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Dear Greenwich Roundup,
In Monday's Greenwich Time there was absolutely nothing about what was going to be discussed at that night's RTM meeting, despite many calls from myself and other school parents during the previous week.
The RTM meeting was never listed in the town meeting calender of the Greenwich Time.
Then on Tuesday the Greenwich Time Comes out with the following headline:
Greenwich Time staff reporter Niel Vigdor chose to focus his article on something that took up only a few minutes of the RTM Meeting and virtually ignored the cell tower issue that took up over 80% of the entire meeting.
Now this morning's Greenwich Time only reports this little bit about the cell tower issue that dominated last nights RTM meeting.......
"Byrne's harangue opened up a long night for the legislative body during its second meeting of the new term, which was scheduled to culminate with a debate over a nonbinding resolution banning the location of cell towers within 1,500 feet of accredited schools.
The discussion on the resolution, which was borne out of a controversial proposal by T-Mobile to build a tower next to North Mianus School, didn't start until 10:15 p.m. at Central Middle School, where parents gathered to show their support for the safety measure.
"You have an opportunity tonight to send a very clean and clear message," said Peter Sherr, a school board member."
There was nothing about the discussion to including a Byram park in the sense of the meeting resolution amendment, nor was there anything about First Selectman Peter Tesei's promise to form a special cell tower committee.
I am told the Greenwich Time reporter didn't even bother to stay for the cell tower discussion.
He just stopped in to grab a few sound bites for a sloppy Greenwich Time front page article.
Neil Vigdor, Staff Writer
Published: 11:21 p.m., Monday, March 8, 2010
Published: 11:21 p.m., Monday, March 8, 2010
The head of the Representative Town Meeting lashed out Monday night when his authority to cast tie-breaking votes on legislative business, including the election of officers, was called into question by rank-and-file members.
RTM Moderator Thomas Byrne said it was his prerogative to break a tie in January's vote for moderator pro tempore won by incumbent Joan Caldwell over Paul Curtis 100 to 99 with one abstention.
"The rules of the RTM were precislely followed," Byrne said. "There was nothing improper."
But when several members tried to amend the legislative body's minutes from the January meeting to reflect that Byrne cast the tie-breaker, things got testy.
Christopher von Keyserling, a District 8/Cos Cob delegate and RTM Appointments Committee chairman, appeared to get under Byrne's skin when he suggested that he recuse himself as moderator during a discussion of the controversial vote.
"I'm wondering if you want to come down and join me in the debate," said von Keyserling.....
....."I am not recognizing you, Mr. von Keyserling," Byrne said. "Excuse, Mr. von Keyserling, you do not have the floor."
Byrne earlier argued that the 230-member legislative body's rules and Robert's Rules of Order allow for the presiding officer of such an assembly to vote last if needed to break a tie.....
If Greenwich Time Reporter Niel Vidgor wont properly cover the cell tower issue, then it looks like Greenwich Roundup is going to have to get involved and do the story for him.
When Greenwich Roundup Types
The Greenwich Time Listens
Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Gets Greenwich Time Reporter Frank MacEachern To Help Niel Vidgor Properly Cover The Cell Tower Issue That Was Discussed In Last Monday's RTM Meeting
By Frank MacEachern And Neil Vigdor, Staff Writers
Published: 10:03 p.m., Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A backer of a Representative Town Meeting resolution Monday on cell towers said it sends a strong signal to state officials that the town doesn't want cell towers looming over schools.
"We believe this a clear statement of the town's desires as far as placement of cell towers," said Greg Schulte, a District 12/Havemeyer member who authored the resolution. "We were very pleased with the margin of the (vote)."
The resolution to prohibit cell towers from being within 1,500 feet of accredited schools received overwhelming support at the RTM on Monday, where it passed 124 to 29 with 13 abstentions....
When Greenwich Time Reporter Frank MacEachern Gets Involved
Then More Greenwich Voices Get Heard
....The resolution arose out of concerns by North Mianus residents regarding a proposed cell tower on Palmer Hill Road close to North Mianus School, he said. Schulte praised the work of two residents, Karen Ayoub and Christine Ragusa, in spearheading neighborhood opposition last year.
Peter Berg, a District 8/Cos Cob member and chairman of the RTM's Land Use committee, expressed disappointment an amendment suggested by his committee that would prohibit cell towers in the Montgomery Pinetum was defeated.
"The purpose of the resolution was that we want to protect the kids but we don't want to do it at the expense of our scarce protected open space," he said about the 91-acre site in his district.
That amendment failed by a vote of 155 to 27 with three abstentions.....
That amendment failed by a vote of 155 to 27 with three abstentions.....
....many parents and child safety advocates, some toting bumper stickers saying "No Cell Towers Near Our Schools."
Berg expressed admiration for that district's lob-bying effort.
"The District 12 contingent made it a case that this was just about the kids and said they wanted to keep it simple," he said. "I think they did an effective job of campaigning. That influenced a lot of members."
Another amendment suggested by Jim Boutelle, chairman of District 8/Cos Cob, also failed to get support, which left him bewildered.
"I was stunned," Boutelle said Tuesday. "Because it was late, I am not sure the majority of the members understood what I was trying to do."
His amendment, which failed by an 84-74 vote.....
.....First Selectman Peter Tesei announced to the assembly that the town is forming a task force to look at the broader issue of cell tower siting......
.....Some residents advocated that the town take a much broader-based approach to the issue of cell tower construction.
"I don't necessarily think drawing circles around schools is a way to make this decision," said Matt Armstrong, a former RTM member from Cos Cob.....
The Story Might Have Been A Day Or Two Late, But Greenwich Time Reporter Frank MacEachern Got The Job Done For Niel Vigdor.
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