The Party Of "Hell No!!!! Hell No!!!! Hell No!!!!!" Tea Party Express Rolls Into Greenwich And Offers No Solutions
No Respectable Child From A Moderate Greenwich Family Would Be Caught Dead At This Far Right Rally.
Greenwich Roundup Photo: Oh How Cute - 12 Year Old Mitchell Slauson of Naugatuck, Connecticut cuts up a representation of government credit card, during a Greenwich Tea Party Tea Party rally in front of Town Hall.(Click To Enlarge Photo)
"They think we are a bunch of crazies." - Cathy Grippi From Wilton, CT
Is the Tea Party a serious movement or not?
The big number that jumps out in the new CBS News poll about the Tea Party is the anger number. 94% angry or dissatisfied with Washington DC.
And what makes them angry?
Obamacare, government spending, and a Congress that's out of touch. 94% are ready to sweep out incumbents. Although 40% would keep THEIR member of Congress. They want to get rid of SOMEBODY ELSE's member of Congress.
And what would they like that new Congress to do? Cut the size of government. 92% want a smaller government providing fewer services.
When asked if they'd cut programs such as Social Security, Medicare, education or defense, 20% of tea partiers actually changed their minds about smaller government, BUT-- 73% stuck with it. Except that in follow-up interviews most said they did not want to cut Social Security Security or Medicare.
So I guess we'll have to see what the signs say today. If all you see is signs saying End Socialism, Kill The Bill -- then this is just noise.
If see signs saying Cut Medicare, Cut Defense, and you see seniors returning their social security checks -- then -- whether you agree with those things or not -- it IS a serious movement willing to make serious choices.
By the way -- little known fact -- if big government and big debt makes you angry you CAN donate your Social Security or Medicare check back to the government for debt reduction. Just sign it over to:
Bureau of the Public Debt
Department G,P.O. Box 2188,
Parkersburg, WV
And it's tax deductible on next year's return. Seriously.
Peter Tesei Is Mad As Hell And He's
Not Going To Take It Anymore
Greenwich Roundup Photo: The Not So Great Communicator - First Selectman Peter Tesei Sounded Like He Was Delivering A High School Report As He Quoted Ronald Reagan From His Prepared Notes. (Click To Enlarge Photo)
The Greenwich Lamestream Media
Hearst Newspapers Files A Report 4 Hours Later:
Tea Party activists stage rally
Grenwich Time
Frank MacEachern, Staff Writer
Published: 09:51 p.m., Thursday, April 15, 2010
....The Tea Party movement is also deeply suspicious of President Barack Obama, who swept into power in 2008.
That suspicion was on display Thursday with one woman carrying a sign "You can keep your Marxist/Socialist change." Peter Schiff, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Senate to replace the retiring Democrat Chris Dodd, also accused Obama of being a socialist.
Schiff said Obama believes the only reason "socialism hasn't worked in the past is that the wrong people were in charge," as he urged the crowd to back him in his race for the Republican nomination....
The crowd was less boisterous than the one that attended a similar event in front of Town Hall last year, something Cathy Grippi, one of Thursday's organizers, said was because of a more thoughtful crowd.
"The crowd last year was more agitated and carrying signs. This crowd is more cerebral," said the Wilton resident......
.....Westport couple Hank, 66, and Joanne Obst, 58, from Westport, said rising government deficits and debts threaten the country's future.
"I'm taxed too much and I'm not being heard, " said Hank, a retired systems analyst about the country's leaders. ".....
Oh Here Is Some One From Greenwich:
Not everyone in the crowd was ready to support the Tea Party activists.
Frank Farricker, chairman of the Democratic Town Committee, stopped in at the rally. He said the speakers at the event didn't offered specifics on how they would deal with the country's issues. He also said the movement has crested in support and doesn't believe they pose a threat to Democrats.....
Poll: Tea Party Could Wreck 2010 Midterms for Republicans
A Quinnipiac national survey finds that having a Tea Party candidate on a general election congressional race ballot could negatively affect the Republican’s chance of winning.
Republicans lead the generic ballot test by a 44%-39% margin over Democrats. However, when a generic Tea Party candidate is thrown in the mix, the Democrat receives 36% and the Republican 25%, with the Tea Partier taking 15%.
According to the poll, it “has more women than men; is mainly white and Republican and voted for John McCain, and strongly supports Sarah Palin.” They (85%) also feel that the government is doing too much.
“The Tea Party movement is mostly made up of people who consider themselves Republicans,” said Brown. “They are less educated but more interested in politics than the average Joe and Jane Six-Pack and are not in a traditional sense swing voters.”
In other words, they are hardline wingnuts who think the Republican Party has gone squishy.
Good luck to First Selectman Peter Tesei on trying to put that toothpaste back in the tube.
The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword:
Gun-toting, knuckle-dragging, bloodthirsty maniacs
put down thier weapons and brought some signs
to tranquil and peace loving Greenwich
As The "Tea Party Express" Caravan Rolls In Front Of Greenwich Town Hall Some Local Republican Insiders Say They Are Very Concerned
Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei Ignores Party Leaders Who Advise Him To Avoid Being Lumped With The Tea Party Crowd.
As Tax Day approaches, local Tea Party activists are uniting to voice the message they've been honing for more than a year: It's time to reduce the size of government, and honor the Constitution.
The Tea Party Express' third cross-country tour brings activists to Greenwich Town Hall on Thursday.
The "Just Vote Them Out!" tour is now going to roll into Greenwich.
So far, the local movement's success is in the eye of the beholder.
Some Greenwich Republican Town Committee leaders are disturbed that some members have had contact with a gentleman named Stewart Rhodes.
Mr. Rhodes does not seem like an extremist. He is a graduate of Yale Law School and a former U.S. Army paratrooper and congressional staffer. He is not at all secretive.
Often he can be found sitting at Connecticut Tea Party rallies , handing out fliers and selling T-shirts for his organization, the Oath Keepers.
Mr, Rhodes says he has 6,000 dues-paying members, active and retired police and military, who promise never to take orders to disarm U.S. citizens or herd them into concentration camps......
.....The Oath Keepers are "a particularly worrisome example of the 'patriot' revival.
Many of the Oath Keepers think that the federal government as part of a plot to impose 'one-world government' on liberty-loving Greenwich residents.
These right wing Connecticut "Patriot" groups are "roaring back" after years out of the limelight.....
Tea Baggers better behave or they will bring shame to the GOP in CT and elsewhere! Surprising we have ANY baggers in Greenwich anyway! Makes you wonder what they stand for, doesn't it?
I heard very little outcry when Bush was constantly depicted as Hitler. Now it's outrageous... it all depends on whose ox is gored.
....The Tea baggers in Greenwich are folks like the Sam Romeo and Chris von Keyserling crowd, but these folks are not racist.
I have a hard time believing that my old debating partner Chris VK could be one of these baggers! Chris usually makes sense, and often takes the correct side in these arguments. The baggers wouldn't have to bag if the Bushies hadn't "screwed the pooch" by taking too much for too long; they have left us with a horrible legacy, and anything that Obama has had to do to repair and stabilize the financial system should rightly hang around Bush's neck rather than around Obama's.
Greenwich Roundup Photo: Large And In Charge - Chris von Keyserling Makes Sure That Things Are In Good Order At The Tea Bag Rally. (Click To Enlarge Photo)
The Greenwich Lamestream Media
9:30 AM
16 Hours Later And The Two Greenwich Newspapers Are MIA
The Tea Bag Express Was So Unimportant
The Greenwich Citizen And Greenwich Post
Did Not Even Bother To Report On The
Out Of Town Tea Baggers At Town Hall.
Forget ABout The Out Of Town Tea Baggers
The Greenwich Post Is Tweeting About More Important News:
This week's tag sales
This week's tag sales
This week's open houses
THey Are Talking About This Article At Facebook
Holly Goodhead Thoughtfully Commented .....
That was a really good article and great 'take' with facts on these people. I think their 15 minutes of "lame fame" is up.
Sandy Werthmann added....
The Tea Baggers are doing the right thing. Lefties that criticize them must think the first amendment is only for them! They are speaking out on important issues -- and they have solutions -- like throw out the tax and deficit spend crowd and bring back some fiscal sanity.
Out-of -towners -- give me a break. These are Americans and, unlike the Soviet Union, they actually have a right to travel between states. And lefties blaming Bush for everything is so lame -- let's not forget that in 07 and 08 we had a Democratically controlled Congress with Dodd and Franks totally asleep at the switch.
Greenwich Roundup rants ....
No Wonder Know One Wants To Debate Greenwich Roundup
Dear Holly,
Thank You For Your Comments.
Dear Sandy,...
Like the tea baggers I am angry.I am unhappy with local state and the fedral government.
But you don't just throw out reason, because you are emotional.
I was disappointed that Peter Schiff, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Senate to replace the retiring Democrat Chris "Why Am I Still Here" Dodd did not say, "if you send me to washington I will specifically do this, this and this for the unemployed families in this state."
Mr. Schiff said that President Obama was worse than Fidel Castro and our Commander And Chief believes the only reason "socialism hasn't worked in the past is that the wrong people were in charge.'
One of the reasons I went to town hall yesterday is to hear what specifically Peter Schiff would do for my family if I voted to send him to Washington DC.
I heard nothing about how he would help solve the unemployment problem.
I did here a tea party leader ask how many people here are unemployed and about one in five tea baggers raised thier hands.
That out of town town tea bag sample was more than twice the statewide average.
Maybe the reason that so many out of town tea baggers are able to come to Greenwich in the afternoon is that they are unemployed and recieving government unemployment checks.
Yet no one screemed,"The state and federal government is too damn big. Lets do something about it. Bring your unemployment checks up here and cut them up in front of town hall."
Peter Schiff or no other tea party leader were telling the unemployed tea baggers that they are sick and tierd of the bloated federal government sending thier tax dollars to unemployed families who are sucking on Obama's welfare tit.
Peter schiff and the othertea party leaders told did not tell the unemployed out of town tea bag members to reject all those Marist unemployment extention checks that Obama's socilist bail out gave them 13 week period after 13 week period after 13 week period.
Peter schiff and his tea party leaders did not say that it was the job of churches and non-profits to help the unemployed feed, cloth and house thier children.
Peter Schiff and the out of town tea party leaders did not say, " I know that that a government unemployment check wiill put a family bellow the poverety level, but don't take that socialist food stamp ATM card and feed your children at Stop in Shop. Be a man and take your children to a Bridgeport soup kitchen."
Why didn't Peter Schiff tell the tea baggers to be a real "Patriots" and reject all those Communistic social service benefits and feed thier children tree bark soup.
Just look at all of the trees that are still laying around on the on the public right of way.Don't worry there will be more NorEasters that will knock down even more public trees and the best news is your child will not be one of the one and four American children who are over weight.
Here is a news flash for Peter Schiff ......
Marist Obama Has Once Again Extended Socialist Unemployment Benefits That Is Helping Fund The Angry Tea Bag Movement.
Yeaterday, Congress approved a measure that will extend jobless benefits, and President Obama signed the legislation immediately.
In a 59 to 38 vote, the Senate approved the $18 billion measure, which will continue unemployment benefits until June 2 and will avert cuts in Medicare payments to doctors. The House passed the legislation on a 289 to 112 vote before it was signed into law by America's First Socialist President.
A Marists like Obama thinks has the responsibility to make sure out-of-work Americans can still access the vital safety-net programs they need to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table while Congress works to pass a longer-term solution.
While the tea party members were following Greenwich congressman Jim Himes around he was fighting to put food on the tables of angry and unemployed tea bag members.
President Obama's extention of unemployment benefits is one of the most effective investments he can make to the nations economic growth--because the money gets out the door and into the economy quickly.
Now if Obama would just end these two senseless wars that is sucking over one billion dollars a day out of the nations ecconomy.
Holly Goodhead added.....
it is so much easier to put the blame on someone than it is to actually offer viable solutions.
Wierd But True......
While unemployed Tea Bagger Monique Thomas was telling the out of towners that she was unemployed, that Marist Obama was signing a law to give unemployment benefits to tea baggers who had used up thier unemployment benefit.
Now Greenwich Roundup Is Mad As Hell Because That Socialist Obama Just Gave Those Loud Mouth Unemployed Tea Bagger's More Of My Hard Earned Tax Dollars.
I want To See That Marist President's Birth Certificate.
If That Comunist Obama Was Not Legally Elected Maybe We Can Take All Of Those Extra Welfare Monies That Is Going To Fund Unemployed Out Of Town Tea Baggers.
These Out Of Town Tea Baggers Had 26 Weeks Of Unemployment Insurance, But They Were Going To Rallies Instead Of Going Out And Getting A Job.
Now, Obama Is Giving The Out Of Town Tea Baggers Another 13 Weeks Of Welfare Payments, Because They Wasted Thier 26 Weeks Of Unemployment Insurance On Gas To Go To Tea Bag Rallies All Over The State.
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