Hyper Local News Pages

Saturday, March 28, 2009

03/28/09 REVISING HISTORY: Greenwich Time Tries To Make It Look Like They Were On Top Of The Breaking AIG Scandal By Backloading Their Website

This Image Is Called The "AIG Driver" By Hearst Newspapers And Was Sent Down The Line To Make It Look Like The Greenwich Time Was On Top Of The Breaking AIG Bonus Scandal. Hearst Newspaper Has Slapped The Generic Image And On Many Of It's Newspapers Including The Danbury News Times, The Conneticut Post And Others.... (Editors Note: Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has Taken Down The Page Of Back Dated Links And Removed This Graphic From The Greenwich Time Web Site)


The Image Links Each Paper To A Generic Page Full Of Old Backdated Wire Reports That Are Made To Look Like The Local Heast Newspapers Were On Top Of The AIG Bonus Scandal

The Greenwich Time Doesn't Date The Page With Today's Date And Then Say Here Is A Summery Of What Wire Services Have Reported About The AIG Scandal.

When In Fact Many Greenwich Time Readers Know That These Back Dated Articles Just Showed Up Recently.

Some Of The Back Dated Greenwich Time Pages Are Downright Comical

For Instance This Page:

Inside AIG-FP, Feeling the Public's Wrath

It Was Supposedly Posted On 03/19/2009 At 05:04:40 PM EDT

The Only Problem Is The Page Is Blank

Supposedly This Greenwich Time Web Page Has There For 10 Days With Links To It And No Body Noticed It Was A Blank Page.

Go Look At The Blank Page That Supposedly Takes Us Inside The AIG - FP Wilton Office And Shows Up The AIG Employees Feeling The Public Wrath.

You Had Better Take A Quick Look, Because Thin Skinned Hearst Newspaper Editor Bruce Hunter Has A Nasty Habit Of Taking Down Web Pages When Greenwich Roundup Catchs The Greenwich Time With Its Pants Down In Public.

In Fact You Would Think That Greenwich Time's Regular Message Board Trolls Would Have Been Screaming, "WTF, There Is No Story Here!!!!!" For The Last Ten Days.

Oh Wait A minute Here Is Another Funny Back Datted Page At The Greenwich Time.....

AIG a slap in the face to labor

By Tim Rutten
Posted: 03/19/2009

President Barack Obama and his administration have made a shambles of the AIG bailout, and the failure won't be papered over by the chief executive's populist campaign rhetoric.

First Of All If You Do A Google News Search For "AIG a slap in the face to labor" You Will Find That After Ten Days Google Has No Listing At All. Currently Google Has 19 Listings For "AIG a slap in the face to labor", But Non Of Them Are From The Greenwich Time. Maybe Tommorow Or The Next Day Google Will Find The Freshly Back Dated Article And Add It To It's Search Results.

Greenwich Roundup Knows What Your Thinking: "Who The Hell Is Tim Rutten?"

Well According To News Busters Tim Rutten Is ....

Tim Rutten NewsBusters.org
As we've noted several times before, Los Angeles Times Opinion Editor Tim Rutten hardly misses an opportunity to bash the Catholic Church. ...

Media Report DEscribes Tim Rutten This Way....

TheMediaReport.com :: Tim Rutten at the Los Angeles Times
Sep 17, 2005 ... Los Angeles Times' media critic Tim Rutten has long had a somewhat troubled relationship with reality (for just a few examples, see here, ...

Slate Magazine Describes Tim Rutten As.....

Slimmer Tim Rutten! - - Slate Magazine
Apr 3, 2007 ... On March 24, Los Angeles Times media critic Tim Rutten expounded on the controversy surrounding the cancellation of an opinion section ...

Actually I Am Starting To Like This Tim Rutton Guy, But Greenwich Roundup Just Surprised He Is Now A Featured Reporter At The Greenwich Time. A Newspaper That Is Trying To Be The Fox News Of Lower Fairfield County.

In Fact, Many Hard Core Republican Cable TV News Junkies Can't Stand Tim Rutten, Ye None Of Them Complained When He Supposedly Appeared On Their Local Conservative Newspaper's Web Site.

Here Watch How Ultra Conservative Lou Dobbs blasts LA Times media critic Tim Rutten For 3 Minutes And 33 Seconds .

Man, I Am Really Starting To Like This Tim Rutten If He Can Get Lou Dobbs This Upset And He Isn't Even An Illegal Alien.

Maybe Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Will Make Tim Rutten The Local Greenwich Time Media Critic, Then Both Rutten And Greenwich Roundup Can Both Criticize Hunters Poor Preformance At Hearst Newspapers.

The Fact Is You Just Can't Trust Bruce Hunter And The Greenwich Time.

Greenwich Time Staff
Posted: 03/19/2009 06:54:07 PM EDT
There is blame a-plenty to go around in the giant shell game that has caused our nation's finances to collapse. A lot of it very close to home in fact -- starting with American International Group's Financial Products Division, based in Wilton, a source of the credit default swaps that not only helped create the problem, but spread it so far and wide that the crisis became systemic.
.....That said, people in Congress need to cut it with the scapegoating and get busy solving the deep, deep problems with our financial system. Yes, it makes good TV, but the bonuses are a tiny part of the issue. Congress was, at best, asleep as AIG and its cohorts were up to their tricks. At worst, it was a knowing abettor. Then Washington forked over huge amounts of cash with no say over how it all would be spent......
.....The problems with our economy go so far beyond shameful bonuses that every moment that legislators spend grandstanding for the cameras is really just another slap in the faces of the many millions who have already lost so much.......
There Is Not Much Local News At The Greenwich Time, Because Hearst Newspapers Has Once Again Cleaned House And Cut Back At The Daily Rag Once Again.

Greenwich Time Staffers Are Depressed And Demoralized Today

They Just Don't Have The Luck Of The Irish At The Green Kitty Litter Liner

Not by me - I kind of enjoy the paper, which can be consumed in thirty seconds and you’re good to go, but there are those who don’t and are anticipating its demise with glee......
Cityfile - New York... he'd received to try and make the case that releasing the names of immoral AIG employees might lead to a drive-by in Fairfield or Greenwich or wherever. ...
....But some Democrats, including freshmen Reps. Jim Himes, D-Conn., and Michael McMahon, D-N.Y., had planned to vote against the bill because they believed lawmakers were "rushing through" the process.
Himes and McMahon represent many Wall Street constituents in Greenwich, Conn .....
Barny Frank, whoremaster of Georgetown, is pushing to ban all bonuses,any bonuses, being paid to any employee of a company that’s received TARP money....
Greenwich Resident Richard Blumenthal Has Discovered That The AIG Pirates Are Lying To America
Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Has Doomed His "100 Days Of Change" Initiative To Failure, Because He Continues To Employ An Incompetitant Editor At The Greenwich Time
Apparently, Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has No Contacts In The CT AG's OfficeHearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Is A Sleep At The Switch As Out Of Town News Organizations Are Covering The Story In The Greenwich Time's Own Backyard
Ex- Greenwich Time Managing Editor And Now Hearst Newspaper Reporter Jim "I Like Writting About Beer" Zebora Is Clueless That AIG Lied And Paid Out An Additional 53 Million In Tax Dollars To The Jackpot Jimmys At AIG
New York Post
Difficult as it may now be to believe, there once was a time when folks on Wall Street were held in high regard. The high rollers at firms like Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and the financial services division of AIG may have been a tad haughty if not outright arrogant, but the lucre they generated evoked similar sums of admiration and envy.
But with Wall Street's reputation currently fluttering around the lofty heights set by Al Qaeda and the North American Man-Boy Love Association, some experts are saying the stigma attached to working in finance is hurting the ability of downsized bankers to find new jobs
....... Sandy Gross, founder and managing partner at Pinetum Partners, an executive search firm in Greenwich, Conn., is likewise seeing some blowback resulting from the current banking morass.
"There are people in HR who say, 'I'm not going to go there and touch anyone who comes from that organization,'" she says, noting that the large pool of applicants makes it easy for hiring execs to send the resumes of people from troubled firms to the shredder. ...

03/24/09 UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR: Former Greenwich Resident And AIG Bum "Fake Jake" DeSantis Tries To Buck Efforts to Give Back Bonus Pay
Democracy Now
They have one that’s in Greenwich, Connecticut, and one that’s in London. I’m assuming most of these employees are Americans. But, you know, the key thing ...
New York Daily News
Good Ole Honest Abe Had It Right
At Was Abraham Lincoln who said....

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.'

Hats off, as they would say in Honest Abe's time, to the out of town newspapers and bloggers who were not so easily fooled like the Greenwich Time amateurish news team

Compare And Contrast The Green Kitty Litter Liner's Reporting With That Of Out Of Town Newspapers And Bloggers

If You Want To Know What Is Really Going On In And Around Greenwich, Then You Have To Read The Out Of Town Newspapers, As Well As, Local And National Blogs.....
Financial Times
It has been a good week for US plutocrats and technocrats. The Andrew Cuomo-prompted give-back of the bulk of the $165m in AIG bonuses appeased the angry, anti-bankster mob....
....This week was just a lull in the storm: the nation's widespread and deeply felt anger at financial capitalists and capitalism remains the new and dominant fact of the country's political life. So far, neither Washington nor Wall Street seem to have fully grasped this political sea-change, or figured how to deal with it....
....is that elite and mass opinion in the US are sharply and dangerously divided, a cleavage he sees as deep as the more frequently discussed partisan split. From the perspective of the nation's elite - not just the Greenwich, Connecticut, fund manager, but also the Stanford professor and the DC think-tanker.....
..... As a result, fairness and yes, even equality, have become more important to ordinary people than at any time since the Great Depression. Like all political revolutions, the privileged class is finding it hard adapting to this shift. But ignorance is dangerous: in the days after the Bolshevik revolution, Russia's bourgeoisie didn't think much had happened, either, and stock prices held steady on the Petrograd exchange.
These Citizen Journalists Remind Me Of The Greenwich Citizen,
Because They Have Not Updated Their Blogs In Over A Week.......
Did You Ever Notice That: Most Of The Pokey Bloggers
Are Current And Ex-Hearst Newspaper Employees.....
(Hired, Then Fired, Then Re-Hired Hearst Newspaper Employee ????)
Out there … The Toast and Roast Dinner to honor Joe Pisani, former editor of the Greenwich Time/Stamford Advocate, took place last week at the Greenwich Hyatt...
4 months ago

Hopefully, "The Better Late Than Never"
Greenwich Citizen Will Update Before
The Sun Goes Down Today


6:45 PM

We bail out American International Group Inc. and they party. We bail them out again and they hand out millions of dollars of the taxpayers' money in bonuses.
No Other Connecticut News Media Outlet Or Blogger Reported That The Clock Was Ticking On A Second Round Of AIG Bonuses Until Yesterday Afternoon
Only Greenwich Roundup Was The Voice In The Lone Voice In The Wilderness Howling That The AIG Pirates Were Planning To Double Down With A Second Taxpayer Taxpayer Theft
It Took Greenwich Resident Richard Blumenthal Ten Days To Finally Listen To Greenwich Roundup, But After He Read The Greenwich Roundup Reports And Then Looked At The Fine Print Of The AIG Contract He Found Out That......

Greenwich Roundup Had
Been Right All Along About
The Second AIG Bonus To Be
Paid Out On March 15, 2010


Everyone Town Knows That The Greenwich Time Has A Long History Of Not Name Names In The Backcountry.

But These Greedy Backcountry Sleazeballs Should Face The Judgement Of Every Working Greenwich Resident They Encounter As They Spend Their Dirty Bonus Bucks.

Incompetent Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has No Nose For News And Doesn't Realize That This Is Not Going To Just Blow Over.

Here Is A News Flash For The Clueless Bruce Hunter:

An AIG Source Has Told Greenwich Roundup The Truth About The AIG Employee Retention Plan, That Is Causing Working Folks To Start Sharpening Their Pitchforks.

There Are Two Sets Of Bonus Payments.

This Is The First Bonus And Covers December 01, 2007 To November 30, 2008 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2009.

Most People Including Bruce Hunter Don't Realize That The Clock Is Already Ticking On A Second Round Of Bonus Payments.

The Is Second Bonus Payments Cover December 01, 2008 To November 30, 2009 That Was To Be Paid No Later Than March 15th of 2010.

Next Years Bonus Payments Are A Done Deal

Yes The Greedy Backcountry SOBs Are At Home Patiently Waiting For Their Second Bonus Check As Hard Working Greenwich Taxpayers Holler About How Their Hard Earned Money Is Being Wasted.

Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Should Tell Greenwich Time Reporters To Name Names And Rat Out The Greedy Backcountry Bonus Babies, Because Hardworking Greenwich Families Now Own 80% Of AIG.

Now Ten Days Later Every One Is Reporting
This Greenwich Roundup News Scoop:

Look At All Of This News In The Last 16 Hours....
Hartford Courant

By LYNN DOANConnecticut's attorney general urged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday to block an additional $232 million in bonuses scheduled to be delivered to AIG Financial Products employees next March — plans confirmed by AIG officials during a state legislative hearing Thursday.Since December, AIG has delivered $218 million in bonuses to keep employees working at its dying Financial Products subsidiary in Wilton.

AIG executive Stephen Blake confirmed in testimony before the legislature's banks committee Thursday that the company plans to deliver more bonuses in March 2010. That would bring the total of so-called retention bonuses paid to division employees — designed to keep them working long enough to dismantle the business — to $450 million......
‎HARTFORD, Conn., Mar 27, 2009 (UPI ) -- The Connecticut attorney general said Friday he'll try to stop $230 million in additional bonuses ...
The Hour
......it was revealed that the total projected payout of bonuses for 2008 and 2009 is closer to $451 million as opposed to the previously understood $232 million, and there may be additional payouts in 2010.....
By Karen Freifeld March 27
(Bloomberg) -- American International Group Inc. should be stopped by the federal government from paying another $230 million in ...
NBC Connecticut
AIG employees might be taking home $450 million in bonuses, rather than the $185 and $232 million figures tossed around ...

AIG Bonus: CT Attorney General tries to block additional $230 ...
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal -- in a letter today -- urged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to block another $230 million in AIG bonuses slated for payment, saying no Connecticut law impedes such action.
Hartford BusinessBy Greg Bordonaro opposed to a previous estimate of $218 million, and there may be additional payouts in 2010, state lawmakers said today. State Sen. ...

But Greenwich Roundup Readers Like The Employees In Richard Blumenthal's Office Have Known About The Scheduled March 15, 2010 Payment For Days.

In Fact Greenwich Roundup Has Been Reporting On The Second AIG Pay Out Almost Every Day For The Last Ten Days

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gtmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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