Hyper Local News Pages

Saturday, November 8, 2008

11/08/08 Will Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas be voted out of office if he chooses soon To Be Ex-Greenwich superintendent of schools Betty Sternberg

Vermont Governor Jim Douglas Prepares For The Massive Political Kick In The Balls That A Betty Sternberg Selection Will Bring To His Distinguished Public Service Career.

Two Out Of The Four Greenwich School Board Members That Recommended Betty Sternberg Have Been Voted Out Of Office. The Other Two Will Be Gone In Next Years Election.

Why Would Vermont Governor Jim Douglas Be So Stupid As To Select A School Superintendent That Has Been Repeatedly "Cited By No Child Left Behind" In The Richest Town Which Is In The Richest State Which Is In The Richest Nation On The Face Of The Earth.

Search for state education official narrowed to three

Two longtime Vermont school administrators are among three finalists in a nationwide search for a new Vermont education commissioner, the state Board of Education said Friday.

Armando Vilaseca, current superintendent of the Franklin West Supervisory Union, and Brian O'Regan, a consultant for the Vermont Department of Education and its former deputy commissioner, were chosen from among a field of more than 20 candidates for the job. About half the applicants were from out of state, education department officials said.

The board's third finalist is Betty J. Sternberg, current superintendent of schools in Greenwich, Conn., and a former Connecticut state education commissioner.

"The state Board of Education is very pleased with the response to our request for candidates to fill the position of Vermont commissioner of education," board Chairman Tom James said in a news release.

James said the candidates have been invited to participate in a forum on Nov. 17, in which they will discuss their vision for Vermont's public schools with groups of parents, principals, teachers, and state education and business leaders. Each group will then meet with the state board to provide feedback on the candidates.

Gov. Jim Douglas is expected to make a selection this month based on recommendations of the board, said Jill Remick, communications director for the Education Department.

The board began its search for a new education commissioner after the departure last summer of Richard Cate. He stepped down after nearly five years as commissioner to become interim chief financial officer at the University of Vermont.

The board is looking for a candidate who can couple educational experience with managing a state department of 200 employees, Remick said."The candidate needs experience with a board to make policy change, but the department also needs an experienced leader who can communicate with the community, legislators, principals and superintendents. The education commissioner is the closest thing to a face for education that we have."

Vilaseca was principal at Essex High School from 1993 to 2004, when he was hired as superintendent of the Colchester School District. He left Colchester in 2006 to become superintendent of the Franklin West Supervisory Union.
Vilaseca graduated from the University of Vermont in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science in elementary education. He received his master's of education in 1986 from Lesley College in Cambridge, Mass.

O'Regan worked as a superintendent in Montpelier, Barre and in the Chittenden South Supervisory Union before being named Vermont's deputy commissioner of education in 2006. He stepped down from the post last winter because of health problems, but has remained a consultant for the department said Remick. O'Regan holds degrees from the University of Vermont, Columbia University and Fairfield University in Connecticut.

Last month, Sternberg announced she will step down as Greenwich schools superintendent in June, when her three-year contract with the district expires, according to a story in the Oct. 23 edition of Greenwich-Post.com. She told the Post she made her decision over Columbus Day weekend, after pondering it a little more than a week.

Calls to all three candidates Friday were not immediately returned.

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BET OKs Ham Ave. funding

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Ventilation, garage issues yet to be resolved at new Hamilton Avenue School

When Hamilton Avenue mothers went to Greenwich Time's Managing Editor Jim Zorba's news crew complaining that the modular classrooms were leaking they were REPEATEDLY ignored.

When those same Hamilton Avenue Mothers came to Greenwich Roundup we started publishing posts like this in February until Betty Sternberg was forced to shut down the modulars in March.

Please See:

There was not one previous article in the Greenwich Time

When Glenville Parents came to the Zorba crew with pictures and stories about the conditions inside thier school the Zorba crew could not be bothered with such trivial matters.
Please See:

When the "New And Improved" Hamilton Avenue Modulars were leaking AGAIN, the Zorba Crew once again could not be bothered.

Please See How A Sternberg Administration Deals With Parents:

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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