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Highlights Of The February Meeting
State Represenitive Lile Gibbons said a large deficit is expected in the next years state budget
State Senator Scott Franz joked that legislators are employees of the state and there are many he would like to see fired
First Selectman Peter Tesei donated $500 to the Republican Town Committee.
David Theis said he would like to see the cell tower located at the archery center.
Rob Russo who is a canidate for congress said he working hard to defeat Greenwich resident Jim Himes.
At Last Nights RTC Meeting Cos Cob Resident John Campbell Replaced John Raben As Chairman.
Campbell Also Serves On The Greenwich BET
Bill Kalna From North Mianus Had Publicly Campaigned For The Chairman Position, But Withdrew His Name From The Ballot.
The RTC Also Elected Steve Warzoha And Marc Ducret Vice Chairmen.
Catherine Johnson Was Elected Secretary.
Mary Ann Mullento Was Re-Elected Treasurer.
A Source At Last Nights RTC Meeting
Said That Greenwich Republican Leaders
Were Shocked That.....
Congress has passed historic health care legislation to rein in the worst insurance abuses and expand health care to 32 million Americans and that.....
No death panels were created in Greenwich
The government didn't nationalize 1/6th of the economy
The United States didn't go bankrupt.
Not one Greenwich resident lost their current health coverage
Not one Greenwich resident lost the right to chose their own doctor
And health care in Greenwich wasn't rationed by a bunch of socialists with hidden agendas
It was also reported that the Greenwich Republican Town Committee members were happy that.....
The Greenwich Time Once Again Follows The News Leader
Five Hours Later Greenwich Time Reporter Niel Vidgor Reports
Neil Vigdor, Staff Writer
Published: 04:47 p.m., Thursday, March 25, 2010
The dawn of a new era of leadership has come for Greenwich Republicans, who have united behind Jim Campbell as party boss.
Campbell, 48, succeeds John Raben as chairman of the 60-member Republican Town Committee, which has a major hand in picking GOP candidates for townwide and state office appearing on the local ballot and coordinating get-out-the-vote activities. ...
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Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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