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Sunday, March 28, 2010

03/28/10 Forget About The Greenwich Time: You Can Freely Comment About These Stories At The Greenwich Topix Message Board

Topix Greenwich
Greenwich News - March 28, 2010
Cold Hearted BET Wants To Cut The Weakest Members Of Greenwich Society (greenwichroundup.blogspot)
The Greenwich Department Of Social Services Is A Helping Hand To Many In Town

Dear Editor,

The recent severe storms have caused loss of conveniences and even disastrous events in most of our lives over the past several days. Loss of a life and extensive property damage, injuries, blocked roads, loss of electricity and heat, cold showers, shortages in some basic needs and general overall discomfort.

Now consider this and worse as a way of living for yourself. Many of our fellow Greenwich Citizens live in the wake of a true disaster each and every day of the year!

Among us are the homeless, the hungry, the unemployed, the mentally ill, the financially stressed seniors, disabled and low income people. They make up more than 16% or well over 10,000 of our fellow citizens. The recent storm was only an inconvenience to most of us. The ongoing devastation is what our least fortunate citizens experience throughout the year.

Recently The BET Budget Committee reviewed and ratified next year’s town budget. Our Social Services Department budget was decreased 2 ½ times more than any other department’s. Can you visualize the additional devastation this will have on the lives of our less fortunate.

• More than 3,900 Greenwich residents are officially unemployed (more are not recorded)
• The local homeless shelter has experienced a 21% increase in demand and is either at or beyond capacity
• The local food pantry has seen an increase of 50% in demand for food
• The average non-profit in Greenwich has seen a 20% drop in their fundraising

Social Services is the Department that addresses the most urgent needs of this suffering population. It seems counterintuitive to slash their budget by 5.78% from last year’s funding, but that is exactly what has happened. (Note: Social Service makes up less than 1% of the Town’s overall Operating Budget.)

If that isn’t enough reason to fully fund Social Services, please consider the fact Social Services has seen a 21% increase in caseloads is forced to radically triage incoming clients and the new budget calls for a further 11% reduction in permanent staff. The Social Service Staff has already decreased by 25% over the past few years. As staff size has decreased — so has service and help for those most needing it.

The hardworking, dedicated Social Service Workers can truly be life savers. I know from personal experience. A few years ago, I went from being a well-paid corporate communications designer to an indigent alcoholic bipolar after neurosurgery to remove a brain tumor. I cycled between emergency rooms, psych wards or jail for suicidal thoughts, severe depression, trespassing, disturbing the peace/drunkenness and back due child support.

A Greenwich Social Services Caseworker helped me find psychiatric services, addiction services, temporary shelter, permanent shelter, moral support and gave me wise counsel. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t believe I would be alive today.

Now I am able to pay back to society instead of just being a burden. I volunteer for Hurricane Relief Work, Habitat for Humanity, City Harvest, Neighbor to Neighbor (Food Pantry) and am actively involved in the many community service projects through my church.

Now is not the time to further weaken the safety net for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. Greenwich Social Services Staff and its budget needs your advocacy. Our less fortunate and our vulnerable citizens can ill afford a further cut in services.

Please find the time to contact the Greenwich BET and ask them to reinstate the Social Services Funding and Staff to the full requested amount by the First Selectman and Social Services Department. Let’s make this a livable community for all our citizen including the less fortunate who suffer from a devastation you never want to experience.


Tim Bassford

Greenwich Citizen and Community Volunteer

Corcerned Greenwich Residents Can Call Thier BET Members At The Following Phone Numbers:

Nancy E. Barton - 203-637-2343
James S. Campbell - 203-561-1184
William R. Finger - 203-629-9170
Randall Huffman - 203-869-6356
William G. Kelly - 203-698-2046
Michael S. Mason - 203-869-8052
Arthur D. Norton - 203-532-0513
Joseph L. Pellegrino - 203-661-1889
Jeffrey S. Ramer - 203-637-1666
Laurence B. Simon - 203-661-0633
Leslie L. Tarkington - 203-661-0535
Stephen G. Walko - 203-912-9699

Governor Rell: New Canaan public hearing scheduled in probe of utility response to March storms
Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the first of four public hearings to be held as part of the investigation she ordered into the actions of the state's two largest electric utilities during and after the March 13-14 storm is scheduled for April 7 at the New Canaan Town Hall.

Calls of the wild: Greenwich resident is passionate about bird sounds (Greenwich Citizen)
Greenwich resident Linda Macaulay has a passion for bird songs -- and for recording them.

Former Hearst Newspaper Investigative Reporter Teri Buhl Is In The News (greenwichroundup.blogspot)
News Reports About The Popular Ex-Greenwich Time Staffer Teri Buhl

Movers, yes; shakers, not so much CNNMoney.com That fund, Duff Capital, paid a lump sum of $15 million for the first two years of the lease, according to Teri Buhl, who first reported on troubles at 100 ...

Popular Ex-Greenwich Time Staffer Teri Buhl In The Blogosphere

Max Holmes news in Stamford, CT Outside.in local topics If Greenwich Time Investigative Business Reporter Teri Buhl Had Not Been Fired By David McCumber She Would Be Reporting That Plainfield Asset Management Is ...

Greenwich Roundup: 03/26/10 If Hearst Newspaper Editor David ... By Greenwich Roundup If Greenwich Time Investigative Business Reporter Teri Buhl Had Not Been Fired By David McCumber She Would Be Reporting That Plainfield Asset Management Is Going To Return Money To Investors Greenwich based Plainfield Asset Management is...
Greenwich Roundup - http://greenwichroundup.blogspot.com/

Courtesy of Teri Buhl -For What Its Worth

Plainfield Asset Management to relocate from Greenwich to Stamford ... Except you forgot to mention that news of Niv leaving to start his own fund was first reported two days ago by Teri Buhl at the Greenwich Blog-For What It's Worth...

2010 March 22 « The Laurel Reuters has a very interesting piece on Greenwich Time investigative journalist Teri Buhl. However, it is not that she just got fired but her entire blog ...

Top Stories News - Greenwich - Fwix Greenwich Roundup - Philip has left a new comment on your post 03/23/19 Greenwich Roundup Reader Shows No Love For Teri Buhl... : "Who ever is making that ... "

Mediagazer: A Web writing bootcamp for business journalists (Kelly ... Did Charlie Gasparino get Teri Buhl fired? — It's well known that Charlie Gasparino likes getting into mini-feuds with reporters who write about him, ...

More Information On Popular Ex-Greenwich Time Staffer Teri Buhl

03/21/10 Hearst Newspaper Cover Up: Thin skinned Faux news reporter gets Greenwich Time Investigative Reporter Teri Buhl fired?

Shame Shame Shame On Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber

Teri Buhl, hasn't just been fired from her job at Greenwich Time, a Hearst newspaper in Connecticut; her entire archive of blog entries there has disappeared, leaving only a message saying "This blog has been archived or suspended". It's as though Hearst wanted not only to fire her, but to make it seem as though they'd never hired her....

....the truth is that Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber praised Buhl's reporting on at a Greenwich Retired Men's Association meeting that was recorded for the local cable TV channel.Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber needs to stop running scared and grow a pair of journalistic balls.

Hearst Newspaper Editor needs to tell Greenwich Time readers what's going to happen to Bulh's blog archive, and further explain why it was taken down......

.....Here is the truth that Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber is hiding from the Greenwich Time readers.
Buhl wrote about Charlie Gasparino a couple of times on the blog she was hired to write at the beginning of this year ....

....Ms. Buhl correctly called him "Gas-bag", a common nickname which he doesn't like.

Angered, Gasparino called up the recently recently demoted and Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Jim Zebora, who is Ms. Bul's supervisor, and accused her of "stalking" him.,
Charlie then called Zebora's boss, Greenwich Time Editor McCumber, and made the same complaint. Once again, he didn't get very far. And then Charlie went further still, calling Steven Swartz, the president of Hearst newspapers, again with the same complaint.....

03/21/10 Hearst Newspaper Cover Up: The Gas Bag Gets Greenwich Time Investigative Reporter Teri Buhl Fired?

03/21/10 Hearst Newspaper Vice President Lincoln Millstein Has Blood On His Hands

03/21/10 Fox News Boy Charlie Gasparino Has No Comment About Teri Buhl's Firing At The Greenwich Time When Greenwich Roundup Called Him Up

03/22/10 Reader Submitted Comment On The Hearst Newspaper Cover Up Involving Greenwich Time Reporter Teri Buhl

03/22/10 Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Still Has Not Had The Journalistic Balls To Explain Why He Fired Greenwich Time Reporter Teri Buhl
Connecticut Reporter's Firing Draws Scrutiny

03/23/10 Greenwich Roundup Reader Comments About Fox News Reporter Charlie Gasparino Who Got Greenwich Time Reporter Teri Buhl Fired

03/23/10 Greenwich Roundup reader Comments On Fired Greenwich Time Reporter Teri Buhl

03/26/10 Will Hearst News Paper Editor David McCumber Soon Be Joining This Facebook Group?

The Departed (former staffers of The Advocate/Greenwich Time)
Heartless Greenwich BET Is Creating Another Town Disaster
Jewish And Christian laws and traditions concerning treatment of the poor, widows, orphans, travelers, and others in need, grew directly from biblical commands.
The Torah teaches Jews Christian and all of mankind about the poor, social justice, and God's deep concern for both.
The Torah teaches:
"If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks." - Deut. 15:7

Now when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field, neither shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. Nor shall you glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger. I am the LORD your God. - Lev. 19:19
What Would Jesus Do If He Sat On The Greenwich BET?
It's Not My Problem: Maybe The Well Off Members Of The Greenwich BET Should Look In The Mirror And Ask Themselves What Would Jesus Do About The Homeless, The hungry, The Unemployed, The Mentally Ill, The Financially Stressed Seniors, Disabled And Low Income Members Of Greenwich Society
Any Greenwich Church Pastor That Has A BET Member In His Congregation Should Delivers A Message Titled, "Don't Ask What Jesus Would Do - Do What Jesus Would Do"

Shame, Shame Shame On Any Greenwich BET Member Who Seeks To Limit Help To His Less Fortunate Neighbor Instead Of Going After The Fraud Waste And Abuse In Greenwich Government The Cowardly Greenwich BET Members Are Going After The Town's Poor Children

The BET Should Cut Out The Free Food That Is Passed Out In The First Selectman's Office And Other Offices Before Taking The Food Out Of The Mouths Of Hungry Greenwich Children Where Are The Priorities On The Greenwich BET?

Should Greenwich BET Members Save Money By Cutting Out The Social Services Food Closet For Unemployed Greenwich Families Or Should Greenwich BET Members Cut The Free Food Passed Out Around Town Hall To Fully Employed Town Workers And Visitors?

The Town Budget Can Be Cut Without Hurting The Weakest Members Of Greenwich Society.

Democrats Clash In First Televised Debate; Lamont, Malloy, Glassman,...
Ned Lamont has complained about Connecticut's transportation system during his campaign for governor, but it hit him personally Friday night.
Please send your comments, news tips and pres releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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