About A Week And A Half Ago A Bunch Of Brown Spiders Invaded My House And My Family And I Sprayed A Bunch Of Spiders And Destroyed A Bunch Of Spider Egg Sacks Out Side The House.
Well Apparently One Of The Spiders Bit Me On My Blind Side Right On The Neck.
I Gout A Fever And Ached All Over.
Plus I Had A Nasty Swollen Bump That Latest A couple Of Days.
Well Last Weekend There Was A second Wave Of Spider Invasions Once Again.
Once Again Spiders And Egg Sack Were Destroyed And You Guessed I Got Bit On My Blind Side Again.
Last Monday And Tuesday I Had A Horrible Fever, But Recovered Enough To Go To My Church And Volunteer To Do My Coffee Service Before Going To A Weekly Bible Class.
The Next Day I Had To Go To Harrison And Document That CVS Has Done Some Work For One Of My Clients And The Spider Bump Opened Up And Looked Very Nasty I went To The Greenwich Hospital And They Told Me The Wound Was Infected.
I Received A Morphine Shot And Was Amazed At How I Instantly Felt A Sensation In The Base Of My Brain.
They Cut And Drained The Wound And Gave Me An IV Of Antibiotics.
I Was Given Some Dressings And Prescriptions For Antibiotics And Pain Pills.
Friday I Had The Wound Checked, But Things Did Not Improve Much, So I Was Given A Second Antibiotic IV And Another Prescription For A Different Antibiotic That Was To Be Taken With The Other Two Pills.
I Will Go For Another Wound Check On Sunday Afternoon.
So Today I am Catching Up With My Emails And Then I Saw An Email From A Greenwich Roundup Reader That Alerted Me To A Blog Post About Greenwich Time Managers And Owners.
Brian - to think that these idiots have advanced business degrees!
The Link Is To A Post On The Greenwich Real Estate Blog Called For What Its Worth And It Reads.....
Well Apparently One Of The Spiders Bit Me On My Blind Side Right On The Neck.
I Gout A Fever And Ached All Over.
Plus I Had A Nasty Swollen Bump That Latest A couple Of Days.
Well Last Weekend There Was A second Wave Of Spider Invasions Once Again.
Once Again Spiders And Egg Sack Were Destroyed And You Guessed I Got Bit On My Blind Side Again.
Last Monday And Tuesday I Had A Horrible Fever, But Recovered Enough To Go To My Church And Volunteer To Do My Coffee Service Before Going To A Weekly Bible Class.
The Next Day I Had To Go To Harrison And Document That CVS Has Done Some Work For One Of My Clients And The Spider Bump Opened Up And Looked Very Nasty I went To The Greenwich Hospital And They Told Me The Wound Was Infected.
I Received A Morphine Shot And Was Amazed At How I Instantly Felt A Sensation In The Base Of My Brain.
They Cut And Drained The Wound And Gave Me An IV Of Antibiotics.
I Was Given Some Dressings And Prescriptions For Antibiotics And Pain Pills.
Friday I Had The Wound Checked, But Things Did Not Improve Much, So I Was Given A Second Antibiotic IV And Another Prescription For A Different Antibiotic That Was To Be Taken With The Other Two Pills.
I Will Go For Another Wound Check On Sunday Afternoon.
So Today I am Catching Up With My Emails And Then I Saw An Email From A Greenwich Roundup Reader That Alerted Me To A Blog Post About Greenwich Time Managers And Owners.
Brian - to think that these idiots have advanced business degrees!
The Link Is To A Post On The Greenwich Real Estate Blog Called For What Its Worth And It Reads.....
Shiver me timbers!
By happenstance I discovered that the Stamford Advocate now runs a real estate blog. I checked it out out of curiosity and at first it seemed like a real blog and even covered, as you'll see from the link, the price cutting going on over at Leona's place.....
Wait A minute, there is blog at the Stamford Advocate that does not fully disclose who is writing a blog on their web site?
How Can that Be ?????
It Looks Like Managing Editor Jim "I Not Real A Hypocrite" Zorba And Of The Rest Of Hearst Newspapers Criticise Anonymous Bloggers And Citizen Journalists While Hosting And Making Financial Deals With Anonymous Bloggers
Article Launched: 10/07/2008 08:34:58 AM EDT
With all due respect to bloggers, people who write to newspapers are just the best. Our letter writers show the courage to share their views with the world - whether opining about the financial bailout, the presidential election, downtown parking or Henrietta the turkey - and they do so with their identities known to all.
Comment To Jim Zorba:
With all do respect to editorial suits who are just now beginning to recognize the power of Bloggers and citizen journalists. Jim Zebora is being less than genuine in his editorial. Jim Zorba knows damn well who Greenwich Diva is and how Neil "I Won't Publish The Fake Beach Passes In My Desk Drawer" Vigdor screwed her over in the Greenwich Time.
Jim Zorba knows damn well knows who Greenwich Gossip is and how former Greenwich Time owner Bill Rowe placed a ban, that is still honored today, on any of his letters every appearing in the Greenwich Time.
Jim Zorba knows damn well who StationStops is and how his comments were removed from and he was locked out of Hearst Media message boards, because he complained that news websites had did a poor job of reporting on the mugging at the Riverside Walgreen's.
Jim Zorba knows everyone at Our Greenwich, because he was involved in firing most of them from the Greenwich Time newsroom.
Jim Zorba knows that For What It's Worth was fired because a bunch of real estate advertisers came into the Greenwich Post wanting him fired, because he said the Greenwich Real Estate market is going to hell in a hand basket. Jim Zorba would never consider hiring the best real estate columnist in Greenwich, because he is afraid he will have to meet with angry advertisers from Coldwell Banker.
Jim Zorba damn well knows who Greenwich Roundup is. We have had more than a few talks with Mr. Zorba.
Jim Zorba knows that as of January of this year the Greenwich Police Department had 80 Civilian Complaints in the previous 24 Months. That's about one complaint every 8 0r nine days.
Jim Zorba knows that more that 98% of the complaints are routinely found to be unfounded.
Jim Zorba knows that this were getting so bad that the so-called "GPD Internal Affairs Investigator" also known as, Captain Michael "The Judge Says I Was Illegally Appointed" Pacewicz was finding the cases unfounded without even bothering to talk to complainants or their witnesses.
Jim Zorba at first started to do the right thing and assigned a Greenwich Time Crime Reporter Martin Cassidy to investigate how civilian complaints are handled at the Greenwich Police Department, but cowered under his desk in fear when Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg went ballistic.
Jim Zorba sits on the Civilian Complaint Process investigation in much the same way that Joe Pisani sat on The Martha Moxley Investigation.
Please See:
Jim Zorba Continues:
It's a more civilized way of making a statement than hiding behind a conjured-up screen name.
Writers to Greenwich Time tend to be pretty intelligent folks, too, and I learn something from them every day. It's especially heartening to see the informed, thoughtful give-and-take on this part of the editorial page.
Reasonable people can and do disagree, and in their letters to the editor they do so in what I believe is an extraordinarily civilized way.
Unlike many blog-posters .... blah .... blah .... blah .... blah ..... please visit the Advocate's Anonymous Real Estate Bloggers
Here Are More Posts From For What It Worth That I Mi9ssed While I Was Recovering From My Spider Bite:
Here Is More From Chris Fountain And "For What It's Worth":
(former) Greenwich resident Oh, Great. Guess who'...
Stalwart souls on the other side of the world, to...
Happy Lesbians Before you all start enjoying the C...
Byram Building Committee's other project. When fi...
What's happened to the Black Knight and his fellow...
Don't mess with this agent! So you work with clien...
Here's some good news for those of us planning on ...
Is there no end to this misery? Goldman Sachs hon...
What kind of wussies are our colleges turning out ...
Who, me? Voter fraud in Connecticut A local spoke...
He's back! Russian's palace on Simmons Lane down...
Darn it, first he steals my name, now he's having...
Meet a mortgage broker from Greenwich Bank & Tru...
Don't you dare hurt that plant's feelings! It's i...
The blame game I like this WSJ's columnist's idea...
Okay, this kind of sucks Real estate impact to be ...
So if I can't sell houses in this market, maybe I'...
340 Stanwich Road Nice house but ... This house ha...
The People's Paradise is rationing food Well of...
GE at $18.99??!! this is getting ridiculous. I may...
Greenwich Landing Here's a tiny spot of good news ...
Courtesy of John Cooke, here is September's Invent...
Oh, Goodie! A replacement! Vlad Putin gets a tig...
Blue skies, nothing but blue skies ... I'll bet y...
Apparently there is serious thought of shutting ...
(Not married to one another, but isn't it a cute p...
49 Cutler Road Pssst! Wanna buy some land? Over th...
Lose you desk on Maiden Lane?Have you considered ...
Putnam Hill Downtown Condo's, updated. This isn't ...
Fun at the opening bell with Djbouti and the Gang ...
Okay, they laughed when his critics called Obama ...
17 Hendrie, Old Greenwich Here's a disappointment...
The sounds of silence Candidates agree to wear li...
Well, here's a tired old voice from the past Of a...
Modular Homes A reader asked about these and I'll ...
Good Lord This company is liquidating 15 of its mo...
Well if Greenwich isn't your cup of tea right now ...
Greenwich Capital Markets A reader points out tha...
They laughed when we called him "The Messiah" Fr...
Buying vs. Renting Calculator I liked the calculat...
Hey, Milbank! Here's how to move those $6 million...
Oh Geeze, now even PBS's Ray Suarez is climbing on...
(Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gifford dining at Mr. Fountain...
Spindletop Wow! A contract! Sort of, maybe. 4 Old ...
So much for that $25 billion, bar keep. Add it to...
Harry Reid is boring - this is exciting, in a sick...
384 Round Hill Road One good thing about a dead ...
Confusing moments in advertising Priced at $4.55 ...
Timber? The Royal Bank of Scotland's stock is d...
Harry Reid greets American public Harry Reid says ...
Open House Report Nothing to report. A few retread...
Open House Tour Pet Peeves Only two, actually. Num...
65 Patterson Ave. At the risk of seeming downbeat ...
19 Desiree Big enough? Price cut, that is. This ho...
317 Stanwich Rd Well now, here's a price reduct...
Another rent vs. buy calculator A reader sent me t...
A Great Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Joe Pisani, ...
Hey, Dickie - can I get an advance on my allowanc...
And more local politics The Hamilton Avenue School...
Taxes There's a letter printed in today's Greenwic...
Did you think we'd forgotten the Black Knight? Hah...
Why are we doing this? Fed to give AIG an addition...
Rent vs. Buy Calculator Somewhere buried in the co...
Stalwart souls on the other side of the world, to...
Happy Lesbians Before you all start enjoying the C...
Byram Building Committee's other project. When fi...
What's happened to the Black Knight and his fellow...
Don't mess with this agent! So you work with clien...
Here's some good news for those of us planning on ...
Is there no end to this misery? Goldman Sachs hon...
What kind of wussies are our colleges turning out ...
Who, me? Voter fraud in Connecticut A local spoke...
He's back! Russian's palace on Simmons Lane down...
Darn it, first he steals my name, now he's having...
Meet a mortgage broker from Greenwich Bank & Tru...
Don't you dare hurt that plant's feelings! It's i...
The blame game I like this WSJ's columnist's idea...
Okay, this kind of sucks Real estate impact to be ...
So if I can't sell houses in this market, maybe I'...
340 Stanwich Road Nice house but ... This house ha...
The People's Paradise is rationing food Well of...
GE at $18.99??!! this is getting ridiculous. I may...
Greenwich Landing Here's a tiny spot of good news ...
Courtesy of John Cooke, here is September's Invent...
Oh, Goodie! A replacement! Vlad Putin gets a tig...
Blue skies, nothing but blue skies ... I'll bet y...
Apparently there is serious thought of shutting ...
(Not married to one another, but isn't it a cute p...
49 Cutler Road Pssst! Wanna buy some land? Over th...
Lose you desk on Maiden Lane?Have you considered ...
Putnam Hill Downtown Condo's, updated. This isn't ...
Fun at the opening bell with Djbouti and the Gang ...
Okay, they laughed when his critics called Obama ...
17 Hendrie, Old Greenwich Here's a disappointment...
The sounds of silence Candidates agree to wear li...
Well, here's a tired old voice from the past Of a...
Modular Homes A reader asked about these and I'll ...
Good Lord This company is liquidating 15 of its mo...
Well if Greenwich isn't your cup of tea right now ...
Greenwich Capital Markets A reader points out tha...
They laughed when we called him "The Messiah" Fr...
Buying vs. Renting Calculator I liked the calculat...
Hey, Milbank! Here's how to move those $6 million...
Oh Geeze, now even PBS's Ray Suarez is climbing on...
(Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gifford dining at Mr. Fountain...
Spindletop Wow! A contract! Sort of, maybe. 4 Old ...
So much for that $25 billion, bar keep. Add it to...
Harry Reid is boring - this is exciting, in a sick...
384 Round Hill Road One good thing about a dead ...
Confusing moments in advertising Priced at $4.55 ...
Timber? The Royal Bank of Scotland's stock is d...
Harry Reid greets American public Harry Reid says ...
Open House Report Nothing to report. A few retread...
Open House Tour Pet Peeves Only two, actually. Num...
65 Patterson Ave. At the risk of seeming downbeat ...
19 Desiree Big enough? Price cut, that is. This ho...
317 Stanwich Rd Well now, here's a price reduct...
Another rent vs. buy calculator A reader sent me t...
A Great Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Joe Pisani, ...
Hey, Dickie - can I get an advance on my allowanc...
And more local politics The Hamilton Avenue School...
Taxes There's a letter printed in today's Greenwic...
Did you think we'd forgotten the Black Knight? Hah...
Why are we doing this? Fed to give AIG an addition...
Rent vs. Buy Calculator Somewhere buried in the co...
If You Miss A Few Day's At For What It's Worth You Miss A Lot !!!
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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