Hyper Local News Pages

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

05/13/08 - RTM NOTES - Betty Sternberg And Her Failed School Administrators Get A $972,000 (Updated)

Single Family Home Owners Forced To Pay For
Sue "Please Don't Fire Me" Wallerstein Screw Ups

The RTM Approves A $972,000 Ham. Ave. Bailout

The Emergency Funding Measure Passed
By A 156 To 2 vote

The funds will used to clean up the contamination that "was never a danger" to the small children of Hamilton Avenue School.

The contamination had forced the emergency evacuation of Hamilton Avenue School students from their water soaked modular classrooms in March, thus launching the biggest Board Of Education history.

The modular units were built to house the children of Hamilton Avenue school whose school had closed due to mold growth.

Greenwich School Superintendent Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg ordered the emergency evacuation of Hamilton Avenue School in March after massive mold colonies were found growing in the poorly maintained modular buildings.

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg ordered her failed administrators to disperse the small children of Hamilton Avenue School to other schools across the district for the rest of the year while officials refused to allow Hamilton Avenie School to independently test the contaminated modular classrooms.

The Board Of Education wants to use the contaminated modular classrooms for the small children who will be displaced during the renovation of Glenville School even though the classrooms have not been independently tested.

The Hamilton Avenue Parents have hired a lawyer to force Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg to allow them to independently test the contaminated modular buildings.

The Hamilton Avenue Parents want to know what happened to their small children in those school district modular classrooms.

Please See:

05/08/08 - Greenwich Public Schools Lied To Parents When They Tried To Blame The Hamilton Avenue Modular Contamination On The Factory

05/09/09 - Hey Greenwich Time - Glenville School Parents Want To Know - WHY??????

How many parents and single family home owners of Greenwich remember this news headline.....

03/12/08 No mold hazard found at Ham Ave. modulars (Greenwich Time)

By The Way: Have You Seen Anything In The Greenwich Time About How
Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg
And Her Failed School Administrators
Did In The Harris Survey?

03/07/08 - Delayed - The Harris Survey, a bi-annual satisfaction survey of parents, teachers and students, which was to be sent out this month.

03/30/08 - School Parents Are Excited That The Delayed School Satisfaction Survey Is Comming Out Next Week


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