From the Daily News
Now that’s multi-tasking.
Ohio cops busted a woman after she was spotted driving, breast-feeding and talking on the phone - all at the same time!
Genine Compton, 39, was charged with child endangerment after another motorist called cops in Kettering to report her.
“She literally has the little girl on the steering wheel,” the caller said in a 911 call, according to the Dayton Daily News.
He said he admonished Compton - and she asked if he wanted to breastfeed the child.
“I’m like, ‘You can feed your kid when you stop.’ It’s like wet out here. It’s full of traffic. It’s ridiculous. She’s got like three other kids in the car,” he told the 911 operator.
Authorities used a license plate number to track down Compton the next day, saidOfficer Michael Burke.
She admitted she was breast-feeding while driving, saying she didn’t want her child to go hungry.
Burke said the concern is that Compton had a child under 2 in her lap while driving, not that she was breast-feeding in public. She faces up to 180 days in jail if convicted.
For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
The Media and soldiers’ corpses - Defense Secretary bowed to his new boss’s pressure and this week modified the Pentagon’s ban on photographing the coffins of soldiers brought back to our country. The New York Times and other scum trumpeted this as a triumph of their desire to “honor our fallen heroes” when of course their intention was to exploit the dead, not honor them. The press wanted to use the pictures to stir up public sentiment against the Iraq war when Bush was running it. Today, the show “On the Media” aired an interview with some guy from Salon who said exactly that. Good for him - he’s the only honest man among the entire swarm of liars.....
The Media and soldiers’ corpses - Defense Secretary bowed to his new boss’s pressure and this week modified the Pentagon’s ban on photographing the coffins of soldiers brought back to our country. The New York Times and other scum trumpeted this as a triumph of their desire to “honor our fallen heroes” when of course their intention was to exploit the dead, not honor them. The press wanted to use the pictures to stir up public sentiment against the Iraq war when Bush was running it. Today, the show “On the Media” aired an interview with some guy from Salon who said exactly that. Good for him - he’s the only honest man among the entire swarm of liars.....
Publicani By Dr. Zak Maymin Of Greenwich
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