"I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets."
— Napoleon Bonaparte
Obviously Napoleon Did Not Live In Greenwich
Incompetent Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Still Continues To Ignore Parents Complaints About Water Leaks In The Hamilton Avenue Modulars !!!!
To: GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
Date: 12/29/09 2:10PM
From: {Redacted}
You did not hear this from me....
The modulars are leaking again! Ceiling tiles are being replaced again. The principal is lying again!
Name Withheld By Request
Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Is Too Busy Attacking A Critic To Assign A Reporter To Investigate Parents Complaints That Greenwich's Most Disadvantage Children Must Try To Learn In Modular Classrooms That Violate The Building Codes Of The State Of Connecticut.
The Last Time That Anyone In Town Remembers A Greenwich Time Editor Doing An Investigative Report Was When Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani admitted that the Greenwich Time did a poor job of covering the Martha Moxley Murder on on October. 30, 1975.
Most Everyone in town remembers that in the early eighties the Greenwich Time attempted to revive it's poor image by hiring investigative journalist Len Levitt to look into the unsolved murder case.
Levitt's story was based on more than 100 interviews and 400 pages of police documents turned over on the order of the state's Freedom of Information Commission, remained unpublished for nearly a decade.
The story was finally published over several pages in 1991.When Mr. Levitt appeared in an Editor & Publisher cover story bashing the newspapers for the long delay in publishing his work, Another Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani Refused To Talk To Mr. Levitt Ever Again .
If Greenwich School Business Manager Susan Wallerstien Had A Leak In Her Office It Would Be Fixed With In 24 Hours, But If A Poor Child In A Classroom Trailer Has Water Pouring Into The Classroom No One At The Greenwich Time Cares.
Pompous And Arrogant Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Is Ignoring Hamilton Avenue Parents In 2008 Just Like .....
Greenwich Time Editor Jim Zebora Ignored Hamilton Avenue Parents In 2007. Or Just Like .....
Greenwich Time Editor David Warner Ignored Hamilton Avenue Parents In 2007. Or Just Like .....
Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani Ignored Hamilton Avenue Parents In 2007.
No Other Daily Newspaper In Newspaper In The World Has Went Through Four Editors In Less Than A Year
This Is What Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Considers To Be Good Educational Reporting.......
Like Nero, Hunter Fiddles With School Press Releases As The Small Children Of Hamilton Avenue Drown In Water Leaks
Bruce Hunter Has His Reporters Run Four Press Releases Through The Spell Checker, Before Hitting The Publish Button !!!!
Local News
The Greenwich High School PTA will host its annual "SummerFare Camp Expo," showcasing more than 130 summer programs for middle and high school students, in the GHS student center, 10 Hillside Road, from 6 p.m to 9 p.m. Wednesday.
Program representatives will hand out informational brochures and DVDs as well as answer questions from parents and students about a bevy of program options, from sailing trips through the Caribbean, to language courses, to traditional sleep-away and day camps.
The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be on sale. The snow date is Thursday.
Family finance writer Jill Russo Foster will be the guest speaker at an Eastern Middle School PTA meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the school's cafeteria, 51 Hendrie Ave. The event is free and open to the public.
Foster wrote the book "Cash, Credit, and Your Finances: The Teen Years," which introduces teenagers to basic concepts of managing money, from opening a bank account to living within a budget.
For more information, visit http://www.cashcreditandyourfinances.com/.
Greenwich Academy will host its fifth annual "Gator-Aid" fundraiser, benefiting the nonprofit education advocacy group Central Asia Institute, Friday with a dodge ball match among upper schoolers and faculty at 2:30 p.m. in the Raether Athletic Center, 200 N. Maple Ave. Lower and middle schoolers will have a separate fundraiser in the school's Ramsing Gymnasium. The Central Asia Institute's co-founder, Greg Mortenson, who wrote the book "Three Cups of Tea" about his campaign to build schools for girls in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan, will speak at Greenwich Academy on April 14.
The First Presbyterian Church Nursery School, 37 Lafayette Place, will hold an information session about "Two-by-Two," its program for children turning 2 by October, at 9:15 a.m. Feb. 5.
For more information, call Director Patricia Bria Case at 869-7782.
The New Lebanon School PTA is seeking donations of new items and gift certificates suitable for prizes, as well as supplies, for its annual "Spaghetti Dinner" and silent auction, to be held March 28.
Proceeds from the event will pay for school field trips, arts in education, scholarships and other programs. Donating companies will be highlighted in the PTA's "List of Contributors."
For more information or to make a donation, contact Wendy Figueroa at (914) 510-3561, or wndy_figueroa@yahoo.com.
Students at The Stanwich School are participating in the "St. Jude Math-A-Thon," from Jan. 19 through Feb. 6, to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.
Students are asking friends and family to pledge a specific amount of money for every math problem they solve. These funds will help the research hospital find new ways to combat childhood diseases. Last year, Stanwich's Math-A-Thon raised $42,314, according to organizers.
Why Does Hearst Newspaper's President Steven Swartz Allow Bruce Hunter To Ignore The Poorest And Weakest Families Of Greenwich Society.
The Greenwich Time Has An Extremely Low Subscription Rate In Byram, Because Parental Complaints About The Hamilton Modulars, While Regurgitating School Press Releases And Listing Them As Local News On The Greenwich Time Web Site.
And Before Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Gets His Panties All In A Bunch Again. I Hope Some Will Tell Him That His Regurgitating Press Releases From School Groups Is Not An Article That Has Copyright Protection.
Greenwich Roundup Saw These Same School Press Releases On The Cablevion's Greenwich Educational Access Channel.
Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has To Understand That The Truth Sometimes Hurts. The Facts Are That Hunter Does Not Have The Journalistic Balls To Report On What Is Really Happening In Those Modular Classrooms.
Bruce Hunter Is Clearly The Wrong Man At The Wrong Time To Lead The Greenwich Time As It Transitions Into The Digital Age
Greenwich Roundup was the only news organization that reported about the water once again leaking at Hamilton Avenue School. Clueless Hearst Newspaper Editors Don Harrison (Greenwich Citizen) And Jim Zebora (Greenwich Time), as well as, the Greenwich Post editor have ignored HAS parents complaints that the modular are once again leaking.
....The Hamilton Avenue School Principal is so self absorbed and concerned with her image and her career as an administrator, she has lost perspective. God help the children of Hamilton Avenue School as they are shoved in a school that is not up to code.
Where is Ken West the building maintenance supervisor?How is this trailer park permitted to stay open?If this were a private home it would be condemned.
Go Back To Your Wet And Unsafe Modular Classrooms!!!!.....Principal Damaris Rau sounds like an idiot. She should not be in charge of one child, never mind a school full of kids....
Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter knows that before anyone goes to the weekly newspapers or the bloggers with a story they go to the "Yellowch Time" first.
The "Yellowich Time" gets first shot at virtually every news story in town and they often bungle thier chance.
When Hamilton Avenue mothers went to Jim Zebora's crew complaining that the modular classrooms were leaking they were REPEATEDLY ignored Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani.
When those same Hamilton Avenue Mothers came to Greenwich Roundup we started publishing posts like this in February until Betty Sternberg was forced to shut down the modulars in March.
Please See:
There was not one previous article in the Greenwich Time
When Glenville Parents came to Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Jim Zebora And His Failed Reporting Crew with pictures and stories about the conditions inside thier school the Zorba crew could not be bothered with such trivial matters.
Please See:
When the "New And Improved" Hamilton Avenue Modulars were leaking AGAIN, the Ex-Greenwich Time Zebora And His Failed Reporting Crew once again could not be bothered.
Please See:
When a Greenwich parent got pictures of three heavily damaged classrooms in the "NEW" 30 Million Dollar Ham Ave School the Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Jim Zebora Crew was not interested and still has not fully reported whats going on inside that building.
Please See:
Like It Or Not The Greenwich Time Editors Are Going To Have To Get Used To The Fact That Greenwich Roundup Is A Bit Edgy And Somewhat Rude When Greenwich Roundup Publishes A Post Like......
But isn't rude for Colin Gustafson to put up an August headline that insults the intelegence of every taxpayer in Greenwich?
By Colin Gustafson
August 08, 2008
A variety of unresolved facilities issues - most of them easy to fix - are preventing the Hamilton Avenue School from receiving sign-offs from inspectors necessary for students to return to the building, the school board told parents last night.
Broken glass needs to be repaired, as well as cracks in some of the floor-level surfaces that must be patched. .... Blah ..... Blah ...... blah ..... Blah ..... Blah ..... Ham Ave Is Opening On Time !!!!!!!
Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Is Ignoring The Parents Of Hamilton Avenue School, Just Like Pisani, Warner And Zebora.
Have The Single Family Homeowners Of Greenwich Seen One Hard Hitting Investigative Report Out Of The Ever So Vain Bruce Hunter?
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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