“It’s helping other kids out here in Greenwich,” said Errin Tulud, co-president of the Junior United Way. “We’re trying to let them have their field.”
A tournament is defined as an invitational event, and Saturday’s Wiffle ball competition is just that — a contest open to players from all over town who have signed up to play, all in the name of helping others.
Sponsored by Belray Capital and the Greenwich Police Department, in partnership with the Junior United Way, the Greenwich Wiffle Ball Tournament will be at the Greenwich Polo Club at Conyers Farm. Proceeds from the event, which pits teams of four players against each other, will go into the Junior United Way Greenwich Wiffle Ball Fund to help pay for future tournaments, and, above all, organizers said, go toward creating a permanent Wiffle ball field in town....
....Jenny Byxbee, youth services coordinator for the town, who is working with the Junior United Way board in organizing the event, said she’s just hoping for a fun day.
“The process has been a wonderful opportunity to work with parents and the community,” she said. “My hopes, in a lot of ways, have already been met.”
Elizabeth Fina, 16, vice president of the Junior United Way board, said prize money for the tournament was raised through bake sales. Money raised from other Junior United Way events was also used, she said.
More information about the tournament, which has a rain date of Sunday, is available at Greenwichwiffle.com.
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Source: Greenwich Post
Reporter: Sara Poirier, Assistant Editor spoirier@greenwich-post.com
Source URL: http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8917:town-tournament-aims-to-help-kids-build-field&catid=10:greenwich-local&Itemid=68
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