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Monday, March 23, 2009

03/23/09 Greenwich Roundup's International Corespondent:Stop Injustice Now (SIN) - The Latest News and The Latest on our Story

'Stop Injustice Now' News Letter

2 News Stories Plus The Latest On Our Story:

News Item One:

The Governor's eyebrow should trump the law
The Governor's eyebrow should trump the law

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

Hordes of lawyers are infesting Britain. Wouldn't it be better for good
judgment to prevail over the loophole seekers? This is a story about a
mystery widely discussed in recent months: the Governor's eyebrow.

Let's approach the facial hair by way of a riddle. What do the Baby P affair,
the assisted suicide debate (rekindled yesterday by Patricia Hewitt),
Lord Turner of Ecchinswell's report this week on the future of financial
services regulation and a new scrap between The Guardian and Barclays
about the avoidance of taxes, have in common?

In every dispute the Governor's eyebrow stands twitching at the centre of arguments about methods of adjudication. Oliver Letwin, the Tories' policy chief, set this out in a
speech about Baby P this year: at issue (he said) was a choice between
rule-based and judgment-based regulation.

The rule-based approach aims to capture what a regulation means in careful, comprehensive, exhaustively assembled words: an authoritative text. At its best this offers certainty to citizens anxious to know if they are complying with the rules. At its
worst it leads to the letter trumping the spirit of regulation; to box-ticking
and the recruitment of hordes of lawyers to help people to look for ways round
the spirit of the rules while obeying their letter.

News Item Two:

Couple's distress at baby ruling
Couple's distress at baby ruling

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

The parents of a seriously ill baby have said they are ''deeply distressed''
by a court ruling allowing him to die. They said they planned to ''enjoy
what little time'' they had left with their ''beautiful and beloved boy''.

He has a rare metabolic disorder and has suffered brain damage and major
respiratory failure. The parents failed to overturn an earlier ruling and
it is understood doctors will stop treating the nine-month-old within 24 hours.
''Belief in his humanity'' was the reason they had fought the medical advice
that he should be allowed to die, they said.

''Life is worthwhile'' Two appeal judges have upheld a High Court ruling which
gives doctors at an unnamed NHS trust powers to turn off the ventilator keeping
''baby OT'' alive. There is no further avenue of appeal for the parents.

The couple had sought to appeal against a judge's ruling on Thursday that it
was in the boy's best interests to withdraw his ''life sustaining treatment''.
In a statement, they said they knew of only one other child with their son's
condition and everyone was in ''unknown territory''.

Latest On Our Story:

Couple's agony in tot ruling
Couple's agony in tot ruling

CLICK HERE For The Full Article:

(The Story of Sarah, Ian Walton and their Daughter Crystal) (Our Story)
I Ian Walton Take Responsibility For Naming Our Selves In This Article
And Not The Sunday Mirror.

The Following Article Was Anonymised By The Sunday Mirror, The Real
Names In The Story Are As Follows;

Stephen = Ian; Tanya = Sarah; Emily = Crystal

A couple whose daughter was taken away by social workers at just four
days old have lost their last-ditch attempt to be reunited with her.

The Sunday Mirror revealed last month how Baby A, now aged four, was
removed because of an unproven claim that her dad harmed his son from
a previous marriage.


Please send your comments and news reports to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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