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Saturday, November 8, 2008

11/08/08 Greenwich Time Still Missing The Story About A former Greenwich Resident And Fake Rockefeller That Greenwich Police Department Let Drive Away

Frank C. Girardot,

Staff Writer

Clark Rockefeller's new defense attorney said Thursday his client had nothing to do with the disappearance of a San Marino couple from their home 23 years ago.

Jeffrey Denner took over as Rockefeller's lead attorney this week. He said he is still getting up to speed and will spend the next several weeks reviewing documents.

"I'm convinced that my client had nothing to do with the disappearance or death of anyone in L.A. or anywhere else for that matter," Denner said.

Rockefeller, 47, is a person of interest in the 1985 disappearance of John and Linda Sohus. Authorities believe John's bones were found in 1994 in the backyard of the San Marino home he shared with his wife and mother.

They said Rockefeller's real name is Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, and he is a German national who came to the United States in the late 1970s posing as an exchange student.
Gerhartsreiter remains in custody in Suffolk County awaiting trial on parental abduction charges.

Denner said that although he has taken over as lead attorney in the case, he would retain Rockefeller's previous attorney Stephen Hrones on the defense team.....

... He was a tenant of John Sohus' mother Didi at the time of couple's disappearance in 1985.
Chichester briefly resurfaced in Greenwich, Conn. in 1988 driving John Sohus' pickup truck. He was wanted in connection with the disappearance at the time, but was never questioned.

Gerhartsreiter's trail went cold until July when Boston police sought Clark Rockefeller in connection with the abduction of his daughter Reigh "Snooks" Boss.

Upon his arrest on Aug. 2, police announced they had evidence that linked Rockefeller to Gerhartsreiter and Chichester.

Meanwhile Rockefeller's Denner has filed a motion asking for the return of about $280,000 in gold coins that were seized by the FBI when he was arrested.

The coins were part of the divorce settlement, officials said.

"It's his money," Denner said. "It's my understanding that we've been negotiating for some time to get the gold coins back."

Wark said prosecutors "agree in spirit with the request."

"We are not opposed to the release of the gold, which is not physically critical to our case," Wark said. "There are certain conditions we'd like to see met first."

A hearing on the request was postponed until Dec. 1.
Please See:
From a Sheriff's bulletin: Chichester_Wanted_Poster.pdf

Creepy con man Clark Rockefeller posed as the long-lost brother of serial killer David Berkowitz and tried to use the Son of Sam's Social Security number to get his Wall Street broker's license.
The fake Rockefeller - born Christian Gerhartsreiter in Germany and jailed for allegedly kidnapping his daughter, "Snooks" - called the killer's lawyer around 1985 claiming to need information to confirm that Berkowitz, who was adopted, was the sibling he never knew, the lawyer said.

"He said that he'd been abandoned by his family, too," said lawyer Mark Jay Heller, who is convinced that the caller was Gerhartsreiter.

Heller refused the caller's request for a Social Security number, but the bizarre Bavarian appears to have gotten it anyway.

A former colleague said the faker got his first finance job in 1985, with venture capitalist Stanford Phelps in Greenwich, Conn., using the name Christopher Crowe.

Phelps fired him within a year after learning from the National Association of Securities Dealers that he had used the Social Security number of David Berkowitz, said the ex-colleague.
When Gerhartsreiter got a job at Nikko on Wall Street, Phelps called, and again "Crowe" was fired, the trader said.

Rockefeller's lawyer, Stephen Hrones, said his client doesn't have a memory of using Berkowitz's ID.

At his next job, at Kidder-Peabody, Gerhartsreiter "went into his manager's office saying his parents had been kidnapped in South America and he needed to go down there to pay a ransom," the trader said.

The next day, FBI agents showed up at Nikko, looking for "Crowe," Barnett and the trader said.
They wanted to question him about a truck he was driving in Connecticut that was owned by John Sohus, his ex-landlord, who'd vanished with his wife, Linda, from their San Marino, Calif., home four years earlier. They never found "Crowe" or the truck, but in 1994 contractors digging a pool at the home unearthed three plastic bags containing a hacked-up male skeleton, according to the LA County Sheriff's Office.

Please Also See:

Dave Copeland, who knows something about criminals and New York, makes some calls to learn about "Rockefeller's" less than illustrious career on Wall Street back in the Gordon Gekko days:
... But after two days at Lehman, Rockefeller told his supervisors that he needed to take time off to search for his parents, who he said had gone missing in Afghanistan. Sources said Rockefeller – who told co-workers at Nikko he was film director Christoher Crowe – was dismissed by Lehman. Rockefeller even invited co-workers to the Greenwich, Conn. guest house he was renting for screenings of “his” movies. Rockefeller claimed he was living in the guest house because his own home was being renovated, a claim that co-workers assumed was one of his tall tales.

Within days of his dismissal from Lehman, Connecticut State Police detectives arrived at the offices of both Lehman and Nikko looking to question Rockefeller. ...
One guess what they might have wanted to question him about. Yep.

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