Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11/12/08 There Is A rumor Going Around Town That The Greenwich Police Department Let A Well Connected DUI Killer Go Free

Earlier this year the Greenwich Police Department sent a week fake beach card arrest warrent, but the counterfietors got away to forge another day.

Will this be a weak warrant application that going let the 20 Year Old Mystery Driver Get Away With Killing Joey.

Will This 20 Year Old Mystery Killer Cause Another Death, Because The Greenwich Police Department Did Not Arrest Him For Leaving A Death Scene.

By Debra Friedman
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 11/12/2008 02:34:19 AM EST

Police said they have filed for an arrest warrant in the case of the Sheephill Road accident that claimed the life of 20-year-old Joseph Borselio.....

.....Borselio was struck by a white Jeep Cherokee around 11:30 p.m. on Oct. 5 while riding his bicycle north on Sheephill Road, near the intersection with Sound Beach Avenue Extension, police said.

In the month since the accident occurred, police said they were gathering information. Police also submitted toxicology tests taken from the driver of the vehicle.

Police have not released the name of the driver involved, saying it is their policy to not disclose the name of those involved in pending criminal investigations.

However, police said the driver is a male town resident in his 20s, according to Sgt. Timothy Berry, who is heading up the investigation.

According to Berry, the driver's Jeep was found down the road from Borselio, next to a telephone utility pole it had struck before coming to a stop. A man standing nearby the car identified himself to officers as the driver and said he had collided with the victim, according to a police press release.

Borselio was found in the driveway of a resident of Sheephill Road and was pronounced dead at the scene, police said......
Greenwich Time Reporter Debra Friedman is being biased, insensitive and unfair when she doesn't even have the courtesy to pick up the phone and ask Joey Borselio's Greenwich Grandparents what do they think about it taking over a month to get a warrant application for the 20 Year Old Mystery Driver who should have been arrested for leaving a death scene and crashing into a telephone pole.
This is complacent Greenwich Time Coverage at its worse.
Why is it so hard for these lazy reporters to pick up the phone and make a few phone calls?
Greenwich Time Readers and Joseph Borselio's family deserve much better reporting than this!!!
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