Friday, December 24, 2004
12/24/08 Obituary
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
12/12/04 - News Clips - Town riders are back in the saddle
Author: | Hoa Nguyen; Staff Writer |
..."It's something I've become passionate about," said Andrew M. Kissel, a Greenwich resident who has a daughter who rides. The real estate developer is the newest investor in Epona Stables...
...A rink is handy during the winter, when inclement weather makes it harder to give riding lessons and work out horses. Lack of a covered rink hurt Epona in the past because it limited the days when the stable could operate, [Paul Quirk] said...
...Though there is a need for more stables in town, horse owners are finding ways to get by, said Jennifer Freedman, head of the 90-year- old Greenwich Riding and Trails Asso-ciation. She bought her house because it had a barn and a paddock...
Saturday, November 6, 2004
11/06/04 - Havenmeyer Building Costs
Full Story Greenwich Time
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
10/30/04 - Police Blotter - Child Safety Alert
Thursday, October 28, 2004
10/28/04 - Happy Halloween - Water Prices Are Going Down
In a final decision issued yesterday afternoon, the state Department of Public Utility Control ordered Bridgeport-based Aquarion Water Co. to cut rates for the Greenwich division, which also serves Darien.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
10/23/04 - There Should Be Enough Flu Shots For Staff And Patients
All the homes expect to have enough doses for both patients and staff.
The Nathaniel Witherell is waiting for the CDC to distribute scarce doses to the state Department of Public Health, which will supply municipal health departments.
Greenwich Woods and Haven Health both said their supplier has assured them the doses they need will be available by December.
Friday, October 22, 2004
10/22/04 - According To Town Records - Antares Moorland LLC Recieved A Stop Work Order
Antares Mooreland LLC. The firm received wetlands permission in the spring to build backcountry residences at vacant lots No. 9 Mooreland Road and No. 7 Langhorne Lane, and to rebuild a larger house at 44 Mooreland Road.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
October 17, 2004 - Survey: Town cops could do better - Greenwich Time
Saturday, October 16, 2004
10/16/04 - Police Blotter - Child Safety Alert
Yesterday around 3 p.m. a man in a green minivan stopped two young girls on Lockwood Road and asked them to get in, police said.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
10/13/04 - First Selectman jim lash Swears In New Police Officer
Brian R. Perusse, 21, became a police officer at a swearing-in ceremony this morning at Town Hall.
With his parents and sister looking on, Perusse took an oath to uphold state and local laws and the U.S. Constitution, administered by First Selectman Jim Lash.
Perusse's hiring brings the department to its maximum force of 157 sworn officers, said Sgt. Jeffrey Moran of the Greenwich Police Training Division. The starting salary is $45,723.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
10/10/04 - Greenwich Roundup For The Week Of 10/04/04 Thru 10/10/04
Flanked by James Walters and Selectman Penny Monahan yesterday, Jim Lash said town payroll accountants' recent conclusion that the town had overpaid Gray and other activated reservists was wrong. Lash said Gray would be reimbursed the $500 and future paychecks would be issued for the regular amount.
About 75 people attended the open house, including First Selectman Jim Lash, Selectmen Peter Crumbine and Penny Monahan, state Reps. Claudia "Dolly" Powers, Livvy Floren and Lile Gibbons, and dozens of town employees.
Floren, a Republican, is seeking a third term representing the 149th District in the state House of Representatives, which includes eastern Greenwich and parts of Stamford. She is being challenged by Kim Hynes, a Stamford Democrat.
10/10/04 - Is It Time To Start Organizing A Group To Stop Parents From Allowing Underage Drinking In Thier Homes?
Many parents do allow underage drinking in their homes, and it is particularly time the community had a discussion about this problem.
Saturday, October 2, 2004
10/02/04 - A community college for greenwich ?
"We're thinking perhaps in Greenwich, but this is very exploratory," he said. "We need to reach out more to the southern part of Fairfield County. One of the interesting things I foresee there is not only offering educational programs but some of the cultural events that I think pull people in Greenwich. And the other thing there too, strategically, is to bring people from Westchester County and New York."
Friday, October 1, 2004
10/01/03 - GT News Clip - "It's certainly not our intention for us to advertise for people from Greenwich to come walk their dogs in Stamford,"
Saturday, September 25, 2004
09/25/04 Margolies Murder Inquiry Resumes: GPD Detectives Finally Get off Their Ass And Again Fly Down To Texas To See Former PCPD Officer Roger Bates

Two Greenwich detectives interviewed former Port Chester, N.Y., police officer Roger Bates this week as part of their investigation of the 1984 murder of Greenwich teen Matthew Margolies, the police chief said yesterday.
The detectives flew to Dallas over the weekend and returned earlier this week after talking to Bates, who was recently convicted in Texas of child molestation, Greenwich Police Chief James Walters said.
"The only thing I can say is that they went out and spoke to Roger Bates about the case and we will be following up on any information he provided," Walters said.
Detectives Timothy Duff and Gary Hoffkins, along with an investigator from the Chief State's Attorney's Office, spoke to Bates, who moved to Garland, Texas, from Port Chester in 1998. Bates, 60, was convicted earlier this month of two counts of sexual assault of a child and sentenced to two consecutive 11-year prison terms for molesting a 14-year-old Garland boy.
Walters declined yesterday to say whether Bates is a suspect in the Margolies murder or what information Greenwich police sought from him.
John Read, Bates' attorney, said he had no problem with his client talking to Greenwich detectives again about the unsolved murder. Greenwich police interviewed Bates in the past, and there was no new information to uncover, said Read, who practices law in Dallas.
"This Greenwich thing is weird," Read said. "He's been through this before and has nothing to hide."
During Bates' sentencing, a friend of Matthew Margolies testified that Bates had molested him in 1984. The man, who is now 36, said he, Bates and Margolies fished together on one occasion that year, Shelley Hallman, a Dallas County assistant district attorney who prosecuted Bates, said last week.
Hallman also said last week that Bates would be required to submit a DNA sample to a centralized database kept by the FBI.
Walters has not said whether police are seeking samples of Bates' DNA.
Read said yesterday that the Connecticut man's accusations against Bates were false and his testimony about fishing irrelevant.
"So what?" Read said. "Roger was always taking someone hunting or fishing. That's what he does."
Read also said he has filed notice of appeal of the Texas conviction.
Calls to Hallman Thursday and yesterday were not returned.
Margolies disappeared Aug. 31, 1984, and his body was found five days later, buried in the woods near his Pilgrim Drive home in Pemberwick. He had been stabbed, strangled and suffocated, according to an autopsy report.
Officers who served with Bates in the Port Chester Police Department characterized him as a solid policeman with good people skills. Bates worked for the department from 1975 to 1985 after transferring from the Mount Pleasant Police Department, said Lt. James Ladeairous of the staff services division.
Port Chester Police Chief Joseph Krezeminski said Bates was quick on his feet and very persuasive with the public and fellow officers.
"Roger was a real smooth operator and he could charm you if he wanted to," Krezeminski said. "He did do a lot of good police work, but apparently he had this dark side."
Ladeairous, who joined the force the same year as Bates, remembered his colleague's neat appearance and that women would occasionally visit the station looking for him.
"He was very good with people," Ladeairous said. "There were times women would come in and ask, 'Is Roger working?' I'm not saying he was a ladies' man, but I guess he was attractive to the opposite sex."
Bates didn't chat about hobbies or other interests, Ladeairous said.
"He had a wife or two kids and he wasn't a gun nut, like some guys that you would remember them for that," Ladeairous said. "He was kind of blah."
Bates left the department with disability pay from a back injury in 1985, he said.
Capt. John Telesca said he never noticed anything strange about Bates' behavior.
"He didn't display any indication of what he's convicted of," Telesca said. "Not like people who wear it like a badge advertising their peculiarities."
Telesca recalled Bates working for a short time as a detective in the Port Chester youth bureau.
"People who worked with him here have called and asked what this is all about," Telesca said. "People are just shaking their heads because life is full of surprises."
02/24/02 Forget About The Greenwich Time: Independant Journalist Kevin F. McMurray Says There Is A Possible Break In The Margolis Case?
02/27/02 Forget About The Greenwich Time: Independant Journalist Kevin F. McMurray Says Juvenile Margolies Murder Suspect Has Criminal Record
09/25/04 - Louis C. Lustenberger Reports On Daniel Warzoha
The report prepared by Irvington, N.Y., lawyer Louis C. Lustenberger cites interviews with Daniel Warzoha, 14 career firefighters and others, written statements of four career firefighters, press reports and other sources in reaching its conclusions. The report affirms the union's allegations that Warzoha drank alcohol at the Polish Club of Glenville before taking command at a fire on Davis Avenue on Dec. 5.
Warzoha could not be reached for comment. Emanuel Margolis, an attorney representing the chief, said he advised Warzoha against commenting on the report.
The union called for Warzoha's resignation nine months ago, after alleging that Warzoha had been drinking before assuming command at the Davis Avenue fire.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
09/12/04 - School Safety Study Presented To The Board Of Education
Saturday, September 11, 2004
09/11/04 - Chris Says Throw The Bum Out
Friday, September 10, 2004
09/10/04 - Andreoni Stands Up For Nathaniel Witherell
Felix Andreoni, a District 4/Byram delegate to the RTM who has worked as housekeeping director at Nathaniel Witherell for the last three years, said during an informational session held at Greenwich High School last night.
Friday, September 3, 2004
09/03/04 - Headmaster Alan Capasso said Greenwich scores should be higher
Greenwich scores were significantly better than the state averages, which were 46.1 percent for the percentage of students testing at or above goal in math, 47.4 percent in science, 48 percent in reading and 53.7 percent in writing. But Greenwich High School interim Headmaster Alan Capasso said Greenwich scores should be higher.
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
09/01/04 - Matt Carstensen
Sunday, August 8, 2004
Greenwich News Roundup 8/2/04 thru 8/8/04
Greenwich resident John Fareri and his real estate development company bought the property for $5.2 million last year after Competition & Sports Cars abandoned plans to build a BMW showroom and service facility there.
The town is negotiating contracts with the Silver Shield Association police union and three other unions, the Greenwich Firefighters Local 1042, Connecticut Public Health Nurses Association Local 1303-222 and Teamsters Local 456, all of whose contracts expired June 30. The terms of the expired contracts remain in effect until new ones are signed, town labor officials said.
A Greenwich woman who was injured in June 2003 when the heel snapped off her shoe, causing her to fall down a flight of stairs at her home, has filed a lawsuit against Grossman Shoes in Greenwich and Prada USA Corp.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
The Week Of 7/19/04 thru 7/25/04
Ellen Mello, whose son, Chris DeMeo, sat directly behind the suspected ringleader of the hijackings, Mohamed Atta, on American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to hit the World Trade Center, lamented the political climate greeting the World Trade Center report's release. Her son, a 25- year-old Greenwich native, Princeton University graduate and telecom analyst, was on a business trip.
Greenwich earmarked nearly $30,000 in its 2004-05 budget for new voting machines, which will be required nationwide in two years under the Help America Vote Act of 2002. But town officials said they recently learned that the secretary of the state's office had yet to develop a uniform set of standards for new voting machines. Some people warned that the office could recommend technology other than optical scanners.
The board voted unanimously to recommend changing the Town Charter to officially give it oversight of construction projects at the nursing home. As it stands, the charter requires that the Board of Health initiate and oversee all such projects. The health board had agreed with the prior Nathaniel Witherell board to make the charter change, board member David Ormsby said, but it never reached the Board of Selectmen or Representative Town Meeting for approval.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
7/17/04 - Lucie Labreche Queening Of ARC Wins An Award
Lucie Labreche-Queening, a Stamford resident who has worked since 1999 as health services director at ARC of Greenwich, was named Connecticut's Private Sector Nurse of the Year Monday by the state Department of Mental Retardation.
Formerly known as the Association of Retarded Citizens and largely funded by the United Way of Greenwich, ARC currently oversees 61 people in 11 group homes in Greenwich and Stamford.
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Friday, July 9, 2004
July 9, 2004 - School Notes
Full Service Greenwich Time
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Friday, July 16, 2004 - Boo boo Hits The Lottery For $100,000
After years of gambling, Donald Smith "Boo-boo" Smith has superstitions about lucky days, weeks, even months, and Friday, July 16, was not supposed to be lucky. But an employee at Greenwich Cigar and Stationery, where the Chickahominy resident buys his lottery tickets nearly every day, persuaded him to buy a one that Friday. Smith scratched it off and saw immediately that he had won $100,000.
At that point, Smith said his heart was pounding so fast that he had to rush over to the Bruce Park Grill, another favorite haunt, to settle down with a drink. A few minutes later, he called a friend who is a taxi driver, offered him $200 to chauffeur him around for the day and the pair took off for New Britain to claim Smith's winnings. They returned in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day celebrating at the Bruce Park Grill.
Paul "Gov" Rachl, a bartender at the Bruce Park Grill who has known Smith for more than 30 years, said patrons were dubious about Smith's good fortune at first.
Monday, March 15, 2004
The week ending 8/15/04
Real Estate - Open Space
"We acquired properties through Mr. van der Stricht's hard work in encouraging people to give land to be preserved as open space for perpetuity," Greenwich Land Trust co-founder Daniel Badger said in a recent interview with Greenwich Time.
Remembering Mr. Rockafeller Accomplishments
Mr. James Stillman Rockefeller attended Yale University, where he rowed for all four years of his college career. He became team captain in his senior year and led his team in beating Harvard University's crew, which was then considered the best in the nation. Yale's victory over Harvard at their annual regatta earned Mr. Rockefeller's crew the right to compete in the Olympics as the United States team.
Family Feud
Lucy Eisenberg and Jessica Matthews wanted to sell their portions of the property; Tuchman wanted to continue living on the property, which includes a house, stables, several small cottages and acres of open space. The sisters were unable to work out an agreement and, in October 2000, Eisenberg and Matthews sued Tuchman.
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago