FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 25, 2008 Contact: Michael Sachse, 646 265-0556, Michael@HimesforCongress.com CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY CHANGES 4TH CD RATING TO "NO CLEAR FAVORITE" Ratings move is latest evidence of grassroots strength of Himes campaign BRIDGEPORT, CT - Today, Congressional Quarterly changed their rating of the race for Connecticut's Fourth Congressional District from "Leans Republican" to "No Clear Favorite." CQ's move is the latest in a series of similar ratings changes that have tilted towards Democratic Candidate for Congress Jim Himes in recent months. "Our campaign's central message of restoring the American Dream and bringing new energy to D.C. is clearly catching on," said Himes. "I feel the same way as the voters I talk with every single day who are more and more upset with the direction of our country. Whether it's working to fix our energy policy and bring gas prices down, making sure the middle class in our district can continue to afford to live and work here, or jump-starting an economy that will continue to offer opportunity to all, they want a representative who will stand up for them and be a real leader on these issues. That's why I get up every morning, and that's why our campaign is attracting more and more new supporters every day." "This is a recognition of the efforts of our grassroots army of supporters, volunteers, and small-dollar donors," said Maura Keaney, Himes' campaign manager. "We nearly matched Chris Shays dollar-for-dollar in fundraising last quarter, with over two-thirds of our contributions coming in amounts of $100 or less. And every day, our supporters are on the phones, hitting the pavement, and reaching out to their family, friends, and neighbors to let them know about Jim's campaign for new energy for the American Dream. A wave of support for real change is clearly building in our district, and it's aimed right at Chris Shays in November." On the web: http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000002925691 | |
Paid for by Jim Himes for Congress
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