Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2/1/09 Ridberg has had to delegate responsibilities normally handled by deputy chiefs and captains to lieutenants in order to keep things running



Greenwich Police Chief Ridberg fells "shot" because of the stress of thee past 18 months.

Ridberg is struggling at the administrative level: Is this a direct threat to public safety?


"Clearly we are looking for the Supreme Court to adjudicate the matter," said First Selectman Peter Tesei. "That would be the most welcomed news I could receive."


First selectman concerned about strained police department

Although a new year is here, the police department is still living in the past due to a nearly five-year-old injunction that bars it from filling any of the four vacancies at the top of the chain of command.

Officials said the promotion freeze on all positions above captain has strained the department, overtaxing the chief of police and causing the lieutenants below him to take on new responsibilities in order to shoulder some of the burden.


Debra Friedman




While Greenwich Time Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman Mentions The Following.....

The injunction was effected during the course of a lawsuit filed by Lt. Gary Honulik, who sued the town in 2004 for failing to promote him to police captain even though he scored the highest on the promotional exam.

In 2007, the state Superior Court in Stamford ruled in Honulik's favor, promoting him to captain and demoting Captain Michael Pacewicz back to a lieutenant. Pacewicz had been promoted to the job in 2003 instead of Honulik.

However, the town was granted an expedited appeal of the case by the state Supreme Court, which deemed the matter an issue of public safety.

As a result of the appeal, a judge ruled the injunction would stay in effect until a state Supreme Court ruling. Honulik has remained a lieutenant during the litigation.

Rookie Reporter Friedman Fails To Mention One Key Fact ......

That Former First Selectman Jim Lash And Former Police Chief Walters Added An Extra Step In The Hiring Process When Lt. Gary Honulik Had A Higher Test Score Than The Well Connected Lt. Michael Pacewicz. This Was A violation Of Civil Service Rules.

Virtually everyone in town, except Rookie Reporter Friedman knows that....

Town Attorney John Wayne has wasted scarce taxpayer dollars losing this unnessary lawsuit in the state Superior Court in Stamford and has flushed even more tax dollars down the toilet appealing this case to state Supreme Court.

John Wayne Fox was clearly wrong to advice former First Selectman and Police Commissioner Jim Lash that he could change the rules in middle of the civil service hiring process.

Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg could relive all of his stress and hire his four Captains And Deputy Chiefs Tommorow If Town Attorney John Wayne Fox Would Admit That He Gave The Town Bad Advice And Drop This Stupid And Expensive Appeal.

Why Didn't Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman Mention That First Selectman Peter Tesei Used To Be Oppossed To Town Attorney John Wayne Fox's Appeal .....




Republican and Democratic nominees for first selectman in this fall's election said challenging a court decision forcing the promotion of a policeman to captain will hurt public safety and cost more than legal fees.....

.....The ruling also directed that Capt. Michael Pacewicz, the man promoted instead of Honulik, be returned to his former rank, with Shay ruling that Pacewicz was promoted illegally.....

.....'I think the situation is a very sad saga for the individuals involved, the Greenwich Police Department, the town, and I don't think we should exhaust further resources appealing the decision,' said Tesei, chairman of the Board of Estimate and Taxation. 'We need to move forward.'

Farricker, a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, said the appeal would be another in a line of ill-chosen battles, part of a wider pattern of the town aimlessly taking cases to trial when settlement would appear wiser, and alienating employees by disregarding town poliies.


Did You Notice How Greenwich Slime Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman And Town Officials Failed To Talk About The Unearned Pension Benefits That They Want The Greenwich Retirement Board To Give Illegally Appointed Greenwich Police Captain Michael Pacewicz ?
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