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Sunday, March 22, 2009

03/21/09 Once Again Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson Delivers A Biased One Sided Article That Only Quotes School Officials


Wet Behind The Ears Gustafson Violates Hearst Newspaper's Journalistic Standards Of Fairness

Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Fails To Insure That All Voices Of Greenwich Society Are Heard

There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story And The Green Kitty Litter Liner Continues To Only Be A Mpoth Piece For The Incompetiant Greenwich Board Of Education - As Greenwich Taxpayers Are Forced To Foot The Bill

Hearst Newspaper President Steven "BS" Swartz Fails To Deliver The "100 Days Of Change" That He Promised Greenwich Time Employees And Readers

Is The Greenwich Board Of Education Trying To Use Hearst Newspapers To Soften The Blow Before The Poorest School Cjildren In Greenwich Are Cited For Not Making "Adequate Yearly Progress" Under The Federal No Child Left Behind Act

The state Department of Education last year gave Hamilton Avenue School a pass for its horrific scores because of the extenuating circumstances of the relocation - Is Principal Damaris Rau so foolish to think that the state Department of Education will give her a second pass for exceptionally poor preformance?

School fought to maintain academic standards

By Cub Reporter Colin "Wet Behind The Ears" Gustafson
Staff Writer

Posted: 03/21/2009 11:25:56 PM EDT

.....But last year, the school's test performance took a nosedive following students' relocation from the modular building to other schools.

In the writing section, proficiency levels plummeted to 77 percent ­-- close to the levels of 74 and 77 percent posted by students in the 2002-03 and 2003-04 school years, respectively. Among town schools, the Chickahominy school also showed the largest score declines and the lowest proficiency levels on the test......

...The impact was most severe on special-needs students.....


Biased Cub Reporter Colin "Wet Behind The Ears" Gustafonson Ignors The Fact That Hamilton Avenue School Principal Damaris Rau Has Had A Long And Repeated History Of Allowing Mold To Grow Out Of Control On Her Watch, Because She Doesn't Want To Rock The Boat With Failed Greenwich School Administrator Susan Wallerstien.

For A Year Principal Damaris Rau Ignored Parents Complaints That Their Children Were Getting Sick, Because Of Water Leaks In The Building.

School records show that nearly a year before the moldulars were closed Principal Rau allowed wet and moldly classroom cieling tiles to be replaced, with remediating the source of the mold.

In Febuary 2008, Hamilton Avenue Parents who had been ignored by Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani contacted Greenwich Roundup about the nummerous and growing classroom leaks. Throughout February Greenwich Roundup exposed the leaks until the school was closed a few days into March due to extensive mold infestation.

For The Record:

Hamilton Avenue School Principal Damaris Rau Did Not Return Repeated Phone Calls From Greenwich Roundup About The Modular Water Leaks. At One Point At The End Of February A Hamilton Avenue School Staffer Threaten To Call The Greenwich Police Department On Greenwich Roundup When He Sought A Comment From Principal Rau Or One Of Her Staff Members Before Publishing Another Story About The Leaks.

Less Than A Week Later Greenwich Public School Superintendent Betty Sternberg Issued An Emergency Order Closing The Modular Classrooms And Disbursing Hundreds Of The Smallest And Weakest Members Of Greenwich Society All Over Town.

Also For The Record:

There Was Not One Article From Hearst Newspaper's Local Daily Rag About Water Leaks, MoldOr How Children Were Suffering In Principal Rau's Modular Classrooms.

"100 Days Of Change"

Where Is The "100 Days Of Change Hearst Newspaper President Steven "BS" Swartz Promised Greenwich Time Readers?

Just Look At This Bogus Time Line That Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Huter Put Out In The Greenwich Time

Greenwich Time Staff
Posted: 03/21/2009 03:37:56 PM EDT

December 2003: Board of Education approves funds for construction planning for the school. March 2004: Preliminary plans call for renovating or rebuilding at a cost of $22-$24 million, with a fall 2007 re-opening.....

.....Jan. 22, 2008: Project manager says the project won't be done by May, unless on-the-job manpower increases above the average of 50 workers.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

Feb. 29, 2008: Mold is discovered at the modular building during an investigation into a roof leak in a fifth-grade classroom......

.....Early March 2008: Short-term tests taken at the modular building shortly after the relocation reveal no air quality issues related to mold, but one longer-acting test shows a higher level of nontoxic mold spores, according to a consultant hired by the school board.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed This News Story In His Inaccurate Time Line:

Mid-March 2008: A complaint filed by a parent with the U.S. Department of Education accuses district officials of racial discrimination against Hamilton Avenue students, 60 percent of whom are minorities. Federal officials say the complaint warrants investigation.

.....April 24, 2008: The school board votes to remediate the modular building so it can be used in the fall. The remediation project is expected to take four months and cost up to $1 million. The second option would have been to use Western Greenwich Civic Center......

.....April 24, 2008: The school board votes to remediate the modular building so it can be used in the fall. The remediation project is expected to take four months and cost up to $1 million. The second option would have been to use Western Greenwich Civic Center......

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

......June 9, 2008: Despite grumbling about the project being over budget and behind schedule, the RTM approves a $200,000 interim appropriation, requested by the building committee in May, to complete work at the school.....

.....Early July 2008: Mold remediation under way at the modular building.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed This News Story In His Inaccurate Time Line:

.....Late July 2008: School board developing contingency plans for relocating Hamilton Avenue and Glenville students in case the Chickahominy school isn't ready to accommodate students by the start of the 2008-09 school year.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed This News Story In His Inaccurate Time Line:

......Aug. 27, 2008: An environmental consultant hired by the school board assures parents at a meeting that the modular building has been remediated and the classrooms are safe to inhabit.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed This News Story In His Inaccurate Time Line:

.....Late August 2008: School board members say they are considering relocating students to the new school in mid-October if the TCO arrives by mid-September.....

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

Sept. 15, 2008: RTM approves building committee's interim funding request, which has risen from $320,000 in July, to $500,000 in August, to $700,000 in September. Committee members cite a slew of new expenses needed to meet inspection standards......

....Sept. 18, 2008: Federal investigators dismiss allegations made by a parent in March that the district is racially discriminating against students. In the report, officials say while significant disparities are evident, there is "insufficient evidence" to show resources were being denied on the bases of race or national origin.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

Sept. 30, 2008: Parents submit a petition with more than 500 signatures to the school's building committee opposing an idea floated by several committee members to remove Worth from the project by revoking the bond that guarantees its contract, citing concerns about delaying the school's re-opening for months.......

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

.....Mid-October 2007: Fire inspectors uncover minor fire code-related issues at the modular building. Parents concerned about crowding, but school officials say occupancy is below class-size and safety guidelines......

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

....Nov. 27, 2007: Building committee says project will be mostly complete by May, instead of March, depending on when the building will be heated.....

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

.....Dec. 3, 2008: School officials say they are moving forward with plans to re-open Hamilton Avenue in early January, on the assumption that the building committee will have secured the TCO on Dec. 19.

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

Dec. 22, 2008: Sternberg calls off earlier plans to move staff and equipment into the new school over holiday break, citing the eleventh-hour impasse with the boiler manufacturer.....

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:

.....Jan. 30, 2009: Town building officials grant a TCO for the school, after certifying that the installation of replacement ventilation pipes to the boiler system, as well as a patch job on an interior wall, complies with fire safety standards. Though the school is now safe to occupy, school officials say they will wait until spring to relocate......

Wait A Minute Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Missed These News Stories In His Inaccurate Time Line:


GREENWICH TIME TO HAMILTON AVENUE PARENTS: I Am Sorry We Can't Hear You Over The Sound Of How Incompetent We Are.

Greenwich Time Reporters And Editors Still Don't Want To Hear From The Primary Educators Of Hamilton Avenue School Children - The Parents

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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