No Gas, But The Town Building Department Made Sure The Byram Gas Station Was ADA Compliant With New Curb Cuts And An Extra Large Handicaped Restroom.
I can hardly work on my blog, because I keep going over to "For What It's Worth" to see what Chris and his readers have to say,
As you'll see from the comments section of this post below, someone wants to know what happened to that gas station they redid, but never reopened, on the Byram border.
Personally, I don't know - do you?
The only thing I do know is that the old proprietor who rented the service station lived on North Water Street had fairly low prices and his family were good customers of my wive's old flower and gift shop.
I am not sure he will contnue leasing the service station from the oil company.
But that part of Byram really looks like crap, with the old lyon farm house falling apart, the gang graffitti and now this unfinished service station.
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Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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