Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Fat Guy From Greenwich
by Jane Genova
I met the Fat Guy From Greenwich, Connecticut the way everyone else did. A master chameleon he had read our souls and fed those spirits what they craved. That meant he had to deal with the universe on a one-to-one basis because his act was so customized for the mark.
For 18 months I schlepped to his home office in Greenwich. We would work in his massive library. The beams were enormous.
He wouldn't allow me to ghostwrite his articles on 1950s television sitcoms in my own home office The pay was decent, not good. Each article, when done, went somewhere. The Fat Guy said The Publisher was reviewing them and I must be prepared for changes. Before I completed the day's work his wife would come into the library .......
Vivapop Community Events RSS Feed
Animal Embassy, a traveling animal show: Apr. 7 - Byram Shubert Library Greenwich, CT 203-531-0426 General Interest Animal Embassy, a traveling animal show presents the wonders of the animal world in a ...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Viewed Web Article - RSS Feed
Huskies storm into NCAA championship game - ST. LOUIS -- Maya Moore couldn't quite put her finger on it. She just felt different this year being at the Final Four.
Greenwich Time: Life And Family - RSS Feed
Dad to Dad: The science of attraction - Helen Fisher, an anthropology professor and human behavior researcher at Rutgers University, has been examining the nature of romantic love for more than ...
Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Just Words @ Just Books - Just Words @ Just Books 28 Arcadia Road Old Greenwich Mondays, April 6 - June 8 (7 - 9 p.m.) Just Words provides tangible support to writers of every genre...
The Blonde Excuse
Taking the New Camera Out for a Spin - Here are some pictures I took down at the beach recently with my new Canon EOS 5D Mark II. I was there right when the sun was hitting the sea grass in such a...
Wowzio Pulse - Greenwich Police - Engaging Late-Breaking Articles
Valet charged in alleged luxury car rental scheme - Greenwich police say a luxury car dealership's valet has been charged with secretly renting out its cars to friends.
Greenwich Geek David S. Isenberg's musings at isen.blog
I'm posting this from my car! - My wife just pointed out -- as she drove and I blogged -- that it's entirely unusual that I'm sitting in the right seat blogging away. And that ain't all. ...
Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams - The Sports Voice Of Greenwich
I'm Grumpy and Have Benn up Since 4:45 AM. So Let's Play "Off The Bench" - Please welcome your host, Wink Martindale! Haysooz Cristo, what am I doing up at 4:45 on a Sunday morning? I could try to explain, but it's just not worth ...
Greenwich Time: Community Events - RSS Feed
Fairfield County Scene - Latin dancers Enrique Alarcon and Amanda Parton along with the Dance Collective of Westport electrified supporters of CancerCare of Connecticut with a high...
EDDIE "Greenwich Native" ROSS
Before & After - A Spring-Inspired Dining Room - Design Your Life. That was the theme of this year's New Orleans Home & Garden Show—and a timely one at that. Four years after Katrina and the spirit of this ...
Cos Cob Blogger Iggy Makarevich At High Strangeness
Stop HR 875, The Food Fascism Act, Like Our Lives Depended On It (Because They Do) - This just in... this one's important! So, if you please... act before the bastards enact this outrage! Do you really want only dangerous genetically modified...
Publicani By Dr. Zak Maymin Of Greenwich
Theater of Absurd - JPMorgan CEO: “I want to return TARP” Obama: “No. It could send a wrong signal.”
Today's Greenwich Time Most Emailed Web Article - RSS Feed
Police: Woman stabbed by estranged husband - GREENWICH -- A 61-year-old Greenwich man, apparently enraged over his pending divorce, is behind bars after police said he stabbed his estranged wife repea...
The Daily Spurgeon
A spiritual house - Architecture, with its arched roofs, and noble pillars, and dim religious light, is supposed to impart a reverence and awe which befit the solemn engagem...
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Youth Services' Our Picks! for April - [image: Rabbit] Take a look at Youth Services' brand-new Our Picks! list for April 2009-- it features picture books featuring our furry, hoppy friends,...
Greenwich Time: Local Sports - RSS Feed
FCIAC Girls Tennis Preview
Greenwich Time: Local Sports - RSS Feed
FCIAC Girls Tennis Preview
If they can dodge enough of those troublesome April and May showers, the Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference girls tennis teams should...
Rock Star Diary
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Vocalist
Rock Star Diary
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Vocalist
Ladies and gentlement, Mr. & Mrs. Darren Vocalist: Yay! Alice with the original Vocalists (Darren's parents) Panty inspection with Paul: Congrats to the new ...
The Fox Trot By Nick "The Sly" Fox
Bad News Already Last Night with WrestleMania Buys!
The Fox Trot By Nick "The Sly" Fox
Bad News Already Last Night with WrestleMania Buys!
The following is from Dave Scherer of PWInsider.com: WWE had a major problem tonight with the nation's largest cable company, Comcast. When I went to order...
Today's Greenwich Time Editorial
Thumbs up -- just one this week
Today's Greenwich Time Editorial
Thumbs up -- just one this week
Usually in this space we mete out a few "thumbs" up and down, quick hits on recent events, good and bad, around town.
Today's Greenwich Time Letters To The Editor
Parking, not park, is Byram's greatest need -
Today's Greenwich Time Letters To The Editor
Parking, not park, is Byram's greatest need -
To the editor:
This is in response to the pocket park supporters' comments (Letters from Readers, April 2).
Tribune Company's Greenwich News RSS Feed
NY attorney general brings civil fraud charges against investor Ezra Merkin in Madoff scandal
Tribune Company's Greenwich News RSS Feed
NY attorney general brings civil fraud charges against investor Ezra Merkin in Madoff scandal
NEW YORK (AP) — New York's attorney general filed civil fraud charges Monday against a hedge fund manager who funneled $2.4 billion to Wall Street swindler...
Who Needs NORAD When You Have Greenwich Bloggers.....
How much gas do these things carry?
A couple of F-16s are following a little Cessna plane stolen in Canada by a student. I suppose that’s not so unusual these days, what with everything else ...
A couple of F-16s are following a little Cessna plane stolen in Canada by a student. I suppose that’s not so unusual these days, what with everything else ...
The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva Student stole private Cessna plane in Ontario, Canada, and is flying over U.S airspace
Two U.S F-16 fighter jets are escorting a stolen Cessna 172 aircraft from a flight school in Ontario, Canada, officials said. The stolen private plane entered...
Two U.S F-16 fighter jets are escorting a stolen Cessna 172 aircraft from a flight school in Ontario, Canada, officials said. The stolen private plane entered...
Please send your comments and Greenwich Blog posts to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of the post.
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