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Thursday, March 26, 2009

03/26/09 Ace Reporter Ken Borsuk Reports The Truth And Lets The Chips Fall Where They May, While The "Yellowich Time" Puts It's Head In The Sand

Gang Members Threaten Wilbur Peck Residents With Retribution If They Call Or Talk To The The Greenwich Police Department

Failed Green Kitty Litter Liner, Managing Editor, Bruce Hunter Is Too Afraid Of Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Reaction To To Report The Facts

Hearst Newspapers Rookie Reporter's Were Too Scared To Go To Wilbur Peck And Interview The Residents Who Have To Deal With Criminal Activity On A Daily Basis - That's Why The Greenwich Time Only Published One Side Articles That Only Quoted Police And Housing Authority Officials

Wilbur Peck Senior Citizens And Children Live In Fear, Because Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Lets A Gang Of Punks Run An Open Air Drug Market On Town Property

Some in fear as Wilbur Peck calls for more patrols
Greenwich Post

Written by Ken Borsuk, Staff Reporter

Residents of Wilbur Peck Court are demanding action from the town and from police in the wake of a March 14 incident that left three police officers with minor injuries and several residents under arrest. ....

.....Wilbur Peck resident Aldina Portu said she has long been sounding the alarm about the Flores brothers and the overall problems in the complex, but neither the Housing Authority nor the police have done anything about it. She said there is an overall lack of security in the complex and the brothers and their friends are constantly harassing people, drinking, doing drugs and threatening people they think might be speaking to authorities.

Ms. Portu has been a resident of the complex with her eight-year-old daughter for two years. She said she filed complaints with Housing Authority Executive Director Anthony Johnson and Deputy Director Terry Mardula well before the incident.

“They chose to ignore me,” Ms. Portu said. “They promise things to us that they never deliver and we don’t feel safe. I told them that someone is going to be seriously hurt or killed. I told them to take action but they didn’t do anything.”

Ms. Portu told the Post residents are afraid to go out at night and people are afraid of retribution. She said the central problem in the complex is the Flores brothers and their friends, and the complex needs increased and regular patrol presence by police.

“All of the trash in Greenwich comes to visit the Flores brothers,” Ms. Portu said. “They’re drinking and doing drugs and committing vandalism and no one is doing anything about it.” Speaking to the Post on Tuesday, several Wilbur Peck residents, some of whom declined to go on the record due to safety concerns, said there has been a long-term problem at the complex.

Candice Smith said she constantly finds drugs, empty beer bottles and used condoms around the grounds.......

....Another resident, a senior citizen who declined to give her name, said she has been insulted with profanity to her face and had rocks and bottles thrown at her door. She also criticized the Housing Authority for focusing on small issues......

.....Ms. Smith said she wants to see more residents of the complex standing up, too.....

......Stamford attorney Mark Sherman, who is representing the Floreses in court, told the Post on Monday that the issues at Wilbur Peck Court go beyond the brothers.

These problems are not the result of just a few people,” Mr. Sherman said......

Greenwich Time Hates To Tell
Failed Greenwich Time
Managing Editor Bruce Hunter
We Told You So, But.....
.....Eby Kerekes, 52, an eight-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court, said she is constantly disturbed by a group of young men she sees hanging out from her window."I have no peace," said Kerekes.
"You have to walk on egg shells around here. It keeps getting worse."Ramone Medrano, 86, who has lived at Wilbur Peck Court for 20 years, said he often hears a group of men drinking and making noise late at night."Every day it's the same thing," he said.....
What's Terry Mardula Hiding?

....Terry Mardula, deputy director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, said he was aware of residents' frustration over a group known to cause disturbances and they are taking the matter seriously.

However, he said that there is no simple solution to solve the problem.

"People think this wouldn't have happened if there was more security there, or if there were more cameras. That is not the cause of this. These are young adults who abuse alcohol and do not like to be directed on what to do," said Mardula.

While Mardula said the Wilbur Peck complex is equipped with security cameras, he declined to comment on their condition or disclose how many there are. Residents said the cameras only monitor the garbage areas.....
....Ridberg Pussy Foots Around The Gang Question

...."It depends on how you classify a gang. If it's a very general description of two or more people engaged in criminal activity, then yes. .....

This Kind Of Reminds One Of When
Former President Clinton Said,
"It Depends What Your Deifinition Of "Is" Is

At Least Mardula Is Willing To Tell The Taxpayers The Truth About The Violence

....While he noted that some behaviors are correctable, like a noise violation, others, such as behaving violently, are not.

"For me, it's hard to see how this is correctable," Mardula said
......Greenwich Officials Continues To Ignore Byram Gang Problem As Gang Fight Comes To Davis Avenue Next To Bruce Park.

Greenwich Police Officer Caught In The Middle Of Gang FightJust Blocks From Greenwich Avenue

Calls for backup brings, almost the entire, night time shift to bring the down town street under control.

Will The Greenwich Police Department release copies of the radio tapes of the gang incident to the press and the general public?
This all happened Friday over night just blocks from Greenwich Avenue.Greenwich Police Officer and Backup Officers are forced draw weapons on the armed gang members on Davis Avenue.

Four Or Five Gang Members Arrested By Greenwich Police Officers.Knives, Bats and Other Weapons Confiscated From Gang Members who will appear in court on Monday morning.
Luckily no Greenwich police officers or innocent civilians were not injured in bringing the disturbance under control.

Port Chester Gang Members Were Involved......
......Bruce Hunter And Lazy Merideth Blake Need To Learn That There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story And They Need To Include All Of The Vioces Of Greenwich Society.

In This Case There Is At Least Four Sides, The Meyhem With The Police, Gang Activity In The Area, The Greenwich Police Departments Community Relations And The Minority Police Officer's Lawsuit That Alleges That Discrimination Is Pervasive In The Greenwich Police Department.

Lazy Greenwich Time Reporter Meridith Blake Ignored Everything Except The Meyhem With The Police Department And Then Only Used One Sourse .....

Sgt. James Bonney The Head Of The Greenwich Police Union.....
....Police Officers Tell Greenwich Roundup That
Jorge Cardenas-Rey Holds Some Type Of Leadership Position
In The Gang That Greenwich Police Chief
David Ridberg Says Doesn't Exist.

Further, Greenwich Police Officers Are Angry That It Was Not Released That Jorge Cardenas- was arrested on Valentines day morning and charged for a very similar incident that did not escalate in to an out of control situation.

In The Valentines Day incident Jorge Cardenas-Rey
was arrested for interfering with a police officer
and disorderly conduct.

Greenwich Police Officers say after that the Valentine's Day arrest, and many after other previous incidents, they have repeatedly complained that Gang activity is getting out of hand in the Davis Avenue Area.

But, Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg just ignores their complaints.....

For What It's Worth


Please Read About Another Gang Incident
Reported In Greenwich Roundup:

Please Also Read How Greenwich Citizens Are Complaining
That Nothing Is Being Done About Gang Activity:

04/21/08 - Reader Submitted Comments: Nightmare On Pemberwick Road

Please Also Read About TheGang Graffiti Problem In Byram:

Please send your comments, news tips and press re;eases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

It Is Going To Be A Long Hot Summer In Downtown Greenwich If Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Fails To Tackle The Drug And Gang Problems In Central Greenwich

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