Furniture Today
GREENWICH, Conn. Carl Seaman, brother and one-time partner in former retailer Seaman's Furniture with Morty Seaman, died of pneumonia on April 11. He was 73.
Seaman's was founded in Brooklyn in 1932 by Carl and Morty's father, Julius, with a $500 loan from his mother-in-law. When Julius died in 1954, Morty came on board and was followed three years later by Carl as an equal partner.
The two built the chain into a multimillion-dollar business and brought in their sons (Morty's son Jeff Seaman, now CEO of retailer Rooms To Go, and Carl's son Jordan Seaman) as merchandiser and marketer, respectively. Seaman's went public in 1985 and was sold in 1987 to private equity firm Kohlberg, Kravitz & Roberts. The chain ultimately merged with Levitz and was closed in 2005.
"He was meticulous, a numbers man," Morty Seaman said of his brother. He said Carl also was a "sports nut. Whether it was the New York Giants or the Knicks or the Mets, that was his love in life in addition to his family."
Carl Seaman left the business in 1987 and began working in non-furniture businesses ETI Financial Corp. and Seminole Casualty Insurance.
He also became heavily involved in charitable work, primarily causes associated with familial dysautonomia, a rare genetic disease that affects the autonomic and nervous systems of children from birth and includes symptoms such as reduced sensitivity to pain and temperature and the inability to produce tears.
Seaman's gifts helped advance research of the disease and fund a faculty post at New York University, eventually named the Carl Seaman Family Professorship.
By 1993 a test was developed to determine early in a pregnancy whether the disease was present, Jordan Seaman said. By 2001, new tests could help couples wanting a baby to determine whether they were carriers. And now, researchers are getting close to genetic treatment of the disease.
Carl Seaman is survived by his wife Linda Seaman, daughter Dana Manning, son Jordan and four grandchildren.
Please send your comments and obituaries to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
1 comment:
As Carl's childhood friend, and neighbor, I read with sadness of his death. Sports, the Dodgers, music, and many other things were shared by us. I last saw him at the Madison 50th reunion. My condolences to his family and to Morty, also an old friend.
Roger Kane M.D.
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