at Temple Sholom
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Ceremony to Return Nazi Stolen Books to Take Place at a Very Special Lunch 'N Learn... Wednesday, August 11, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Rabbi Mitch will present Inge Isler, Temple Sholom member, with her father's precious books that were seized by the Gestapo in 1939 after her family fled Germany to escape Nazi persecution. The books wound up in a collection at the Hamburg University Library. Rabbi Mitch was instrumental in connecting Hamburg University with Isler. Please join us when the books are given back to Isler. |
A Few Spots Left

Last call...There are still some spaces left for our family trip to Israel. For more information, please contact Lori Baden at (203) 542-7172 or loribaden@templesholom.com | SAVE THE DATE... for a Special Double Baby Naming
Saturday, August 28, Please join us as we celebrate the joint Simchat Bat for Hannah Lenore Konigsberg (daughter of Ritual Director Ezra Konigsberg) and Dafna Rose Fradkin (daughter of Cantor Asa Fradkin). Shabbat Services at 9:30 am with Simchat Bat ceremony at approximately 10:15 am. Please stay for a community Kiddush celebration.
| Jewish Boy Scouts Informational Meeting Monday, August 9, There will be a meeting regarding the formation of the White Plains Jewish Boys Scout Troop (Cub Scouts grades 1 - 5 and Boy Scouts grades 6 -12) at the Hebrew Institute of White Plains, 20 Greenridge Avenue, White Plains, NY. For more information and for time of the meeting, contact Evan Gilder, evangilder@optonline.net. |
Contact Information Lori Baden, Director of Marketing and Programming Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 203.542.7172 | | |

============================== Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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