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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

02/06/08 - Dr. Ian Rubin's Family Has Complained About The Press, But At Least The Family Got Justice.

There has been an extensive letter writing campaign from family members and fiends complaining of the press coverage over the shocking murder of Dr.Ian Rubins.

And while I feel for the family during this horrific and sad time.

I do think that the family is being a bit insensitive to the Bria family of Byram.

Like Dr. Rubins, No One Called To Help 19 Year Old John J. Bria.

But the Bria family has went three years without getting justice.

The Greenwich Police Department closed the case and Megan Caron, Katie Hanscom, Savannah Lamotte and Jason Cunningham have ecaped responsibility for the Byram boy's death.

Please see previous reports about John....

Nor has anyone been punished in the drug death of Kyle Lendenmann, a 17-year-old Greenwich High School student.

One year ago, Kyle was found dead at his home from what the Greenwich Police Department said was a methadone overdose.

Both of these Greenwich families are waiting for Justice for their boys.

Things could have been worse.

Leonard Bajramaj could of killed Dr. Rubins in Greenwich, where murders often go unpunished.

The Greenwich Police Department should re-open the Bria and Lendenmann cases and bring those responsible to justice.

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com


The Greenwich Police Department Later Open The Cold Case Files On John Bria And Kyle Lenderman. Person's Involved In These Deaths Were Eventually Brought To Court And Recieved Some Punishment.


  1. excuse me? who do you think you are? yes i am sorry about those families, but they are completely different stories. they have nothing to do with this. the rubins family is not insensitive.

  2. listen, fuck u, because you have absolutely no clue what this family had been going through. insensitive?? these cases have nothing to do with each other. yes, its true, what happened to the other children is awful, but the Rubins' have every right to be wrapped up in their own business.

    plus, as sad as it is what happened to kyle...what exactly would "justice" be for that family? their son was a drug addict, there was no murder involved.


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